This conflict goes back thousands of years with the Assyrians, Hittites, Babylonians, Egyptians, Persians, Canaanites, and, of course, Palestinian s (or Philistines). Naturally everyone is against Israel, and it seems some people are bent on viewing them as the enemy\antagonist. Not sure why OTHERS do this but I know why these people hate each other.
She goes around ranting about it all day and all night.
I have observed something about their videos. They leave out information. Just the stuff that would lessen the flame wars. Now my sister thinks she knows everything about said case.
· 9 years ago
The case is a really hard one because adding Israel was a good idea, but like the new rich kid that ruins everyone's lives, Israel started being a serious jerk at times for NO REASON. Surrounding areas used to be bad, but even though they became peaceful Israel decided to keep on going.
· 9 years ago
I'm actually educated in the subject, whilst palestinean terrorist groups have attacked israel, israel has fought back with military force to combat the terrorists. Now you might be thinking, but that's not so bad, they're fighting the terrorists how is that so bad? Well because they are not only killing terrorists, israel has been charged with serious war crimes, I'll name one : strapping innocents to israeli military vehicles for protection. Israel are the victims, but so are the palestineans. The issue is the Zionist lobby, "elite" Jews who curve the flow with money by making things go their way. It's sad and they have a huge infulence, namely the president of israel. The palestinean president had no problem with israel wanting to eliminate the terrorist group Hamas, but when israel took a step too far? Hamas were the only people left fighting for palestine, and that is wrong on so many levels.
· 9 years ago
Exactly. I don't know too much about it, but I try to make sure I'm not being fed biased info. Thank you.
· 9 years ago
Of course this does go thousands of years back. But right now the major issue people have with israel is their war crimes but over all israel is sorts victim here.
Horrible things happen all over the world, all the time. Genetics have caused us to care more about our "tribe" or nation instead of the world as a whole.
· 9 years ago
Because neither side over there will calm the fuck down and figure out how to fairly split land neither of them has any greater claim to since Muslims, Christians, and Jews have all owned at some point in the distant past, and since A) Israel won't stop building settlements on disputed land and B) Palestine won't just sit back and let Israel build settlements on disputed land, I can no longer must the energy to care what goes on over there. Neither side is innocent, and you can only go so many decades of hearing "OMG WE'RE JEWS" before you start to wonder why, exactly, you're supposed to care more about the Jews than anyone else. Nothing against the Jewish or anything, but there are a lot of people dying over there and it's not just the Jews. Put Netanyahu and Abbas in the ring and let them have a death match to settle it.
I think Jerusalem should not be a part of any country, it alone is causing a lot of issues
· 9 years ago
Really. It's holy to too many different factions, it shouldn't belong to any one. Unfortunately, none of them will ever see it that way and there will be bloodshed over there as long as groups keep trying to claim power over it. And as long as groups keep trying to claim power over it, each is going to insist that the other is not being fair to them. To paraphrase Solomon, "If y'all keep fighting over this shit, I'mma have to split it up for you."
true, though it being the capital (though many countries over there won't acknowledge it) probably causes even more problems
· 9 years ago
"We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere. When human lives are endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy, national borders and sensitivities become irrelevant. Wherever men and women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must - at that moment - become the center of the universe."
Elie Wiesel
I guess it is because the Palestinian's brought knives to a Phosphor/Cluster Bomb fight. Are you seriously playing the victim card here? Is there really anyone who still believes this? Wow.
· 9 years ago
No it's true, majoroty fof these attacks are filmed. But you're
I appreciate your incomplete thought but maybe if israel allowed palestinians to have their own, independant state then there wouldn't be any conflicts. Remember israel destroyed their airports and major infrastructure and does not allow a government larger than a few towns. Perhaps governance would help, if they had any
· 9 years ago
Sorry, my cell died and I've forgotten my statement. But if we're pointing fingers then palestine needs to fight their battles with a legitamate military group that is only that, not with terrorist groups who not only threaten Israel but the rest of the world too.
They would except what happens when no-one except the terrorists are fighting for freedom? What happens when the rest of the world sits back and the only people willing to fight to get you your sovereignty are labelled as terrosists? Which is worse, to fight for your freedom with a group called terrosists or to sit back and accept your conditions with no chance of success. Did you know that EVERY SINGLE friday the palestinians hold peaceful protests against israeli occupation but that never gets put on the news now does it?
