so is claiming different sexual orientations and identities are made up labels for making people feel good about it but i don't see you complaining about that being rude. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Some people are so stupid... you can't just choose to not have sex chromosomes. You are either XX or XY. You can't "feel like" (Identify as) not being either. That's not how it fucking works.
If your brain chemistry is wonked yes you can. But you shouldn't be flippity-floppity because that's indicative of something changing in your brain that shouldn't be changing under any circumstances.
Legitimately gender fluid people need help. Those who just can't decide aren't gender fluid, they just haven't found an identity yet. Or else they're trying to be hip in which they should shut the fuck up.
Well, there are also anomalies like Klinefelter's syndrome, where the person has XXY chromosomes, meaning they could legitimately identify as male or female.
Sex is what your chromosomes are.(XX or XY) Gender is a property of nouns, masculine or feminine. Sexuality is what you're attracted to sexually. Straight for opposite sex, homosexual for same sex, and bisexual for both. Anything else just isn't real. Asexual is sort of a gray area in my opinion only because everybody I've known who has claimed to be asexual eventually stopped and started having sex.
· 9 years ago
Well, sorry buddy. That's you. Some just aren't attracted to have sex.
Actually stoner she didnt.she was just part of the old users and when they all started leaving she left too.
· 9 years ago
Asexual here, I've had sex before there's a very very small possibility of it happening again that does not make me any less asexual as you are implying, stoner.
@rarepepe Asexuals are people who are not sexually attracted to anyone. It doesn't mean they're abstinent. Some asexuals love the physical sensations that come with sex, while other are disgusted by it. Same with some sexual people. Straight people aren't sexually attracted to same gender, gay people aren't sexually attracted to opposite gender, and aces aren't sexually attracted to either gender. It's not that hard to understand. Please, can explain it much better, but asexuality is a real thing. I am not broken. I am not "confused". I am asexual. End of story.
· 9 years ago
Exactly just because I don't get my jimmies in a bunch when i see an attractive person doesn't mean I'm not capable of doing the do with someone. It really all depends on the person and how deep I feel for them. Other than that I don't really crave sex and I'm not attracted to random people on the street no matter how good looking they may be. That's just how it is for me personally though, like guest said some aces are disgusted by sex.
Atheism should be considered a religion because you are explicitly a nonbeliever.
Asexuality should be considered a sexuality because you explicitly are not attracted to either.
I agree that the comparison's a bit off but the lack of something shouldn't categorize you into anything.
"I am not religious"
"I am not sexual" / "I don't have a sexual preference" which btw =/= "My preference is everything"
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
So I attended some classes for teachers because I'm attending college to be a fifth grade teacher, and the lecture was this woman who came on stage and talked about how there are 23 genders, and an infinite number of sexualities. Don't get me wrong, I completely support gay rights, all that. But I had to leave the lecture for the day it made me so mad.
That's when you clear your mind and enter a transcendental state while passively nodding and mumbling vague agreements about how you're such a bad person.
the problem with the notions of multiple genders and sexuality is people are wanting to define infinitesimally smaller and smaller differences in preferences. like "bisexual" vs "pansexual" just because one person has a couple different people they would sleep with does make it a new sexuality... thats like if i wanted a new name for "im straight but i prefer to sleep with tall men with dark skin therefore i have a different sexuality than that other straight girl who sleeps with men a bit shorter and sometimes sleeps with a guy with light skin" there is no. need. to come up with special snowflake names for people who fit into smaller and smaller categories. you deal with that one on one while dating like the rest of us.
· 9 years ago
I agree but I think you may have made way for people to claim a new sexuality lol
thats the whole problem, people are calling sexual preferences sexuality... unless you gunna come up with words for people who like blondes and those who like brunettes and those who like big boobs and those who like little boobs, we need to cut it off and keep it simple... warring over how you want to define yourself this way is silly. calling yourself something general like bisexual does not suddenly mean you are obligated to like everyone regardless of any other preferences you have!
am tempted to write your username down just to remember to refer to you as spam and spums randomly on any thread i see you commenting on.
· 9 years ago
Honestly, I'm not sure why this is still an argument on here. This basically translates to "I clearly have nothing better to do with my time than be pissed off that other people's concepts of themselves are different from my concept of them."
There are some opinions that shouldn't be allowed to be opinions. And there are some thoughts and ideas that should have never been thought of and idea'd. Like those who think the Holocaust never happened. I won't respect your opinion because you're fucking stupid. It did happen. It's not an "opinion". It's fact. And you trying to make it an opinion makes you that much more stupid.
No, I'm not. I don't know why you somehow think you get to tell other people whether or not what they're feeling is wrong or right, but you really need to get off your high horse, so to speak. You're also clearly incapable of holding a respectful discussion. So until you're able to do so, I think we're finished here.
Pansexual: not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity.
Bisexual: sexually attracted to both men and women.
That's literally the same thing except in very different words and basis. Pansexuals are attracted to all humans. Bisexuals are attracted to men and woman which is all of humanity. If you're LGBT you're still male or female regardless of how you feel. Hermaphrodites are such a small fraction of humanity that I'm not gonna count them.
Bisexuality comes from a type of political thought based on sexual identity, pansexuality comes from a type of political thought based on gender identity: Talk to a bi person about bisexuality, they’ll often talk about sexuality and desire, and focus on biphobia; talk to a pan person about pansexuality, they’ll often talk about transgender and genderqueer identities, and focus on transphobia.
"tell other people whether or not what they're feeling is wrong or right"
I feel the Holocaust never happened. You asswipe, it did happen and that's a fucking stupid "opinion".
I'm not gonna go so far as to call you "fucking stupid" or even "stupid" because the definitions of pansexual and bisexual (and sexuality and gender in general) seem to like to evolve in weird ways but I will take the position of you're wrong considering what they based on what I've found.
When did this trend start? The basically anti-tumblr posts. I mean, I sorta disagree? I view this kind of stuff as more a spectrum type (for example, tom boys and effeminate males vs girly girls and jocky, sportsy boys), but is this your genuine opinion, or did you just want to grab some popcorn and watch the impending tantrum from people who can't seem to accept views other than their own?
This is actually what i think and know to be true. In humans, there is no third gender, and there is no partially male but mostly female or some bullshit like that
whether you want to argue sex or gender, "science" or social normals, there is very clearly a range of inbetween. at the end of the day, even i might roll my eyes at some of the shit people want to identify as, but who the hell cares what they say they are? like ill agree its annoying when you cant tell for certain a persons gender and they get pissed when you guess wrong (at my job with gender specific screening procedures this is a legit issue i encounter) but who the hell does it hurt to humor them even if you disagree?
The only good reason to give a fuck about anyones sexual orientation is when you consider to have him/her/it as your significant other. Otherwise its just none of your fucking business (pun intended). A persons identity can be a pretty complex thing, no matter wether you wish it was simpler. I get it: it can be frightening that a lot of supposed certainties just crumble away in the light of reality. Just grow the fuck up and get over it, worked with Santa Claus too. Well... hopefully.
Well, the real irony is that the people who act most offended by the fact theres more than 2 or 3 sexual orientations are usually those who bitch about people getting easily offended.
... Says the girl who is actively showing how offended she was on this issue that a lot of people here seem to agree with. We aren't offended by this, but you are. What does that say about you?
The problem I have is with people who delude themselves into thinking you can be something other than male or female which in turn leads to a hundred "sexualities" and then parade this bullshit around as fact.
And why does this bother you so much? Like funsubstanceuser said, unless you're considering them for a potential partner or vice versa, it's none of your business. You shouldn't concern yourself with someone else's identity and you certainly shouldn't try to change it or make them feel bad about it just because you don't understand it.
It's not that I don't understand, they, you, don't understand. You don't understand yourselves. I totally understand that you're mentally ill. And it bothers me because of how much attention and support these mentally ill people get and feel they deserve for their pretend special snowflake status.
You believe your fiction is a fact, namely that you can reduce the individual self-image of billions of human beings into a narrow definition. And why, cause your schoolboooks told you so? You believe, that what your books told you of nuclear physics is all there is to know about it? You are right though: at the end of the day biology determines what and who you are, but in a much wider scale than you realize. Even when you reduce it to a male/female by birth thing, you are wrong: between 1 in 1500 and 1 in 5000 babies born are intersexual, in a great variety of appearances, and thats just the visible shit.. People are totally individual in so many aspects of their personality and even their celebral metabolism, so why not in their sexual identity? You accept there are heterosexual, bisexual and homosexual persons, why stop at 3? Why not 13? 30? And again: why does it bother you at all?
he problem with the notions of multiple genders and sexuality is people are wanting to define infinitesimally smaller and smaller differences in preferences. like "bisexual" vs "pansexual" just because one person has a couple different people they would sleep with does make it a new sexuality... thats like if i wanted a new name for "im straight but i prefer to sleep with tall men with dark skin therefore i have a different sexuality than that other straight girl who sleeps with men a bit shorter and sometimes sleeps with a guy with light skin" there is no. need. to come up with special snowflake names for people who fit into smaller and smaller categories. you deal with that one on one while dating like the rest of us.
Direct copy-pasta from deviledapple which I think is relevant to this particular reply section
Whoa whoa whoa you do NOT insult me and physics. I study and research quantum physics every day so I can hopefully know more. I theorize, I ask for help, I submit, I learn. Don't you dare think you know shit about me and physics.
lol tyler until i got to the end i was tf those are my exact words. i for one would say that while i get tired of the special names i would strongly distance myself from mr "you have a mental illness" over here. i disagree with elaborate categories, not with specifically who anyone says they are attracted to... i just think "pan" "bi" and other similar "sexualities" are part of one category, whether you wanna say they are all bi, or just give it a different damn encompassing name, its pretty simple either you are sexually attracted to no one, or you are mostly attracted to men, or you are mostly attracted to women, or you are mostly attracted to both. of COURSE there are exceptions in each category with different types of preference but that doesn't mean it needs a new different name it just means you are a unique human like everyone else and have sexual preferences! if we're going to give a special name to everything then i want my unique name for "i like dark men with island accent"
Because I'm unaware of any sort of all-encompassing name and/or am too lazy to think one up, I'm fine with people interchanging the prefixes, but we really should acknowledge that the differences are less than that of a square and rectangle.
Someone is a father, son, uncle, and nephew at the same time. If you think about it, it's easily possible and very common. We don't have a word for [that person] besides their name, but depending on who you are, your point of view is that [that person] is [something]. Four people describe the same person with four unrelated terms. Bi/pan/ambi/hauselnoot/whatever is all describing the same sexuality from different points of view as according to one of my links.
I swear someone on FS said that once because I can't find it on the internet but I know I'm too stupid to come up with something as funny as that; I don't think even urbandictionary has an entry for it.
Honestly, i try and keep an open mind, like if your homosexual or are transgender I'm perfectly fine with that. It's just some of the things i hate is how there are SO many different things like, oh I'm attracted to the same gender but i once stared at the genitals of the opposite gender so I'm something completely different than homosexual. And i feel like a large majority of people are just using these as tags to make them feel special. And with a good portion of them, holy f*** if you get their gender pro nouns or sexuality wrong May god have mercy on your soul. And why is it to a portion of them that anybody that's plain vanilla is something to be slaughtered? On top of this, one thing that i really can't stand is when they're slapping tags on every single character like, oh this female character has worn boyish attire they are now confirmed gender fluid! !! 1! 1
Ugh, what a huge, relevant problem: people trying to feel special. That must be so threatening.
Oh: those people who want "anybody that's plain vanilla [...] to be slaughtered"... I would place a huge bet these people are undercover vanilla extremists. I know a _lot_ of LGBTX people, and none of them hates or even dislikes straight people. My wife and me are as vanilla as it gets, we're just not afraid of the Ben&Jerry range of different combinations. It may be different when people react to haters who would like to exterminate every shade of grey from their black+white universe.
In what point did i say i was "afraid" of them, or that i felt "threatened" by a bunch of people wanting to be special, at what point did i say i wanted to exterminate anything that isn't "black and white"? Also note how i said a "portion" of those people where like that. I actually know a few people that are not straight or okay with their born gender
People trying to feel special for who they are is a bad thing. It's inherently a bad thing because it encourages mediocrity; if you're already special because you're you, why bother stretching yourself to do something a bit amazing?
People should never be lifted up or put down for who they are. Only for what they do. You have Downs? Alright, interact with me and I'll rank you somewhere on my respect-o-meter. You're gay? Alright, you do the same. Nobody should give a fruit fried fuck about what a person inherently is, judgement should come from what they do.
Why would a homosexual person (or a person with downs syndrome for that matter, I mean: what the actual fuck??) give a fruit fried fuck about where a mentally pasty, trumpoid stereotype of an ignorant fratboy ranks him in his respect-o-meter?
hey guys, seems like he's lowered himself into the "insult zone". We've got him attacking your skin color, what is next on the list? And funsubstanceuser, didn't you take into consideration that he said the respect-o-meter is for everyone, or do you believe that anybody not white, straight, or cis-gendered, instantly deserves respect?
Because if you act like an ass to me I'll be an ass to you that's why. You be you, I have and never will have anything against what someone inherently is, only what they do.
Edited in order not to trigger unstable persons: Yes, you innocent little boy have just compared homosexuals to people suffering from down syndrome and believe this makes you fair and tolerant and open to everyone. I mean, even fags and retarded, wow, impressive. Fuck you little cunt, the day I am earning your respect for what I do I go stop wanking, just to punish myself.
*claps* wow, you've gon into a part of the "insult" zone i didn't knew existed, talking about your own suicide is a new one. I'm not sure where you got that we're saying homosexuals and people with down syndrome are the same, he was just using those with down syndrome as a group of people that are often treated with hate just for being who they are. He was using them as an example of people who that he could care less if they are different, everyone still has to earn his respect. And even though i didn't use it in my original argument, if i had used them it'd of been something along the lines of "I'd feel the same way if there where people pretending to have down syndrome trying to get special attention."
You are right, that went over the line. One should not trigger anything like this, even when it is pretty much obviously not meant serious. I mean, fat chance that Tylerdouche would give me a reading at all on his respect-o-meter, but thanks for your hint though, I edited my above posting respectively.
Anyway, you're imagining people faking a down syndrom to be treated special? Let me guess: Tyler and you are twins, just like your parents, right?
*sarcastically* stay back guys, we seem to of gotten one from the depths of tumblr. You got me on the point that i couldn't find much evidence of people faking down syndrome, a quick Google search didn't seem to pull up much, and i admit at least that. However, you've seem to of lost all semblance of an argument and abandoned all hope in an attempt to have us stop so you would win by default.
Why would I even try to argue (= exchange arguments) with a dimwit like you? You "couldn't find much evidence of people faking down syndrome" in your "quick Google search"? Maybe you "could of" tried better spelling? Just kiddin... maybe you're not a native speaker, like me.
i reread that statement a number of times and no one compared being gay to having downs beyond the part of "a thing that inherently a part of you" in which case its a fair comparison. its clearly just an attempt to find an example that has nothing to do with sexuality as another example of a thing its not ok to prejudge a person on.
Deviledapple: there might be a reason why he ended at exactly this comparison. If you wanna play naive, go ahead. Tyler: surely there can only be one single person, me, who thinks you are the human equivalent to a wet fart after burrito and tequila night. Seems you got me here.
How about none at all? As to your guest paranoia: I am pretty busy insulting you under this name. Why would I even bother to log out and do the same as an anonymus? You're really not that smart.
I've gone through all my comments in this thread and even used CTRL+F (amazing right?) and literally the only "could of" in this entire page (me and all other users) besides this comment is yours.
No, I was implying that you decided to make an account for whatever reason and then saw my name and remembered harassing me and are now deciding to start again.
But I'd like to get back on topic if that's at all possible.
This thread was about people making special snowflake names for themselves. And I responded against that on the basis that it's unnecessary. What is your (or anyone else's) argument against mine?
You have no argument, You only have your bloated ego telling you its up to you to decide whats necessary, useful and appropriate for people to think or even be. You think everything is up to you and/or about you, like ie. the "could of". You searched all your postings, but not the one I replied to with that remark. Of course not, cause it was not about you, or by you, so it didn't exist.
You have no argument against me. Your first statement to me was basically telling me to fuck off because I'm comparing downs and homosexuality in such a way that makes those who have them have an equal chance at gaining (and losing) respect. Everything after that is a personal attack which has no bearing on the thread.
I think there are people who are also pansexual and asexual/aromantic, and maybe another couple genders but nothing insane. I think we should just let people identify with how they feel they are. Who cares honestly
People have a REALLY difficult time understanding gender vs sex. This is evident here.
