This post is great, and good on you for wanting to be healthy!! I support you and good luck!! Really, I know how hard it is to try and lose weight and I hope you get everything you're after
Never judge.
I've gaines 2kg in more than a year, and all people do (besides asking me if I'm anorexic) is tell me how nice it is to be thin. No, it's not.
Thanks. ^_^. I don't know what I'm doing. I cant really work out thanks to various conditions and diseases. But i am not going to complain about losing weight.
· 9 years ago
I don't know of anyone who says being fat is healthy. The argument seem to stem from the idea that a person who IS happy, regardless of their weight, is not allowed to he happy. There's an (often incorrect) assumption that if an overweight person is happy and enjoying life at their weight that they aren't ALSO trying in some way to be healthier. It's as if there's this idea that happiness must be earned, that certain clothes, mates, and feelings of contentment are a privilege that a person doesn't deserve if they don't visibly fit the profile of somebody who has worked for it. That's where disagreement comes in. Some who see fat people being happy seem feel it's their right to "put them in their place," and they often mask that goal with the excuse that they're worried about their health. I keep seeing "fat isn't healthy!" as an excuse to continue fat shaming, but nobody ever said it was, and fat shamers don't seem too worried about the emotional health of the people they comment on.
· 9 years ago
I agree with you entirely that fat isn't healthy, and you're spot on that people trying to lose weight need positive support and are very aware of their size. I just wish people really stopped to honestly consider why they're opening their mouth, they might think about trying positive support instead.
i think this is where people get lost.. they think the pro fat movement is pro getting and staying fat, its really pro being happy with yourself no matter where you are at. its OK to feel good about yourself even when you are not as successful at a good body weight as other people, but since its the one aspect of your life any stranger can tell how you do just by looking at you we go bananas over it, and frankly worrying as much as we do about our appearance is a large part of what creates the vicious cycle that makes it hard to stop being fat in the first place.
Even when being supportive you have to be careful, one of my friends who was overweight, but not insanely so, had her mother tell her she should probably lose a couple of kilos for health reasons, she got down to 30kg (roughly 65lbs) and ended up dying a few months ago at 17 from heart complications due to malnutrition.
This also isn't uncommon, 1% of adolescent girls get anorixia and 25% of anorexics die either by suicide or long term complications (that's 1 in 1000 adolescent girls dying of anorexia).
My point is although being overweight is dangerous, so can going too far the other way, so you have to be really careful with what you say to people regarding their weight and straight out shaming people isn't okay regardless of whether they're too fat or too skinny.
You keep this up. You're already doing better than most people to fix this, but you have to keep going. I know you can do this. Hell, you're doing way more than I am. Now go out and kick some ass.
Actually, shaming and complaining do help. It what a doctor pretty much does to an overweight patient. They generally let the overweight patient know that there being fat is killing them, which by whiny people standards could be considered "shaming".
There's a difference between shaming and constructive criticism/knowledgable advice. Shaming is telling someone something like, "Omg you're soo fat you'll never have a boyfriend, fat people are nasty" and then there, "Hey, I'm really concerned with your health, and I'm willing to help you if you'd like."
A Dr. Tells the truth, but they also know your medical history. That's their job, not a stranger's.
· 9 years ago
I agree, but there will be times when people will scream fat shame without it ever happening. Like someone will post their weightloss story and say she was a horrible victim of fat shaming and that her life must be so sad because she's denying herself food and lives in the gym. They begin to shame the men and women who worked hard to get themselves healthier while claiming to support them.
Great post btw
I've gaines 2kg in more than a year, and all people do (besides asking me if I'm anorexic) is tell me how nice it is to be thin. No, it's not.
people are weird I guess
This also isn't uncommon, 1% of adolescent girls get anorixia and 25% of anorexics die either by suicide or long term complications (that's 1 in 1000 adolescent girls dying of anorexia).
My point is although being overweight is dangerous, so can going too far the other way, so you have to be really careful with what you say to people regarding their weight and straight out shaming people isn't okay regardless of whether they're too fat or too skinny.