Im not forcing my religion on you. The complaining agnostics like you are the problem now.
· 9 years ago
I thought so too. Things have been.... Surprisingly okay. They may take it better than you think. No matter what they're your parents and they love you. And if not, if they're so close-minded that they can't accept you, then it'll be better for you to be honest than to lie and hide to make them happy. You'll feel better about yourself no matter what.
Idk my parents are pretty religious Catholics but I think they kinda know bc I don't participate in church and always fall asleep
@paxxyagent go fuck yourself. Don't tell us what to believe
· 9 years ago
Jesus led me to fear and anxiety and depression. He claims to love us but His religion works off of guilt and intimidation. I want nothing to do with Jesus. All he wants is to cast me into hell and I don't need him.
· 9 years ago
Rte my parents are devout Mormons so I understand. I'm here if you wanna talk.
Jesus died for your sins and then you reject him. Ungrateful. Jesus is the only way into heaven. Hopefully your parents will bring you back to the light.
· 9 years ago
What sins? Loving my girlfriend? Going to college and figuring out my life for myself instead of letting people walk all over me? Accepting myself as I was instead of hating myself because your God called me an abomination? When I had Jesus that was the darkest most miserable time in my life. Since leaving the church I haven't been happier.
Paxxyagent, you have now seriously pissed me off now. I don't have to fucking believe in your God so take your goddamn religion and shove it up your ass if you love it so much. I've received hate and discrimination from more Christians than I have from non-Christians so don't tell me God is gonna help
oh, im a bad person for spreading the word of God. My duty in my religion. Oh but i have to cater to everyone and please everyone in todays society. Typical atheist
Okay I've been to church and nowhere does it say to fucking force your religion on others. So as I've said go fuck yourself
· 9 years ago
Yes I am a lesbian. And I love my girlfriend. Someday I wanna make her my wife. And because of that your God would damn me for eternity, for loving one of his creations. I'm not asking you to change your beliefs, because I want you to respect mine. I just don't want you to tell me I need Jesus or to go to church when I'm far happier with neither in my life. Do what makes you happy I really couldn't care less. Just let me Do the same without condemning me or trying to "bring me back to the light" is all I ask. I don't need saving or fixing. I'm happy the way I am.
· 9 years ago
And I'm fucking agnostic you prick, not atheist. Huge fucking difference.
Actually i do respect your being lesbian (didnt know how to phrase that)(also, respect my belief that homosexuality is wrong) but my duty is to spread the word of God. Ruinedeffect, spreading the word is different then forcing religion. Nobody can make you become a certain religion, but we can say whatever we want to try to get you to follow the Lord
Y'all need to chill homies. fox, understand that pax has his own beliefs and sure, they may not align with yours but you're not changing anyone's mind, and name calling and being rude is uncallled for (especially when he's not doing it to you) whatever he's saying. Pax, you're not gonna change anyone's mind. If you wanna spread Jesus' word, and do your duty, if you do it in a more tolerant fashion you'll have better luck with converting people, they're more likely to take on board what you say and just saying- us Christians are meant to emulate Jesus. He was gentler than you're being, so maybe just take it down a notch. Look, this whole fight isn't between gays and religious people, it's not about 'bigots' and 'sinners', or any of it. The only barriers here are the ones we make for ourselves, so I say we knock them down.
Obviously paxx is a troll, he kept escalating his insults until someone responded to him. Also he's a closed minded and ignorant. If he truly followed the teachings of Jesus, as he claims, he would know better than condemn and judge others. Jesus teaches love and tolerance for all, the Church teaches intolerance and judgment. Learn the difference paxxy
I've lived half my life with the church, and I can say that although I no longer have such a strong tie to it, what it teaches is not always what people do. It's quite tolerant and not actually very judgemental, but some people misinterpret the teachings and act in a different way
Celticrose are you really the only one to realize that i am trolling? I am very christian but like seriously would anyone actually act like i did there? Obviously i was trolling
there i did it
@paxxyagent go fuck yourself. Don't tell us what to believe
The sin i am talking about is rejecting Jesus as your Lord and savior