National domestic abuse hotline. A decent chunk of callers are male, they should be able to help you whether you're a gay man beaten by a male partner or a straight male beaten by a female one. Domestic abuse doesn't get better, call for help.
I've been trying to explain this to people but they don't get it. They're worried about the women who get abused only. It's major problem, but we should focus on abuse in general and not classify it by gender.
But more women are abuses. A woman in Australia dies once a week from domestic violence. I understand your post but it sucks to be female in a sexist country.
· 9 years ago
A lot of abuse against men goes unreported, often skewing the numbers. HOWEVER, what also isn't often mentioned is that violence against men is not always done by women and is often at the hands of male partners. The big problem is finding out what it is that causes these men to be prone to domestic violence in the first place. Saying "more women are abused" may or may not be true, but it doesn't mean men who are abused matter any less. I think that's the point of this image: awareness. It's not saying men need attention more, it's saying that no matter who you are, if you're being abused please ask for help.