In a perfect world there are zero "genders". Because gender norms are dictated by society and have changed vastly over the course of human history. You act however the fuck you wanna act and there shouldn't be a need for any label whatsoever.
Now sex. That's biological. Penis = male, vagina = female. If you wanna switch, go for it.
I don't suppose it's occurred to you that it might be the other way around? That gender and sexuality's a bit more complicated than that, but we need so slap it into some boxes for people to feel good about themselves?
Mob mentality going on in this comments section. Initially everyone was agreeing...then someone disagreed and then everyone began to disagree...then someone was indifferent and now everyone's indifferent...
I don't agree with this at all. I'm a genderfluid pansexual and this doesn't, per say, offend me. I know that everyone has their own opinions, but there's NO reason to be hateful to people, or say that what they comfortable identify as after YEARS of struggle and conflict isn't real. That's rude, inconsiderate, and stupid. I honestly don't care if I get down voted, but I had to add my input. I'm with calmthelovelytits on this, all the way and thank you for standing up for pansexuals.
I don't think you guys understand what this post is pointing out. We're not attacking any denomination. We're saying that we don't need names and categories for everything. We're basically saying that if you really consider things defined, almost all humans fit into [these] basic categories. Except those with really abnormal abnormalities like having both reproductive organs.
You know what this is like? It's like calling a Nigerian something racially different than a Zimbabewean. You're both black goddamnit. Don't call yourself "north black" or "black 1.7.3" or "obsidian" or "onyx". You're fucking black. Even though you're slightly different, you're still black. Don't make up names for yourself that don't need to be there.
That is something else, tyler.
That is like calling an Irish person German just because they're white.
That's like calling an American Mexican just because they live in the same continent.
Assume you're the youngest sibling of three males. It's like giving your older brother and your eldest brother different familial designations (besides name). Sort of like the difference between cousin and sibling except on a much closer level; let's have fun with words.
It's like calling your eldest brother a dumpling and your older (but not oldest) brother a potato. They're both your older brothers, why do you have to have a new term for them? Why must we have a word explicitly defined as "oldest male sibling" and another word explicitly defined as "second oldest male sibling but cannot at the same time be the youngest"? Just call them older brothers.
· 9 years ago
dude, i get it in that situation, but not in the race situation nor this one. the race one show that you don't give a single fuck about their culture, race, or heritage. You just want them in one bid box and that doesn't work. Just because they are slightly different, doesn't mean that they'll like being called the same fucking thing.
They don't have to like it. They should accept it. The difference is negligible. Lemme copy-paste something I said before.
Pansexual: not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity.
Bisexual: sexually attracted to both men and women.
That's literally the same thing except in very different words and basis. Pansexuals are attracted to all humans. Bisexuals are attracted to men and woman which is all of humanity. If you're LGBT you're still male or female regardless of how you feel. Hermaphrodites are such a small fraction of humanity that I'm not gonna count them.
Bisexuality comes from a type of political thought based on sexual identity, pansexuality comes from a type of political thought based on gender identity: Talk to a bi person about bisexuality, they’ll often talk about sexuality and desire, and focus on biphobia; talk to a pan person about pansexuality, they’ll often talk about transgender and genderqueer identities, and focus on transphobia.
I get what your saying Tyler I agree with you. We don't need thesee minister sub catagories. We're not bashing the people who think they fall into these catagories, it's just the subcategory labels aren't needed
Who are you to say they aren't needed though? Just because you or a lot of other people don't fall into them doesn't mean they aren't necessary. It's not like you're required to remember them all. If people feel the need or want to have a different label, leave them alone. I guarantee you, the vast majority of people who use the more obscure or less common labels are not doing it to feel "special" or "unique" as this site would have you believe. They do it because it more precisely describes what they are feeling and if you've felt for so long that you were different or alone or a freak and then BAM there's suddenly a word to capture what you feel down to a tee because there's more people who feel the way you do, that can be really important to some people. It's often not about standing out, but fitting in and if that's what they want, you have no right to take it away from them.
I'm so mixed up that I can't remember if my position is that all the prefixes mean the same thing, or if the prefixes are unnecessary.
A square is a rectangle and a rhombus. If you call a square either/or, you're not wrong, but if you call a square a square you're also not wrong. Until we can establish a significant difference between what these prefixes mean, they should be able to be used interchangeably. Alternatively, we don't need new words. Just use words already in existence to describe yourself.