Funny how those who speak the truth are downvoted, 150 terror attacks and 8 israelis dead, somehow 30 palestinians dead. But you're totally right, the jews are the victims of this genocide, they're the ones that aren't an independant state that's not allowed to have an airport or trade with other countries or even leave...or was it the other way around...
If the Palestinians were allowed to maintain their country. Instead of it being split up to allow for the influx of Jews from Europe the entire area may have been one of peace, however other countries decided to "split" the land of Palestine and steal the land from its residents.
"Palestine" has never existed in history. It wasn't their land and nothing was stolen from them. The Arabs declared a genocidal war because they couldn't stand the thought of the existence of a Jewish nation.
'The arabs' never started the war. The war was fought by the residents of the area the you claim they never had when the jews started stealing THEIR land. Not when the jews moved there, but when the Jews began to infrigne on their rights. Please read an unbiased history book and avoid all forms of news agencies before trying to speak on this topic. The amount of propaganda is terrifying.
Really? 1948, who invaded who? Who's stated goal was to "push them into the sea." Why don't you take your own advice and do some research from some actually unbiased sources.
· 9 years ago
It has always been a "Jewish" land. The "Jews" have been driven out the land quite a bit actually. But there is no shame in sharing.
Claims the person whose previous account was banned and whose EVERY comment/post has been offensive or caused offense to the users of this good site. You should get banned again.
My previous account was banned because of a silly post I shouldn't have made. And I have PLENTY of decent comments (and posts) ,you just didn't pay attention to those because you're too busy being hateful and arrogant.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Ay, chill. If anything there is a lot of pro islam propaganda mate? In fact the majority of the world do recognise israels crimes it's just, well what the hell are we supposed to do? Shout "HAY, STOP THAT" what good is that? None. I am pro palestine in a sense but the inhabitants of israel have been driven out the land for ages in history, this is the FIRST time in ages since they've fought "back". My issue with the islamic community (now don't try stopping me by saying it's islam versus judaism because we all knoe it is) is that they support the TERRORISTS who fight against israel rather than forming a legitamate military group to combat israel when needed.
Yeah but dude as the other guy said its only the terrorists that are fighting for the people palestine and they can't form a proper militia because they can't even get any weapons without being branded as a part of hamas. Also any attempt at forming a militia will see israel storming in and killing plenty of civilians again while the rest of the world watches.
· 9 years ago
I just feel like the islamic community doesn't try hard enough to stop these terrorist groups. My friends in my home town(who are muslim) said if ISIS had to come here to SA they would join just so they could be safe, I mean like what? Why won't you fight back, these people dosgrace your culture, your religion. People like Hamas are fronting the image, so how people see hamas they see palestine. And nobody seems to do anything to change that?
Their problems are prioritised. First get freedom and rights, then change public image. I mean they don't really have time to care about how the world views them when they're trying to gain sovereignty. And as for your friends, i know a lot of muslims (myself included) who live in SA (myself included) who would never join ISIS. What safety would they hope to gain from joining a terrorist organisation thats at war????
Oh really? What was the kid riding his bike guilty of? What about the two old women? Or how about the people waiting at a bus stop who were run over and then attacked with a machete? What were their crimes? You are a disgusting person to find terrorism amusing.
· 9 years ago
Yeah, so the military of israel has done some fucked up things, so Hamas has done some fucked up things. But involving innocents on BOTH sides of the fences is not okay, I've WATCHED the videos of the attacks(the above mentioned) they are fucking disguisting and terrible. But I also remember watching israel BOMB innocents in their homes WITHOUT warning, I watched them bomb schools. I also watched Hamas attack innocents who have NOTHING to do with the fights, but ay, fuck it?
Because gun violence in America is all this country cares about, even when studies have proven it's gone down in terms of numbers, it's just more publicized
Yes Palestinians are throwing stones, but Israel is backed by billions of US dollars to terrorize the Palestinians. Looks at history, "Israel" was 'given' to the jews out of guilt after the Nazis. Palestine has been around since the biblical times.
Here's a tip,stop watching The Young Turks.
My sister watches TYT and it literally just the most idiotic thing.
They find the most recent, flamewar-starting bullshit.
I have observed something about their videos. They leave out information. Just the stuff that would lessen the flame wars. Now my sister thinks she knows everything about said case.
Elie Wiesel