I like that one scene from friends, where pheobe says she doesn't believe in evolution because there's so many possibilities that could contribute or have happened that we don't know of yet but Ross is still pestering her about it until that point. That's how I feel on the subject.
I cant speak for everyone but alot of Christian peers of mine will tell you that evolution of man occurred before god created Adam i cant say the same for older generations
your' separate country' is actually a few buildings in the middle of Rome, Italia's capital. it's not like there's 300 square kilometers of desert separating Vatican from Italy, man.
The Vatican is considered a separate country from Italy, however it is geographically in Italy, it however doesn't answer to any 'worldly' governments and is overseen by the pope and cardinals.
Time to drop some knowledge on you, lindsmolinari. Vatican City was established as an independent nation in 1929 to remove the possibility of interference from the Italian government in church matters. Small as it may be, Vatican City is globally recognized as it's own nation and the Pope as it's sovereign leader. Vatican City also has the distinction of being one of three nations completely surrounded by another nation, also known as an enclave. *NBC's "The More You Know" star flies overhead*
I thank you all for your detailed attempts to educate my poor ignorant arse.
Regardless of legalities, Vatican City is considered as a part of Italia. Partially, because there's not physical boudaries separating them and partially due to their historical connections. Italians created most of its famous buildings and monuments, including the outrageously famous Basilica di San Pietro. Italians (being a predominantly Christian nation) consider Vatican City to be a part of their country and culture.
Shorty, if you want to nitpick, Pope indeed lives in his own separate country etc but sometimes nitpicking prevents you from realizing the point. ...not to mention it kills the humor.
PS: I never opposed the fact that Vatican isn't a legally separate country yet everybody felt a burning need to explain that, again, to me. Incredible!
You're the one who wrote "'separate county'". There is no "regardless of legalities", Vatican City is an independent nation that happens to reside within Italy, an enclave as stated above.
I am Catholic (this post is sort of bashing Catholics/the pope for not believing in evolution) and I, along with the majority of Catholics, support evolution... Catholics arenĀ“t necessarily Creationists. In fact, the current pope supports evolution.
· 9 years ago
You believe that the church has authority over god, you might as well toss the bible in the bin.
The stats are wrong. Googling the matter, most websites seem to agree that about 60-70 percent of Americans believe in evolution. Can we stop making up fake stats to make religious people/Americans look dumb please?
Regardless of legalities, Vatican City is considered as a part of Italia. Partially, because there's not physical boudaries separating them and partially due to their historical connections. Italians created most of its famous buildings and monuments, including the outrageously famous Basilica di San Pietro. Italians (being a predominantly Christian nation) consider Vatican City to be a part of their country and culture.
Shorty, if you want to nitpick, Pope indeed lives in his own separate country etc but sometimes nitpicking prevents you from realizing the point. ...not to mention it kills the humor.
PS: I never opposed the fact that Vatican isn't a legally separate country yet everybody felt a burning need to explain that, again, to me. Incredible!