man, I don't think thehappywhovian means "feminist are against fat people" - it's a comment he/she made to the guest who answered "feminists" (third comment over yours).
That pause implies that they think that the guest believes that feminists are against fat people. However, the guest said 'feminists' to imply that feminists would get offended, which further implies that feminists are fat. You guys have horrible literary analysis skills.
I have enough of a brain to understand exactly what each party's comments meant, regardless of whether they know what message their selection of words convey or not.
I apologize for the misunderstanding.
I did mean to say that the guest was not correct in saying that feminists would be against it. Sandysue was correct.
yeah cuz fat people are really offended by people who work hard to change their weight. though certainly every time this image is posted theres always a few comments that are offensive.
I'm fat and don't find it offensive. Its actually pretty inspiring, and I don't really see a reason why anyone be offended by this. the only annoying thing about the post is your title.
I only find the title offensive, because it's assuming fat people are often offended at an image that just says 'it takes work, but you /can/ have a great body'.
First of all, ain't nobody obligated to meet a certain standard of anything to be treated with basic human respect.
Second, all the self control in the world ain't gonna get you under a "goal weight" if your body don't wanna be that weight. Once your body has decided on an adult weight, 95% of weight loss that takes you over 5 or 10% away from that goal weight returns within five years, with only slightly better long-term results for surgery.
Third, no matter who you are, be really careful deciding that people just deserve to be disrespected for some arbitrary standard, cause you never know when the big game of spin-the-stigma-wheel is gonna end up pointing at you. A little human compassion never hurt anybody - actually, that's kinda the point.
"First of all, ain't nobody obligated to meet a certain standard of anything to be treated with basic human respect. "
There are definitely standards that people are held to in order to be treated with "basic human respect", like not murdering people.
"Second, all the self control in the world ain't gonna get you under a "goal weight" if your body don't wanna be that weight. Once your body has decided on an adult weight, 95% of weight loss that takes you over 5 or 10% away from that goal weight returns within five years"
Those studies clearly suggested that a tendency to revert back to old habits was a factor.
You seem to be underestimating the amount of fat that can be removed with liposuction.
"you never know when the big game of spin-the-stigma-wheel is gonna end up pointing at you. "
Bring it on.
I'll also add that saying you should change in some way isn't automatically disrespectful.
Also health is a relatively objective metric.
"Arbitrary standard" A.K.A. normal human physiology
· 9 years ago
For fucks zake? Does nobody read the comment section, look up. You'll see the reason why I put the title as that. Why does everythibg have to be a fucking debate around here. Smh
Wait, confused now. No one's broken down into capslock hell, the name-calling has yet to start (with the exception of a few fringes) and despite a strong disagreement, everybody's still making points and mostly responding to the topic at hand. How is this ruining anyone's mood?
Also, side point, I totes like the fact that somebody up there (given the topic of the debtate at hand) can totally be interpreted as comparing being fat to being a murderer. Pretty sure you didn't mean quite that interpretation there, tho.
The statue isn't offensive, but the person who posted is pretty nasty about it. "If you don't like what I like there is something wrong with you". I'm not fat, just annoyed my your self righteous, judgmental, in-your-face arrogance.
I'm fat. I wouldn't say I'm offended, but it does present an unbalanced view - someone at over 300 pounds (which the bottom half the figure clearly is) is extremely unlikely ever to reach under 180, even with constant workout and a strictly regulated diet, without major surgery, and even if they do, they're certainly not going to look like that. Major weight loss comes with quite a number of cosmetic "flaws" - the most notable being that if you're over about eighteen your skin does not shrink with you.
I've had an eating disorder and a daily calorie intake under 800 for over eighteen months before - and an obsessive exercise habit - and I've never been "normal." I literally mean never - I've been "too big" for... well, since being larger stops being considered a good thing, so, what, age two? three?
Individual crap aside, though, I have a cousin who developed a tumor of the pituitary gland in her teens, and it breaks my heart to see people disrespect her because of the consequences of the resultant metabolic dysfunction.
I did mean to say that the guest was not correct in saying that feminists would be against it. Sandysue was correct.
Second, all the self control in the world ain't gonna get you under a "goal weight" if your body don't wanna be that weight. Once your body has decided on an adult weight, 95% of weight loss that takes you over 5 or 10% away from that goal weight returns within five years, with only slightly better long-term results for surgery.
Third, no matter who you are, be really careful deciding that people just deserve to be disrespected for some arbitrary standard, cause you never know when the big game of spin-the-stigma-wheel is gonna end up pointing at you. A little human compassion never hurt anybody - actually, that's kinda the point.
There are definitely standards that people are held to in order to be treated with "basic human respect", like not murdering people.
"Second, all the self control in the world ain't gonna get you under a "goal weight" if your body don't wanna be that weight. Once your body has decided on an adult weight, 95% of weight loss that takes you over 5 or 10% away from that goal weight returns within five years"
Those studies clearly suggested that a tendency to revert back to old habits was a factor.
You seem to be underestimating the amount of fat that can be removed with liposuction.
"you never know when the big game of spin-the-stigma-wheel is gonna end up pointing at you. "
Bring it on.
I'll also add that saying you should change in some way isn't automatically disrespectful.
Also health is a relatively objective metric.
Nah, street-rule debates are where it's at.
Also, what abel said.
Individual crap aside, though, I have a cousin who developed a tumor of the pituitary gland in her teens, and it breaks my heart to see people disrespect her because of the consequences of the resultant metabolic dysfunction.