Oh look the two guys with pistols are exercising gun safety but the one with a shotgun has their finger in the trigger well or whateverthefuck it's called.
Omg can we please for the love of god stop posting about this shit on this site?! It's not fun or funny and always leads to an argument. I get sometimes a good argument can be healthy now and then but posts like this are just intentionally poking the bear when we're all just hear for the laughs. Honestly
Well, points for knowing I guess.
The crazy things war demands..
Incidentally, that's the kind of arms charity the French required under oppression in a world of guns being banned.
As it worked in literally every civilized country with stricter gun control than the usa. Actually it must take a superhuman level of ignorance to not see the direct relation between a toddler (!!) killing someone with a gun every few days and less than strict gun control. Stricter gun control does not even have to mean no guns for citizens, but thats even another story.
Detriot has the strictest gun laws in the country and that city has more gun crimes and murders than any other city per capita. Also two terrorists armed with assault rifles opened fire at a cartoon convention in texas and both terrorists were killed by one man armed with a pistol the man was only recieved minor injuries and save dozens of lives. Also second amendment that will not be infringed. Also quit compairing us to ever other country in the world we are different its not that simple.
billdavis: just google "Toddlers and guns". OK, not all the shooting toddlers kill their targets, many "only" get hurt. My bad... Maybe this was a bad year sofar, but just check how many times this happens outside the USA. Approximately NEVER. You don't see a relation to gun laws? Superhuman, that's what that is...
Well funsubstanceuser, I decided to take you up on your offer to do your research for you and here's what I found:
According to the source article, which happens to be the Washington Post, in case you just read one written by a news repeater, the amount of people killed by a toddler so far in the US in 2015 is: 2. Yes, two people have been killed by a toddler with a gun.
Did you notice the amount of ads on the "news" site you got your information from? They are selling something, and you are buying it.
Fortunately I live in a country which grants me certain rights. One of the reasons for this is to protect me from nincompoops who are so sure the sky is falling, they would mandate that everyone universally dug a hole and buried their heads in it.
I am a great believer in liberty, so I am happy to assist you in planning a common sense safety lockdown for your home. After all, It's for the children.
Step 1: Shut off the water, since no less than 454 toddlers aged 1-4 died by drowning.
Step 2: You should probably leave your house if there is a toddler there because 423 toddlers were homicide victims, and most were killed by someone they know.
Step 3: Get rid of all matches and lighters, board up your fireplace, and turn off the electricity since 221 toddlers died from smoke, fire, and flames.
Step 4: Cover your eyes and your ears, because 108 toddlers died of unspecified events of undetermined intent, and we just don't want to hear about that.
Step 5: Oh wait, you cant leave your house because sadly 89 toddlers died of neglect or mistreatment. I suggest procuring at your expense a 24 hour security team to watch over you. We're going to make sure you're safe.
Step 6: Get rid of all food and anything in your home under the size of a tennis ball, because 72 toddlers unfortunately died from an airway obstruction in just one year.
Step 7: Cancel all doctor visits, because 38 toddlers died as a result of medical treatment.
Step 8: Empty your medicine cabinet and get rid of all hazardous cleaners. 31 toddlers died from those awful things.
Step 9: Turn over all firearms to the appropriate government agent, since the data shows 11 toddlers age died from unintentional gunshot wounds. Try not to get killed in the process.
Step 10: Research statements you might make on the web, especially if you are just parroting some article designed to further an anti-American agenda through
skewed emotional statistics.
Guns are not for everyone, but they are the only thing almost anyone can use to put themselves on a level footing with violent criminals.
Look dude, I corrected myself from "killing" to "shooting" BEFORE your bullshit binge, you kinda missed that. You might wanna stay off the stimulants. Then, the trigger happy toddlers are just the cocktail cherry on the cake, fact remains that there is no civilized country with nearly as many people shot by guns, fired by other citizens, than the USA. If you truly believe, there is no causal relation to the USA gun regulations, you might consider to stay off downers and liquor as well.
Actually im pretty sure there are other countries that have more gun related deaths than us. Also those toddlers who shoot their brother were never brought up to respect the weapon and to fear it like i was and so many of my friends when the culture is done properly and not carelessly then the relationship between members of a family can actually be strengthened fathers take their kids hunting all the time we learn early.
What i don't agree is that in the US anyone with money can buy guns, (as far as i know) without any psychological avaluation or shooting training. Again, i don't even live there, i was told it works that way.
Not at all. To buy a firearm is relatively easy, but you do have to register it and if your a convicted felon you can't buy any firearms. And that just means you own a gun. For a concealed weapon, you have to go through a course before you get a permit. Same thing for an open carry permit.
You do realize that most murders are performed by illegal guns, right? Almost every time, when someone is shot, it wasn't with a registered gun. I know the shooter at the church in SC had stolen that gun from his dad. It's not like taking away legal guns are going to make the illegal ones go away.
Yeah when they up gun control laws all they do is make it harder for the law abiding citizens to get guns. Criminals can still get guns regardless of how strict the laws are.
