Yall can wear makeup. Don't say cause it'll "make me look feminine or look like [insert whatever you think]". You could wear a lot of makeup and make it look like you're not.
and how many years ago was that episode made? i mean guys would still get slack if they wore and obvious amount but like, most high power public figure men have their whole damn faces did, blah blah blah blue eyeshadow = mockery; skin tones to smooth out look = no one knows or cares
do you people even watch tv? its a cultural norm and so widely accepted that no one bats an eye and fat bald dudes being paired with model babilicious women.
I really don't feel bad. Guys can wear makeup if they wanted to and of they weren't afraid to be called names. If more guys wore makeup it would become a social norm
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Lots of men wear makeup now. And the ones who know how to do it look good in it. It's 2015, cis dudes doing "chick" things is evolving to be more common, go with it.
But what about the girls that suck at makeup? It's all well and good to say you're fucked, but men's beauty standards are not as high while women are expected to wear makeup everywhere and if aren't great at it, you pretty much constantly look like shit in the eyes of society
Plus, if this is about appearance standards in general, women have a higher standard to be physically perfect. Our boobs and butt need to be big, our waists narrow, our stomachs flat, and our hips wide. Men are accepted for their bodies a lot more than women are. There are plenty of problems that men face that are greater than those that women face, this is not one of them. If you're going to fight it out, choose your battles carefully.
wear makeup for a few days and then go in without it, people will tel you all day how tired and sick you look. i only do my eyes and once in awhile i forget, and i spend the whole day wit everyone convinced i am ill. since i only tend to forget when i have extra time to get ready it tends to mean i am even more well rested than normal sooo its lame.
if i ever had fuzz on my upper lip i'd immediately scrape together, or borrow from my retirement fund, the cash to laser it the fuck off. which is really proof of the huge ass standards... i don't feel compelled to remove it to be "pretty" i feel compelled to remove it to not feel ostracized for even having it.
" men can wear makeup if they aren't too scared of losing their precious masculinity if guys make fun of them "
" Women can't do this stuff because they get made fun of for it ! "
oh man i hate when i plan on going out after work and have a skirt along and everything and totally forget i have been in pants for a couple weeks so have hairy legs and omfg.
I once had a dream where I was getting married but I realized at the last minute that I looked like Bigfoot. So I had my wedding dress on and was hurriedly trying to shave my legs. I knew I wouldn't finish in time and I was so upset I woke up.
" Women can't do this stuff because they get made fun of for it ! "