He doesn't hate brown people. He hates those who enter this country illegally and tske advantage of our already overburdened health care and public schools
It's called "Disinformation". It was a technique employed and fine tuned by the KGB during the Cold War. And now it is used by the MSM to discredit any candidate they don't support.
I'm not voting for Trump but I'm sick of liberal misinformation plaguing this sight. I also don't like being called racist because i think people should earn their right ti live here. So many immigrants go through months of preparation to gain citizenship and yet people walk over with no problem? It's not right
I feel that targeting anyone based on race or religion as a future president is unprofessional no matter the reasoning behind it. We are one nation and our priorities should be elsewhere.
Trump is against people here illegally, giving benefits to people here illegally, and criminlas coming to the US. If "illegal" and "criminal" mean "brown skin" to you, I think that YOU'RE the racist.
I find Trump to be a bit of a buffon, so the real unforgivable things here are
1. You made me defend this guy in the name of accuracy
2. The other candidate is either a criminal or criminally negligent on so many issues, that Trump is the less bad candidate. Is there no Truman or Kennedy candidate left on the Left?
Was that argument directed at me? Lol wtf it's pretty off base from the content. I don't understand why you brought immigrants into this, that's an entirely different subject. My comment was so generalized I have no idea how you could pull that out of your ass.
so... it's understandable to say 'all Muslims are bad' (essentially, that is what he's saying), just because there are a handful of fucked-up extremists?
When you find the weapons in their place of worship, caution is neccesary.
I'd just like to clear the air real quick.
I don't like Trump. My ideal candidate was Carson. Trump is a bit extreme and talks too far ahead of himself, but he's willing to say the things others are afraid to say, some of his plans are actually half decent, and I'll take him over Sanders or Clinton any day of the week.
I just really don't like it when people get on his case for quotes that are almost always taken out of context.
fair enough, famousone. your point is valid, and i understand.
· 9 years ago
Welp, we've got pretty vivid proof that white people are dangerous since a whole slew of them have been involved in mass shootings. By your logic famousone, it would be fair to say "we found caches of weapons in these guys homes, we should be cautious and treat any white people who own guns with extra scrutiny." But we don't, because we know that violence isn't a result of them being white. The problem is there are an unfathomable number of Muslims in the world, most of them innocent, hardworking citizens. They go to school, they go to work, they play video games for fun, they pay their taxes. Not all Muslims are even Middle Eastern, though they may be of descent. So Trump saying these things tends to rile people up, and that random Muslim office worker born and raised in Ohio ends up harrassed, threatened, or worse. Words, have power, especially words from famous people, and Trump doesn't care if his cause harm for sworn American citizens.
For the entire day, gay marriage posts were being spammed.
I felt happy for them at first, but after the dozenth page of nothing but raibows, I was fucking annoyed.
It was a common sentiment.
Trump sucks and all, I honestly detest the man, but crap like this needs to stop. He's not a racist, he's a bigoted xenophobe and a staunch nationalist.
Liberal disinformation at its finest.
Good call.
I find Trump to be a bit of a buffon, so the real unforgivable things here are
1. You made me defend this guy in the name of accuracy
2. The other candidate is either a criminal or criminally negligent on so many issues, that Trump is the less bad candidate. Is there no Truman or Kennedy candidate left on the Left?
he hates Mexicans, Muslims, and god knows whoever else isn't white and American
here you go famousone
A lot of thlse guys tend to be bad guys.
there are very, VERY few illegal Muslims
I'd just like to clear the air real quick.
I don't like Trump. My ideal candidate was Carson. Trump is a bit extreme and talks too far ahead of himself, but he's willing to say the things others are afraid to say, some of his plans are actually half decent, and I'll take him over Sanders or Clinton any day of the week.
I just really don't like it when people get on his case for quotes that are almost always taken out of context.
Watch that and then tell me trump isn't racist
you fucking facist
I felt happy for them at first, but after the dozenth page of nothing but raibows, I was fucking annoyed.
It was a common sentiment.
It really helps prove my earlier point.