Then why is it, that in countries with much stricter gun laws, there are less armed criminals? And therefore so less people shot by criminals? Where does a criminal steal a firearm? Probably from someone who bought it legally, or from a shop or a transport? So many questions... I am quite the simpleton, and to me it looks like this: there's a shitload of guns around in a society, there will probably be a shitload of people getting shot. Where is my mistake?
Yes, the G U N murder rates are higher here, but have you ever seen the assault rates? Or the stabbing rates? They are SO much higher (In relativity). The idea that guns make criminals is frankly the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
Yeah look to other countries violent crime rates not a week ago a man with a SWORD killed like three people at a school in Sweden. Mass stabbings in china. Murder rates with blades are much higher in the UK than in the US. Its a people problem
Yes it is if people would just accept that countries are different and that just because it worked for you itll work for someone else it doesnt work ok. If we had your way america would go into civil war AGAIN and then more people will die.
Well, I totally accept that the USA are different. More murders, more inmates, more teen pregnancies, more illiterates, more drug victims than any other civilized countries, and people like Ben Carson and Donald Trump are seen as legit presidential candidates. That is truly different. If that works out for you, then congrats. As the (australian) comedian Jim Jefferies once said: if you fill a room with people who have down syndrome, thats gonna be one happy party. And if I had my way, you guys would just learn to read and accept facts. Clearly that would bring you a civil war.
What's pathetic is your argument. A larger population country will have larger crime rates, guaranteed. The population of the UK is 64.1 million whereas the population of the US is 318.9 million. The population of the US is nearly 5 times the size of the UK.
It's funny how we as illiterate americans can display our opinions in a civil manner and yet you have yet to do so. You've resorted to insult at every chance.
Uhm.... have you ever noticed, how the words rate and ratio may be somehow connected? You actually went to school?
Why am I insulting? Have you ever heard "If stupidity caused physical pain, then imagine how many people would be screaming OUCH!"? Well, newsflash: it does fucking cause pain. Just not the stupid...
Considering you're Australian I'll bring the population gap between the US and Australia closer. Australia has a population of 23.13 million whereas the US has a population of 318.9 million that means the US has nearly 15 times the population of Asutralia.
You people really don't get the "ratio" thing, do you? How about looking for cases per 1000 citizens.
Also... I'm german, so you need to check for nazi slurs or the like.
Most of those are pretty much "muslims" like most people here are "christians". Apart from that: beautiful women, great food, higher reproduction rate (in favor of our pension scheme), yeah, thats going to work out just fine.
The crazy things war demands..
Incidentally, that's the kind of arms charity the French required under oppression in a world of guns being banned.
According to the source article, which happens to be the Washington Post, in case you just read one written by a news repeater, the amount of people killed by a toddler so far in the US in 2015 is: 2. Yes, two people have been killed by a toddler with a gun.
Did you notice the amount of ads on the "news" site you got your information from? They are selling something, and you are buying it.
Fortunately I live in a country which grants me certain rights. One of the reasons for this is to protect me from nincompoops who are so sure the sky is falling, they would mandate that everyone universally dug a hole and buried their heads in it.
I am a great believer in liberty, so I am happy to assist you in planning a common sense safety lockdown for your home. After all, It's for the children.
Step 2: You should probably leave your house if there is a toddler there because 423 toddlers were homicide victims, and most were killed by someone they know.
Step 3: Get rid of all matches and lighters, board up your fireplace, and turn off the electricity since 221 toddlers died from smoke, fire, and flames.
Step 4: Cover your eyes and your ears, because 108 toddlers died of unspecified events of undetermined intent, and we just don't want to hear about that.
Step 5: Oh wait, you cant leave your house because sadly 89 toddlers died of neglect or mistreatment. I suggest procuring at your expense a 24 hour security team to watch over you. We're going to make sure you're safe.
Step 6: Get rid of all food and anything in your home under the size of a tennis ball, because 72 toddlers unfortunately died from an airway obstruction in just one year.
Step 8: Empty your medicine cabinet and get rid of all hazardous cleaners. 31 toddlers died from those awful things.
Step 9: Turn over all firearms to the appropriate government agent, since the data shows 11 toddlers age died from unintentional gunshot wounds. Try not to get killed in the process.
Step 10: Research statements you might make on the web, especially if you are just parroting some article designed to further an anti-American agenda through
skewed emotional statistics.
Guns are not for everyone, but they are the only thing almost anyone can use to put themselves on a level footing with violent criminals.
>Pulls out a pathetic retort
Gun grabbers, everyone.
It's funny how we as illiterate americans can display our opinions in a civil manner and yet you have yet to do so. You've resorted to insult at every chance.
Why am I insulting? Have you ever heard "If stupidity caused physical pain, then imagine how many people would be screaming OUCH!"? Well, newsflash: it does fucking cause pain. Just not the stupid...
Also... I'm german, so you need to check for nazi slurs or the like.