· 9 years ago
*speaks into radio* "...U-Unready those planes, for me, Jim."
"Why? The pilots already said goodbye to their families and they're all fueled--"
"Jim. Jim. Jim. Unready the planes."
*turns off radio, clears throat*
So, gaym..h-how are you?
considering the problem with the Nazis was their antisemitism (AKA blaming a race or group of people for their problems) they were much closer to Trumps policies.
(That response is gold.)
Only idiot Bernie supporters actually think there's a real difference between the two. Socialism is socialism is socialism. The end goal is to give more power to the government and take freedom and property away from the individual. I'm not going to say he's a nazi, but his policies are extremely authoritarian and evil.
Oh I'm sorry, you clearly haven't done your research and learned that Denmark, the happiest country in the world, ISN'T even an example of what Bernie Sanders wants. Bernie is saying that it is because he knows people like you are too stupid to actually go research it yourself, and you'll just believe him. But Denmark actually has more Capitalism than America does right now. It's ranked as more economically free, AND the Denmark Prime Minister came out and straight up told Bernie Sanders to stop calling them socialist because they're not. Socialism failed in Denmark years ago and they moved away from it. Same with Sweden. Same with every other country that Bernie tries to use to defend his arguments. Don't be an idiot and just believe him at his word. Do some actual research.
Actually the current president of Denmark did say that Denmark wasn't a socialist country, A) democratic socialism is the mixing of capitalism and socialism, so saying that Bernie or Denmark is socialist and leaving it at that is a wrong term, but
B) regardless of that, in that speech your referring too, THE MAN AGREED WITH BERNIE
He said, and I quote, [Denmark is] “a successful market economy with much freedom to pursue your dreams and live your life as you wish.”
That is the exact opposite of what Sanders wants. Sanders doesn't want a mix of capitalism and socialism. He wants to punish the people who work hard, increase taxes, regulate business, make it impossible to get rich, force his ideas of what's good on others, and run this country into even deeper debt than it already is. The man will fucking destroy freedom here. The best thing he could do for this country is have a heart attack and drop dead.
I understand completely what's wrong with this country. It's people like you, who don't understand the basics of a candidates ideas and platform, and also people like you who lack the basic ability to view the world outside of the united states. Not only that, its the campaign finance and corruption that has made it so our politicians don't listen to the people, but also a Republican party who has forcefully shifted the political spectrum massively to the right, and a democratic party who has done nothing about it. Let me lay out the exact policies he wants:
1) Eliminate money in politics by overturning citizens united and other court rulings like it and replace the corrupt system we have with a public finance system (something that is almost universal in other modern countries)
2) Replace private insurance with a tax payer funded health care system, so that instead of paying (as an example) 10,000 dollars/year on a private, price gouged health care plan, you pay 5,000 dollars...
...per year in taxes. And in fact the average American won't even pay that much.
3) Rebuild our infrastructure, creating MILLIONS of public sector jobs
4) Bring back common-sense banking regulation, specifically glass steagle
5) