The individuals who stay inside doing nothing inherit succes but they themselves have never achieved success. If you choose monetary value as the only measure of success then I feel you may live a sad life.
sure if all her jobs are next to each other and next to her house and she needs literally no time to transition from bed to ready to work. personally for my work day i wake up at 8 barely leave the house by 9 and get home by 10, leaving 2 hours left over if i get a proper sleep, and thats just a normal 40 hour work week.
Not necessarily. If she works 7 days/week (which is most likely), then she needs to average 13 1/2 hours/day. It's though, but it's totally possible. If she's working at Starbucks and a bakery, she most likely has very early morning hours into early/somewhat later evening. I used to work 80 hours/week at 2 jobs when in college. I didn't sleep a heck of a lot, but it's doable.
Yeah. I only responded because I worked around 75 hrs per week while I was paying my way through college. It was insane when I graduated and got a job working 45 hours a week. I didn't know what to do with the extra time.
If anything, this just proves why the "free" college could be a good thing. She has to work RIDICULOUSLY hard to put her kids through college and she shouldn't need to.
its interesting how some people read this and see proof of needing change and others read it and see proof that people need to just start working just as hard. personally i find it impressive but see proof that we need change because no one should have to work 90 hours in a week just to provide education to their family.
Education should be a right not a privilege and those who are willing to go to collage should be able to without their parent working 95 hours per week
Am I the ONLY person who realized I could go to community college before university and not go into debt? COLLEGE IS NOT A RIGHT. Although I think 95 hours a week is a little much you need to realize she's doing three at once and one was Yale.
We have a right to education to the most basic education in public school systems. Everyone has the opportunity to start somewhere. The government can't afford to pay for every single person's education all the way up to a grad degree. If college is free, how motivated are we gonna be to go to class? In high school sometimes we're not motivated enough to go to school everyday(some, not all). If college is free are we going to be just as motivated to go to class, and pass our classes? Even some of the laziest people now probably wouldn't get a degree even if college was free. Because they know if they fail they can just keep retaking it and there's no consequences. Thats not how the world works. If you want a higher education you need to prove you can work hard for it. You get a helping hand with a free high school diploma. Its to get you started, not carry you all the way there.
Too bad to get a halfway decent job today, you need a lot more than a high school diploma and a lot of people can't afford anything else without going into debt.
how come the same people who want to "make america great again" don't care about increasing our overall education level? isnt that one of the biggest things we measure whos great by?
I'm not a big Trump fan but are you seriously blaming him for the failing education system? Also yeah we should stop cutting funding that wouls really help. And getting rid of teachers who don't work. And maybe stop giving taxpayer dollars to other countries. And stop electing the people who think we need to. And start electing the people who will sit down and say "let's figure out how to fix it and do that".
I agree jmvail, we should definitely improve our school system. However, I think the government should overall stop interfering with college. That's part of the reason it got so overpriced. They're trying to justify the government money/involvement, and thus prices get raised to ridiculous heights and affect the students directly. It's a shame. I shouldn't be happy that I'll be graduating with less than $30K in student loans next year. My husband was close to $45K in the hole and he's going to do grad school in order for a salary increase, but that's another $20K right there. Between us 2, we have nearly half the worth of our house.
I wholeheartedly agree with sealeena. if the government stopped interfering, prices would definitely go down. on college, on healthcare, on postage, on everything
That's a cute notion to have, but people are greedy. Someone would jump in to fuck everything up again. Like maybe, I insurance companies? They're doing a bang-up job right now. Why not twist the knife a little?
Yeah but the problem was with government interference. Health insurance could go just like regular car insurance because there would be competition and the government wouldn't supplement costs, which is what jacked prices up in the first place.
I highly doubt she'd be bested by a group of people with a non-capitalized (not to mention, WILDLY generic) name. That just speaks to an inherent laziness in their organization that would preclude them from positions of power and/or authority.
Pinkamina can bend physics/reality to her will. Borg Pinkie would only make her more OP.
'Nuff said.