I mentioned this to my dad and I kind of confused him about it. So I asked him "hasn't this ever happened to you before?" and he was like "No? Why would it?"
It's funny when it happens when you're on the verge of sleep, just barely awake enough to realize that it happens and in that comfortable haze of sleep you think to yourself "heh I'm weird".
· 9 years ago
This has happened to me several times. I never knew the reason until now
I heard somewhere that it happens when your blood pressure drops low your brain thinks it's about to stop. To try to keep the heart going it sends a "shock" to your muscles causing you to wake up suddenly.
· 9 years ago
I've never experienced. Sometimes I feel like the room is spinning, but never a falling sensation.
this happens because if your heart rate slows down while sleeping so much that your brain thinks that you are going to die so it plays the image of you falling to wake you up.