Thats kinda like saying the sub category of square isnt needed cause it already falls under the category of rectangle. Pansexuals, like myself, are just a more defined and precise definition of bisexual. Just like a square is a more precise definition of a rectangle. There are people out there who are not attracted to transgendered people, Pansexuals are. The easiest way to define it is bisexual are attracted to male and females, pansexuals are attracted to male, female, and transgender. So to go back to the math metaphor all pansexuals are bisexual but not all bisexuals are pansexual. Just like all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares.
They are the same thing, just from different viewpoints. In the end they're really the same if you interpret the definitions the way I did. The specificity (square vs rectangle, uncle vs father) comes from the prefixes which tell people where you're coming from.
Am I wrong?
I don't know what bi and pan people you've interacted with, but all the ones I've met, myself included. Will say pansexuality and bisexuality are related to each other, pansexuality is like the baby sibling to bisexuality. I thought myself bisexual for a long time until i realized pansexuality fit me closer and better. So bi and pan go hand in hand with each other. Pan is just a bit more refined. Like a square is a more refined rectangle.
It often depends on your acceptance of gender identity. If you can't or won't accept that there are gender identities such as trans. Then you will be unable to understand the difference between bi and pan.
Bisexuality was just around before pansexuality was. So out of natural evolution and mutation pansexuality just kind of sprouted off. Much like political parties evolve and change and offshoot from each other.
Oh, Tyler. I noticed that in earlier comments you said something along the lines of pansexuality being a more open form of bisexuality and I just flat out said that you were wrong. I'd like to apologize, since that wasn't entirely incorrect. I mean, they are not the same, but they could be seen as related. I'd also just like to say thanks because for the most part, you've been pretty respectful in these discussions and I appreciate that even if I disagree with you on points.
But here's the thing, so what if they are, "Labels made up to make people feel good about themselves?" It doesn't affect you unless they are your significant other. As long as you respect thier pronouns it shouldn't matter what they say they are.
Well I'm not saying to ask for pronouns every time, just if someone specifically tells you to use a certain pronoun for them then use it. Other than that it doesn't really matter.
Ok everyone don't slaughter me for this cause this is just something that's rolled around in my head so just tell me if I'm right, wrong or just ignorant. But for the gender identify part, male is dictated by XY chromosomes and female is dictated by XX chromosomes. From what I've heard, people who identify as a different "gender" typically want the gender stereotypes that accompany that particular chromosomal pair. People who identify as gender fluid essentially want no stereotypes so they can do what they want."Male" and "female" can't be changed, but the ideas that go with it can.
I think you've got the idea. I'm not trans or genderfluid or anything so I'm obviously not the authority in this particular area and I can't say for sure, but that sounds about right. I'm pretty certain people are smart enough to know that they can't change their biology at the drop of a hat, like they know what parts and what chromosomes they have, but it's just that they identify differently to what they've been born with and want to be treated, or at least seen, as that with which they identify.
Hello! Genderfluid here, to clear things up. Genderfluid people don't exactly want to be adressed as no gender, fluid is in the word for a reason. Genderflud individuals can have "swings" days in which they feel more like one gender than the other. A lot of times, this can influence what they wear, or how they act or view themselves for that day. A gender period doesn't last for a certain amount of time either, a fluid person could wake up feeling girly and could hate that they're wearing a cute jean jacket a half hour later and be feeling manly for a week. Genderfluid people can't pick a "part" to go with how they want to be seen or how they feel because it changes. It's nothing like a transitional phase in which you'll settle eventually. There are cases in which fluid people do decide, and there are other people who don't and like a happy life with a gender-neutral haircut and wardrobe. Welp, I think that's all from me for now. Not gonna put my opinion down, just wanted to represent.
Funny you should say that, because I only came to this discovery of myself with the help of a psychiatrist. I went because I was feeling "off". Thank you for the concern, but it's not needed. Nor is it for any genderfluid individuals.
I once said to a feminazi I identified as a cauliflower, and reasoned that I identify as such because I dont want to have emotion, but I do anyways or something, and she said it made sense. Come an hour later, I realized she thought I was serious.
I think when there is a medical condition that by it's very nature proves the existence of more that two biological sexes, it becomes hard to argue that only two genders are possible.
And as far as being "made up," gender is a social construct, so technically ALL genders are made up. But so is language, and political parries. Being "made up" does not make something less valid.
· 7 years ago
1. that is a abnormality.
2. the definition of gender is the state of being male or female.
You can't just change your DNA. You may be able to change the levels of the hormones in your body, but you'll never just decide to have different sex chromosomes.
You can be trans (i dont support them but i recognize them) but when you are trans you should still identify as one gender. You also have one sex. The thing is, there are still only two options for gender to choose from (again, i dont support choosing)
oh, oh Im transsexual ^_^ My name is Daniel, but you can call me wolfengär. Its just that you feel like the other gender, you dont even need to want to change anything. I just want to be recognized as a boy and be called a boys name :D Maybe if I'm brave enough make some changes. But as long as a person is happy, I dont see the problem. And rarepepe, you are right. Chromosomes is nothing you can change. Some parts of my body will always be female. But does that really matter? No one should be ashamed of their body :D
Now have a goodie goodie day everyone ^_^
I think a lot of ppl hate trans bc they don't understand it. Ppl who are trans have the same brain structure as the gender they ID as. They also suffer terribly with this thing called gender dysphoria. Rebeccawolfweb clearly does not have this and is very very likely not trans. They think "being trans is awesome". It's not 'awesome' to want to kill yourself when you are made to wear a bra, to be unable get off because you don't have a dick, to bathe with your eyes shut. As an ftm transboy, I wish more than anything in the world that I could be cis. I've tried, but it just isn't going to happen. I hate tumblrtrenders like rebeccawolfweb who make trans struggles seem illegitimate by coming out with this 'it's how you feel!1!1!' bs.
Yeah maybe I just don't want to tell everyone how absolutely disgusting I think my body is? It's better if you try to be positive, especially since life is a fucking bitch. Transsexuality is what you make it. Go through the struggle and achieve happiness. That I try to give people a positive view on transsexuality is not a bad thing. Quite the opposite! And if you are transsexual, and you feel like you want to kill yourself when you put on a bra; Try to think of it as an obstacle for your goal. Try to think that its a box in the way of a door. It's too heavy to lift all at once, but if you pluck out the smaller things it'll get lighter. I'm not a tumblr-trender. I am a real person with real struggles and real thoughts. My best friend killed himself because of what people did to him. I don't want that to happen to me. That is why I want to be strong, that is why I fight. "Of you don't fight, you can't win.". I hope you can be strong one day. I hope you can fight. Because hating people
Lmao smbadat. Ok then wolfweb, but why u tryna be positive in front of cis people who already think trans is fake? They need to understand how tough it is.
Don't spread that tumblr stuff about how 'You don't even have to want to change anything'. That's pretty much the ONLY requirement to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria.
You're either a man with a penis or a man with a vagina. The rest are faggots and lesbos.
· 9 years ago
No, "faggots" are probably gay men, I hope is what you meant, and by "lesbos" I think you mean lesbian women. Those are sexualities. You left out bi, which is on the post, making your comment worthless.
*high fives Sero with my hand that's in the air* yeet
Short people.
*minion laughter*
Im too fucking tired for raising hand.
Asexuality should be considered a sexuality because you explicitly are not attracted to either.
I agree that the comparison's a bit off but the lack of something shouldn't categorize you into anything.
"I am not sexual" / "I don't have a sexual preference" which btw =/= "My preference is everything"
Did anyone agree with her?
Bisexual: sexually attracted to both men and women.
That's literally the same thing except in very different words and basis. Pansexuals are attracted to all humans. Bisexuals are attracted to men and woman which is all of humanity. If you're LGBT you're still male or female regardless of how you feel. Hermaphrodites are such a small fraction of humanity that I'm not gonna count them.
Identity labels like pansexual, polysexual, omnisexual, and ambisexual also describe a person with homosexual and heterosexual attractions, and therefore people who have chosen those labels are also bisexual. By replacing the prefix bi – (two, both) with pan- (all), poly- (many), omni- (all), ambi- (both, and implying ambiguity in this case)...
Bisexuality comes from a type of political thought based on sexual identity, pansexuality comes from a type of political thought based on gender identity: Talk to a bi person about bisexuality, they’ll often talk about sexuality and desire, and focus on biphobia; talk to a pan person about pansexuality, they’ll often talk about transgender and genderqueer identities, and focus on transphobia.
I feel the Holocaust never happened. You asswipe, it did happen and that's a fucking stupid "opinion".
I'm not gonna go so far as to call you "fucking stupid" or even "stupid" because the definitions of pansexual and bisexual (and sexuality and gender in general) seem to like to evolve in weird ways but I will take the position of you're wrong considering what they based on what I've found.
Direct copy-pasta from deviledapple which I think is relevant to this particular reply section
Someone is a father, son, uncle, and nephew at the same time. If you think about it, it's easily possible and very common. We don't have a word for [that person] besides their name, but depending on who you are, your point of view is that [that person] is [something]. Four people describe the same person with four unrelated terms. Bi/pan/ambi/hauselnoot/whatever is all describing the same sexuality from different points of view as according to one of my links.
Oh: those people who want "anybody that's plain vanilla [...] to be slaughtered"... I would place a huge bet these people are undercover vanilla extremists. I know a _lot_ of LGBTX people, and none of them hates or even dislikes straight people. My wife and me are as vanilla as it gets, we're just not afraid of the Ben&Jerry range of different combinations. It may be different when people react to haters who would like to exterminate every shade of grey from their black+white universe.
People should never be lifted up or put down for who they are. Only for what they do. You have Downs? Alright, interact with me and I'll rank you somewhere on my respect-o-meter. You're gay? Alright, you do the same. Nobody should give a fruit fried fuck about what a person inherently is, judgement should come from what they do.
Anyway, you're imagining people faking a down syndrom to be treated special? Let me guess: Tyler and you are twins, just like your parents, right?
But I'd like to get back on topic if that's at all possible.
This thread was about people making special snowflake names for themselves. And I responded against that on the basis that it's unnecessary. What is your (or anyone else's) argument against mine?
In a perfect world there are zero "genders". Because gender norms are dictated by society and have changed vastly over the course of human history. You act however the fuck you wanna act and there shouldn't be a need for any label whatsoever.
Now sex. That's biological. Penis = male, vagina = female. If you wanna switch, go for it.
That is like calling an Irish person German just because they're white.
That's like calling an American Mexican just because they live in the same continent.
It's like calling your eldest brother a dumpling and your older (but not oldest) brother a potato. They're both your older brothers, why do you have to have a new term for them? Why must we have a word explicitly defined as "oldest male sibling" and another word explicitly defined as "second oldest male sibling but cannot at the same time be the youngest"? Just call them older brothers.
Pansexual: not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity.
Bisexual: sexually attracted to both men and women.
That's literally the same thing except in very different words and basis. Pansexuals are attracted to all humans. Bisexuals are attracted to men and woman which is all of humanity. If you're LGBT you're still male or female regardless of how you feel. Hermaphrodites are such a small fraction of humanity that I'm not gonna count them.
Bisexuality comes from a type of political thought based on sexual identity, pansexuality comes from a type of political thought based on gender identity: Talk to a bi person about bisexuality, they’ll often talk about sexuality and desire, and focus on biphobia; talk to a pan person about pansexuality, they’ll often talk about transgender and genderqueer identities, and focus on transphobia.
Identity labels like pansexual, polysexual, omnisexual, and ambisexual also describe a person with homosexual and heterosexual attractions, and therefore people who have chosen those labels are also bisexual. By replacing the prefix bi – (two, both) with pan- (all), poly- (many), omni- (all), ambi- (both, and implying ambiguity in this case)...
A square is a rectangle and a rhombus. If you call a square either/or, you're not wrong, but if you call a square a square you're also not wrong. Until we can establish a significant difference between what these prefixes mean, they should be able to be used interchangeably. Alternatively, we don't need new words. Just use words already in existence to describe yourself.
Am I wrong?
I think when there is a medical condition that by it's very nature proves the existence of more that two biological sexes, it becomes hard to argue that only two genders are possible.
And as far as being "made up," gender is a social construct, so technically ALL genders are made up. But so is language, and political parries. Being "made up" does not make something less valid.
2. the definition of gender is the state of being male or female.
Now have a goodie goodie day everyone ^_^
Don't spread that tumblr stuff about how 'You don't even have to want to change anything'. That's pretty much the ONLY requirement to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria.