America needs to get its shit together because I think in Switzerland they have freee health insurance also
· 9 years ago
How can anybody possibly down vote this. American does need to get it together or it's not going to stay a first world country for long. I'm not dissing American; I'm wanting America to stay strong.
How can anyone down vote this? Why dont you start by telling us exactly how the US government should pay for you to go to school? Where does the government $ come from? Do the professors work for free? Do contractors build the campus and donate the materials? Is it run on pure solar and wind power so the fixed expenses are paid for? Dont rush, i'm patient....and very curious.a
Taxes. What's what they're for. 1) pay according to your means, receive according to your needs. 2) pay a fixed price in advance so that you don't get ruined by the wildly unpredictable cost of an accident. It's basic solidarity.
I grew up poor, taxes paid for my health and education. Now I have a PhD, a job, and I'm happy to be able to pay taxes. I'm giving back, and still have a comfortable life.
Oh, a parasite? Well, assholes will always find ways to cheat and take advantage of others. Fortunately we've got laws. Or they can move to the USA I guess.
People may want whatever they like, that doesn't mean they're entitled to it. We've got one single planet.
You've got it backwards. The government is a parasite. Exactly, that doesn't mean they're entitled to it, yet you think the government is entitled to other people's money and means of production.
Guest people here on funsubstance that's all they talk about. Free this and free that and the government should give and we deserve that. Little do they know is that when you take you have to give and when you take from the government the people have to give a while lot more. But these kids in funsubstance will never understand. That's why they will so k this ship we call the U.S. please guys stop being stupid. Do your research before you spread ignorance
FYI Denmark's top school is tied for 61, Norway doesn't appear until 139...
· 9 years ago
I mean you do get anally raped by the taxes but if you're into that stuff then ok, and btw school is a privilege and nobody should be paid to go there.
"Free! Free!" that's what you yell for but the US is a capitalistic country. Not communistic or socialistic. If you want that move to the dying lands of Europe.
Guest, finally someone who understands. People here on funsubstance that's all they talk about. Free this and free that and the government should give and we deserve that. Little do they know is that when you take you have to give and when you take from the government the people have to give a while lot more. But these kids in funsubstance will never understand. That's why they will so k this ship we call the U.S. please guys stop being stupid. Do your research before you spread ignorance.
It is. Which country would ever benefit from having all its adult population educated? They might become successful and productive members of the society.
I was paid (not much, but it covered the rent and university was free, including textbooks) during my studies. My family couldn't have afforded it, but they didn't have to. Now I have a PhD in astronomy, a job, and zero debt. I now gladly pay taxes to give other students the same chance I was given.
Soy de argentina y considero que este comentario merece ser escrito en mi idioma natal, aca la educación NO ES UN BENEFICIO, ES UN DERECHO; ese el problema con estados unidos, un pais totalmente capitalista que le importa muy poco la salud y la educación de su gente. Si cuidas a tu pueblo dales una educación accesible, no un pase a tener deudas de por vida, dales un buen sistema de hospitales, no los dejes morir por no poder pagar una prepaga, obra social, etc. Dudo que lo puedan entender debido a la educación que recibieron pero estoy de acuerdo con los sistemas europeos de educacion y el que tenemos aca en Argentina. No estoy diciendo que vivimos mejor en todo sentido y estamos mucho menos desarrollados que estados unidos pero por lo menos a nivel educacion y salud pieso que somos mas inteligentes por tener a estos como necesidades basicas y no privilegios. Saludos
As a benefit to the economy, it might be good to have more engineers, business majors, etc. But, do we really need to give a free college degree to people who want to major in Art History, Women's Studies, African American Studies, Sports Marketing, Hotel-Motel Management, Modern Dance, etc.? People can amke a choice--study, and pay for, an education that's fun, or one that is more work but society values more with higher pay. If you want to study something that you can see doing until age 67 but pays less than something else, that's your choice. But we really don't need more of these fluff degrees.
Good Denmark
I grew up poor, taxes paid for my health and education. Now I have a PhD, a job, and I'm happy to be able to pay taxes. I'm giving back, and still have a comfortable life.
People may want whatever they like, that doesn't mean they're entitled to it. We've got one single planet.