How about let both be up and admit somepeople perfer to date their own race. It doesnt mean anything to want to date only your race. I have dated all types races but I married a man of my own race. Because all the men I dated I felt more comfortable with a man of my own race. Thats all. Will I judge mix race couples no why should I? Look unless the sites is saying shit about other races than they are not racist.
· 9 years ago
How DARE you make perfect sense! What are you some kind of NORMAL person or something? FREAK!
I used to feel so guilty that I was mostly attracted to people of my own race and I would almost be proud of myself for thinking someone of another race was attractive when in fact that thought process was more racist than just letting my heart (yes I know it's cheesy) decide who I was attracted to. I have dated people outside my race but I'm mostly attracted to people of my race.
The only thing wrong that I see here is the fact that these actually require payment. I will honestly question anybody that actually fall for these scams.
Idk but I know a lot of people that are attracted to me part bc I'm Asian
And then they start with that small figure thing...
Are we, Asian, scary?
I mean everyone assumes Asian are smart but scary? Are we scary?
I think we are. I think it's the stereotype of high expectations. But I think I'm just as scared of the language as I am the people, probably more.
· 9 years ago
I don't think it's racist to have a minor service aimed at one race as long as there are ones out there open to anybody. And there are plenty of all-in dating sites, these are fine.
Any dating site that's not specific to anything. And then look for your "exocitc" tastes. Or look it up, there's probably something that exists for that too.
The top one seems more exclusive because it says where white people meet making it seem like only white people will be there whereas the bottom one says meet black singles and that seems like it can mean anybody who is attracted to a black person. That's just my opinoin though
· 9 years ago
That would defeat the purpose. If anybody can go there to meet black singles, then those who are black and looking to date their own race risk being bothered by non-blacks who are there. Its URL is, it's exclusive. Nothing wrong with that in a dating site.
*mind explodes*
We're scary
I don't wanna date an Asian because I'm afraid they'll blow up on me.
*thinks about what she has done in the last 18 years*
I'm sorry...
And then they start with that small figure thing...
Are we, Asian, scary?
I mean everyone assumes Asian are smart but scary? Are we scary?