Nah. My friend and I took all the free ones we could find one summer night and broke them all. They're stupid and most just want your money. They ranged from 140 (just below our actual scores) to like 250 (ridiculous and false)
· 9 years ago
I took many test. They were pretty consistent. 120-130. All of them. Maybe your friend had poor luck?
I only trust the one that they sit you in a room and test you for six hours with a real person. Besides, IQ doesn't matter too much. Obviously there's correlation between people that are smart and people with high IQs but you can have an IQ over 150 and be a fucking moron.
· 9 years ago
I understand what you mean because i already had my iq tested when I entered a special class in elementary. I had to sit through a boring test with no words but with shapes like cubes and stuff. The moron you say with high iq probably did not have high crystallized iq.