Sometimes I need to take a step back and reflect on the fact that these aren't just stories these are real people fighting real battles and I'm over here just trying to figure out what to watch next on Netflix.
That is a great point, I find myself doing the same a lot recently. Understanding people as vile as Daesh and people as heroic as these people fighting them really exist takes a bit of focus
Fuck yeah. This is some of the most badass shit I have ever read right here. My only question is, if there are women fighting against ISIS, then why are there so many fighting age men fleeing the country as refugees. And not only that, but going to other countries for asylum, and fucking around? They're complaining about shitty conditions, you know, conditions that are common in a refugee situation, all while women are fighting valiantly in defence of their home and countrymen.
Have you seen footage of the migration? The ratio of men to women is seriously out of whack. Especially for people that are fleeing a war torn country. I'm not saying women can't fight, I'm saying that they shouldn't have to. I don't know the exact numbers, but from the footage I've seen, there are more than enough men that if they all took up arms against the aggressors in their country the war would be over in a matter of... Well soon anyways. There's a video I think you should watch.
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This shit is terrifying, and it just gets worse and worse throughout the twenty or so minutes.
Actually it's only ok if the people are fighting them, which is just common sense.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
The belief is that you go to heaven if you're killed while defending your religion. That assumes you've been attacked. What they're doing is not Islamic. Though they've taken up this sacred religion as their motivation? What they're doing? It's wrong. This is not a religion thing. This is a case of horrible human beings doing horrible things. Don't judge all of us by the actions of the outcasts and excetremists.
I would never ISIS is just not right in the head, I don't consider all muslims bad people
· 9 years ago
BIJI KURDISTAN MY BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY!!! It is true isis are scared of being killed by our brave and fearless women.. May God protect everyone - man and woman, fighting these extremists who take Gods name in vain to use it as an excuse to kill thousands of innocent people each day. These Muslim terrorists are fake. They are not true Muslim. In every religion, we are taught not to kill - especially our fellow human beings, but to respect each other no matter the background and belief. They have been brainwashed to a point where all they see is hate and wrong in the world. Please do not encourage such extreme behaviour but pray for all those risking their lives for all of us in every country that has terror reigned upon them. Thank you Cewell for sharing this. X
· 9 years ago
Same!it's so good reading things like this. Like really our nation is rising up so fast. You know we're gonna have our independence from syria and iraq soon? We will be independent and I can't wait! xx
Yes, I heard! I'm so exited! I can finally say: 'I'm from Kurdistan' when I introduce myself, without havin people tellig me 'it's not a country' or 'don't you mean Iraq?'
ISIS are only using religion as an excuse to act like savages. The lady is right that they use being killed by women and consequently not going to heaven as an excuse not to attack female positions, but the truth is that they get scared when they see these determined women, because ISIS are bullies, cowards who prey on the weak and then use religion as an excuse to avoid fighting the ones who they always thought weak, but are actually strong.
I think we can all agree their a little more than bullies, lets try genocidal maniacs- who are litteraly forcing children to trin to be their soldiers right now.
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This shit is terrifying, and it just gets worse and worse throughout the twenty or so minutes.
Why not?