Sorry but as long as you have people like that associating #blacklivesmatter with statements like "kill all da white people," what kind of positive change can happen for anybody?
Everytime time i see or hear people changing black lives matter to all lives matter it makes me cringe because all that black lives matter is saying is that black lives matter too, just like everyone else's. Its not preaching that only black lives matter. It's asking for equality. Now, yes, we do have loud extremists for every cause, but really people stop riding the band wagon and do some actual research. When you argue all lives matter when you see black lives matter, you're just arguing what they are already trying to say.
It actually reminds me a lot of people's reactions on the subject of feminism. People are always so quick to say i dont agree with feminism because I think that every one should be equal. But feminism is just wanting equality to begin with! And because all people constantly see are the loud/extremist feminists, the message is altered. Just like with black lives matter.
What people fail to understand (and bring on the downvotes) is that Black Lives Matter is specific to black lives since it is a movement. The name of movements, such as the Feminism or Gay Rights carries the name of the under-represented group because it is specific to empowering that group. All lives matter is a true statement. Black Lives Matter is the name of a movement.
Its because of people like this that I automatically stop listening to whatever you have to say whenever I hear back lives matter. They turned something that could help people into a joke.
So you take ONE tweet where someone black said something ignorant and put it up on a website that is already sitting on the border of racist and not racist - and boom. All black people think this way and black l
Lives matter is therefore nullified on this site. Here's what you struggle to understand: black lives matter. Black lives matter. Say it again: Black. Lives. Matter. Because you seem to think that by saying that black lives matter, it means that no one else's does. Obviously that's not the case. Obviously all lives matter. But it's not about you right now. It's about bringing awareness to an issue. It's about making sure that what happened to Eric Garner and Mike Brown doesn't happen to anyone else. Why is it so hard to understand? Why can't some white people grasp this? You'll have your platform to say what you need to when your issue needs to be addressed. But for now, back down. #blacklivesmatter
Okay okay let's get real; I agree with the #BlackLivesMatter, although #ColoredLivesMatter would have been better but it sounds weird somehow? idk man. Anyway, in response to #AllLivesMatter: white lives already matter. Colored people are still more oppressed compared to people with white skin in western society. Second, what the frick is all that kill the white people what the hell is wrong with her
You do know that the whole reason black lives matter exists is because white people won't even let them have on thing for themselves? They try and change the horrible situation they have been put in (by white people) and then people change it to all lives matter? All lives do matter but they're trying to show that they matter and that they should be treated equally. Now this woman obviously doesn't understand this either I will give you that, but it being changed from #BlackLives MAtter to #Alllivesmatter really irks me.
I can totally see where you're coming from but personally I prefer the #Alllivematter because black peiple aren't the only minorty, there are other groups that need to be represented too. Like Asians, Latinos, etc,... #Alllivedmatter, I think, brings some more awareness toward other ethnic groups which is nice
Im sure some have but it has not nearly been as many as black people have in America. All #blackLivesMAtter is trying to do is help there people and by saying #allLivesMatter you aren't letting these people have something they really need.
I agree with all of this except for changing #blacklivesmatter to #alllivesmatter. It's obviously true that all lives matter and black lives matter doesn't devalue other lives. Black lives matter brings attention to he atrocities committed against African Americans and all lives matter is just something people/politicians say when they don't have the guts say that black lives matter. TL;DR All lives matter, but black lives need help.
This is exactly what i was trying to say! It isn't hurting anybody to say #BlackLivesMatter but it sure isn't helping anybody when they say #AllLivesMatter.
But is it helping? #BlackLivesMatter is only trying to bring attention to a very big and important issue and by saying #alllivesmatter you are in fact proving their point because you are being to petty to even let them try and help themselves. You are being so self entitled that you think that you must bring attention away from the issue so that you can bring attention to yourself?
Yes actually it is. This organization is one of the biggest reasons that the black peoples are on there way to reforming the way they are viewed and bringing attention to this very important social issue.
I don't agree that people say all lives matter to draw attention to themselves. I just think it's a weak statement that sounds progressive but really isn't.
"Organization". A hashtag on Twitter isn't an organization just a hashtag, if you want to talk about an influential organization NAACP is an organization. Not some random ass hashtag.
Actually if you would at least google stuff before you try to say it you would know that Black Lives Matter is actually infact an organization so if you could maybe at least try not to look ignorant that would be great.
What a great organization. Supported by buying merchandise and run by 3 people. The only way to support it is by using social media. That's not an organization.
Then what is really an organization? one that steals from the people that donate and has people joining it for publicity? Is that a true organization to you?
Are you retarded? Look, blacklivesmatter hasn't helped a single human being. Neither does saying allloves matter. You guys need to understand that saying is not the same as doing. You can say #curecancer but cancer will still be there. It just makes you feel like you're helping when in actuality you aren't.
Your obviously oblivious of the lives matter may have started out as a hashtag but is infact helping people. They are helping inform people such as your self to understand that the work they are doing is helping change the way the black peoples are being viewed and they bring attention to this issue. Heres the link to there site .
Maybe next time you can inform yourself before you make ignorant comments.
1. When Blacklivesmatters actually begins being an organization then I'll treat it as such.
2. You keep referencing the site that has and does nothing and so I'll raise you an actual organization and site that really does something:
MAybe Blacklivesmatter would be able to ¨actually do something¨ if they would get the attention they deserve? How much help has the NAACP done to raise awareness for police brutality...not enough. While it is an amazing organization BlackLivesMatter has done more in that sense.
"The goal of the NAACP Criminal Justice Department is to advocate for and advance a better public safety system that reduces the reliance on prisons as means of solving social problems, advances effective law enforcement and removes barriers to voting and employment for formerly incarcerated people." Shocking, a civilized approach is beating out a hashtag.
· 9 years ago
I think MLK has done so much more for black lives by including ALL people. Even Malcolm X, as anti white people as he was, knew you had to include all to make things better for black people. Yes, black people need to take charge and make their lives better, but they have to include all so that the oppressive whites can change. I don't mean all white people. I mean oppressive white people.
Maybe next time you can inform yourself before you make ignorant comments.
2. You keep referencing the site that has and does nothing and so I'll raise you an actual organization and site that really does something: