That's just plain twisted. Shame on you, Chris. First you take credit for discovering a continent when it was really just an accidental island, then you mislabel the natives and plan total domination...
The Europeans were ass holes. Taking other cultures land just to further themselves. In the words of the Disney film, "the earth isn't just a dead thing you can claim.". The land they took already was used by the natives, but the natives were so nice to the travelers that they saw it as weakness.
Let me tell you why that reason is bullshit. During this time, the Spanish rule(those who sponsored Christopher) thought who they paid were going to behave themselves and spread the word of cathalosism;however, those on the trip thought that they should have fun with the natives.
Just because they sailed under the Spanish catholic flag, doesn't mean that they behaved as such.
It's funny to ee the comments of butthurt europeans who enjoy throwing insults at everyone else for stuff like american slavery or japanese colonization.
Just because they sailed under the Spanish catholic flag, doesn't mean that they behaved as such.
All Europeans were dicks. End of story.
>all europeans did this