I like long hair on guys tied in a bun but I dont like when they shave the sides of their heads and put their hair into a tiny poof on the top of their heads.
· 9 years ago
That's what I'm talking about. My teenage daughter asked me to take her to Starbucks yesterday and there was a cashier there with the tiny man bun. He's blonde and when I first saw it, I thought he had a tiny, gold hat on his head. I whispered to my daughter something about his stupid man bun. She cringed and told me I was rude, but I think the women taking our order heard because she stifled a giggle.
MrClever. Look up the words "irony" and "hypocrisy".
· 9 years ago
It does affect us. We have to look at it and hear it and smell it. And don't give the argument, "just don't look at it." If someone is standing in our line of vision, we can't help but look at it.
I'd like to know who the fuck is selling it to those 12 year olds. Even before laws started getting passed, legit vapers shops wouldn't sell to anyone under 18.
I actually welcome the vaping mania because now I can vape cannabis pretty much everwhere in public and nobody gets it. Since I started vaping instead of smoking weed, I reduced the amount I consume by about 2/3 and got rid of the carbon monoxide and tar. Buzz-CO=high. The vaping trend of the last years have brought some pretty small and stealthy units on the market which resemble "normal" vapes, so thats working excellent for me.
· 9 years ago
Bae - before anyone else. A term people use for their loved ones to show how important they are and how much they mean to them. Man buns - A fashion style that shoulfn't affect you unless you're so edge omg. Vaping - a different way of doing something harmful only less harmful, a practice that's been used over hundereds of years. Face it, the only reason why any of you hate any of these things is because they are popular, and it's "so cool and super edge " to hate popular things. People forcefully made it pop culture to hate things that are popular and tried their best scraping the internet to asscociate these things with bad people. Hopefully yall can be less hateful this year.
For those that decided to just up and start smoking using the vapor cigs, everything. For those that decided to switch from real cigs to vapor cigs, absolutely nothing.
-telling someone to stop doing what they like even though it doesn't affect you
Let this die out in 2016, okay?
<citation needed>