In the US a person can legally put up any sign they choose, including replicas to government issued sign, but following them isn't mandatory. That being said if someone want to put up a sign it must be on private property and not near public roads. Lastly a sticker means nothing, stickers open to the elements will eventually erode away or fall off.
This is really fucked up. How on earth can you know if it is a legit or fake sign? What if you chose to obey the sign and someone, not obeying - crashes into you? How can you sue them if you were the one that was driving incorrectly?
Property lines in Missouri end about 3-5 feet from a public rode therefore if you see a sign siting further away from the road then it's not a legit sign but if it's at a legitimate spot, and you should easily be able to tell. If it's going to be a legitimate sign it'll be sitting in an open and well lit area, if it's a stop sign it'll be at intersections, and also use common sense. You shouldn't have a problem identifying a fake sign.
This is a myth. Someone is either hoping to make people look stupid walking around looking at the back of stop signs, or hoping there's enough old signs with no stickers on them to make people look stupid arguing the lack of a sticker in court.
Unless you can cite specific law or ordinance for your town, county, or state, the judge will laugh at you and order you to pay the fine. Just because you "heard it from someone" doesn't make it true.
Okay, two things:
First, it doesn't matter, unless it's a private sign on private property. Unless that's the case, no court of law will give a single fuck about whether or not there's a sticker.
Second, this "information" is only useful if you're an asshole that runs stop signs. Yea, it might be in a really stupid useless place, but come on, it's at the most five seconds out of your day. Just stop, instead of trying to make up loopholes...
I took one of those driving schools that the police teaches (I think it was '911 Driver's or something), and my instructor told us that when at a stop sign, the officer is mostly looking for the car to set back onto it's rear wheels, indicating a 'full stop'. Though, after driving my truck around, I've learned that you can do this and start going to make it look like it sets back. 1) You are making a full stop, but 2) you're not having to stop for an awkward amount of time.
- FunStats
First, it doesn't matter, unless it's a private sign on private property. Unless that's the case, no court of law will give a single fuck about whether or not there's a sticker.
Second, this "information" is only useful if you're an asshole that runs stop signs. Yea, it might be in a really stupid useless place, but come on, it's at the most five seconds out of your day. Just stop, instead of trying to make up loopholes...