I was a Tank/DPSish character and I legendaried Heavy armor, One-handed and Block. I should have realized at the time it was a terrible idea.
· 9 years ago
The worse thing is, those were my most advance trees.
I was left to Archery(which was only 45), Destruction(25), and Restoration(actually it was 50, due the reason I never found a lot of health potions)
I joined the Dark Brotherhood and the Imperial Legion. Good times.
· 9 years ago
if you wanna quickly level up your sneak again you could always back stab the greybeards in hyrothgar while in sneak mode. They're immortal and never turn around after you hit them so you can get from 15 to 100 in minutes. It might also level up your 1 handed skills up a level or two.
· 9 years ago
I do the atronach glitch
· 9 years ago
which one is that?
· 9 years ago
When you summon an atronach and attack it to death.
I'm level 40 and tired of Dragons. Alwayss fucking flying around and not landing, and then setting you on fire and you cant fucking see. Damn it, 1V1 me Dragon!!
· 9 years ago
Use the slow time shout and shoot a shit ton of arrows at them. I can usually down a dragon in one shout with this method but I wear a bunch of fortify archery crap so my archery game is pretty high
· 9 years ago
Kill them little shits in seconds with this I'm lvl 57 btw
I fucked up my character too
I was left to Archery(which was only 45), Destruction(25), and Restoration(actually it was 50, due the reason I never found a lot of health potions)
"Dude? Srsly? Really? Fuk u"