I brought a knife on my date today. What if she needed protecting? What if I wanted to carve our initials into something? What if I needed to sacrifice her to Satan? I carry a knife cause it's a useful tool.
Okay, okay, it wasn't thaaaat bad, but, anywhooo: I typically keep my pocket knife in my sweatshirt pocket or my bra. I was in a drama class at the time, and my friend and I had to do a skit. Seeing as both her and I are gymnasts, we incorporated that into our little "Spy" skit. Oooof course, the knife falls out of my shirt as I'm doing an aerial, and ends up on the ground near my friend. You see, we aren't supposed to have knives in school, since, ya know, they're dangerous, but of course my friend decides to grab my knife and go full on improv in the skit, pretending to stab me. Blah de blah, when we take our bows, my teacher is grinning from ear to ear, because apparently I had the look of utter panic on my face the entire time, and that we did a great job of "making it look real". Had it been any other teacher, we would've had our asses hauled to the principal's office and most likely would've been suspended. Thank you Mr. Roy for not getting me in trouble!
Sorry had to