As a non American, banning guns seems like a good idea, it works for all European countries
· 9 years ago
Yeah but we never had many guns owned by civilians to begin with. I think it may be too late for the US, because people won't want to give up their guns, even if you ban them.
gun laws do not apply to criminals. That's what people need to get through their thick heads. If you take away our guns then that will be inviting more people to shoot up schools and such because no one can defend themselves. It's ridiculously simple yet people still don't understand
ease of access is oftentimes a leading factor. I'm not saying having stricter gun control would solve all the problems but it could certainly help. I don't understand why as a country we can't try it and if the numbers stay the same or go up then plan failed, but sticking with the same old system we've been using for years while the rate of mass shootings goes up every day is a little ridiculous.
part of the problem is even after implementing gun control it would take a long long time before the number of easily available guns decreased so even if it was working it would take so long to be proven the measure would likely be removed when continued violence the week after "proved" the gun control was useless.
yeah it could be more strict, just not completely banned. If you're a regular, law abiding citizen then you should have no problem getting a gun even if it was really strict
i cannot for the life of me figure out how i feel about gun control. because i am very pro rights, i see the point and purpose to guns, and i understand the reasoning behind it in the constitution... but then when i think of people as individuals i know and come across i am uncomfortable as hell with the idea of most those people walking around with guns on them.
January 15, 2015 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 0 3 A 15-year-old boy, a student's father, and a teacher were each injured at a Wisconsin Lutheran High School shooting that occurred Thursday night in the school parking lot at Wisconsin Lutheran High School. The student had unspecified injuries that were treated. The father was shot in the knee and the teacher was grazed in the toe. A 36-year-old man was charged in the shooting.[311]
January 16, 2015 Ocala, Florida 0 2 Two were injured in gunfire that occurred after a Friday night basketball game. One was injured directly by a bullet, the other by ricocheting glass.[312]
February 4, 2015 Frederick, Maryland 0 2 Two students were shot near the gymnasium of Frederick High School during a junior varsity (JV) boy's basketball game. Approximately 200 students, staff, and faculty were placed on lockdown for several hours after the shooting while police searched for the suspects. No suspects have been apprehended, although witnesses report seeing four b
also lenny if there were more people on site that has guns they would've taken down the shooter and his faggot-ass would be dead. We need guns in order to kill retards with guns so they don't hurt any innocents. If someone opens fire in a public place then they need to be shot down IMIDIATELY. No mercy. Also guests comment. Are you from America Lenny or no?
First off I live in australia
Second off thatoneguy not really liking the homophobic slur
and in response to guests comment yes there were 3 shooting in 2014 but my list was sourced from 2015 only lemme just have a quick look at 2014 shootings oh yeah you had 336 vs 3
Source :
Also maybe "retards" wouldn't have guns in the first place if you had better gun laws and if YOU think that more people need guns to kill "retards with guns" hence the more people with guns means the higher chance that a "retard" would get his hands on a gun
Same guest. lenny, the point I was trying to make is, even with your gun laws, people are still able to get their hands on them and use them for terrible things. You can't quite claim *crickets*.
Quote: "Also maybe "retards" wouldn't have guns in the first place if you had better gun laws and if YOU think that more people need guns to kill "retards with guns" hence the more people with guns means the higher chance that a "retard" would get his hands on a gun" - and therein squats the toad.
I am a gun owner. I have been shooting since I was five. I dislike the NRA because of their scaremongering strong-arm tactics. As a law abiding citizen and responsible gun owner I support stricter gun control and extensive background checks. If we had better gun laws, maybe fewer people that shouldn't have guns wouldn't have them. Unfortunately for us, the gun lobby is way too strong and squashes the majority of proposals that could have a positive effect.
then how about you stay in Australia we don't need any more people like you in our country. Trust me we have plenty. Don't be commenting stupid bullshit if you don't even live here, you don't know at all how we are over here. Screw off, mate.
It's our national past time? That's in bad taste. Also, do you realize how hard it is to get a class 3 weapon? Automatic weapons are class 3 weapons, I am trying to get one and it has taken me over a year with no end in sight.
Wait isn't it a sin to deny Christ? Like, didn't some kid get beheaded in the bible because she refused to deny Christ as her Lord and saviour so she was killed but sent to heaven? There are so many similarities in Christianity to Islam, I feel like its most likely also a sin to deny Allah
its also a sin to kill innocents and do most the things that ISIS does. i believe the general sentiment is that if you are breaking the rule FOR allah its fine. thats what extremism tends to be... people coming up with exceptions to the rules to enforce the parts they think matter. since exceptions do exist (like i think with the food rules exceptions exist for not knowing and life threatening situations) its pretty easy to decide that your actions are an exception as well.
But wait. I'm pretty sure he said that it was a "temporary ban" until we (the US) can get a better vetting system in place to help (not completely prevent) Jihadists from entering the country. And as an aside, you saw how badly muslims have f***ed up Europe.
we already have vetting there is no vetting that can see into someones heart to see if its black with hate so its a real ban under the guise of a temporary ban.
How can you compare an inanimate object to an ideology?? It would be a more equal comparison to compare banning mulsims to banning people who use guns to comit crimes. Oh wait, its already illegal to commit crime with a firearm...
· 9 years ago
Actually it's more like banning all gun owners, this comment makes it seem like all muslims are terrorists. I know that's not what you meant, but it is (in my opinion) a more fair comparison
He is not trying to ban muslims, he is trying to keep followers of sharia law out. If you follow the sharia law, you are by definition, an enemy of the United States.
Yes it will you ignorant fuckbucket . It won't solve it all the way but it is a step in the right direction and it will reduce the number of terrorist in the country drastically
Much in the way that putting all the Japanese-Americans in internment camps during WW2 was a "step in the right direction"? Or what about forcing all the Native Americans off their lands into reservations? Not all muslims are terrorists, and would you truly be fine killing off all the innocents for a small guilty party?
January 16, 2015 Ocala, Florida 0 2 Two were injured in gunfire that occurred after a Friday night basketball game. One was injured directly by a bullet, the other by ricocheting glass.[312]
February 4, 2015 Frederick, Maryland 0 2 Two students were shot near the gymnasium of Frederick High School during a junior varsity (JV) boy's basketball game. Approximately 200 students, staff, and faculty were placed on lockdown for several hours after the shooting while police searched for the suspects. No suspects have been apprehended, although witnesses report seeing four b
Second off thatoneguy not really liking the homophobic slur
and in response to guests comment yes there were 3 shooting in 2014 but my list was sourced from 2015 only lemme just have a quick look at 2014 shootings oh yeah you had 336 vs 3
Source :
Also maybe "retards" wouldn't have guns in the first place if you had better gun laws and if YOU think that more people need guns to kill "retards with guns" hence the more people with guns means the higher chance that a "retard" would get his hands on a gun
Quote: "Also maybe "retards" wouldn't have guns in the first place if you had better gun laws and if YOU think that more people need guns to kill "retards with guns" hence the more people with guns means the higher chance that a "retard" would get his hands on a gun" - and therein squats the toad.
I am a gun owner. I have been shooting since I was five. I dislike the NRA because of their scaremongering strong-arm tactics. As a law abiding citizen and responsible gun owner I support stricter gun control and extensive background checks. If we had better gun laws, maybe fewer people that shouldn't have guns wouldn't have them. Unfortunately for us, the gun lobby is way too strong and squashes the majority of proposals that could have a positive effect.
I mean of course you guys would be annoyed
it your national pastime
oh yeah
just in case Uzbekistan invades the basement in which you reside
Guess I was right
Good day
You couldn't be smoking it here if you weren't allowed to fly to this country though.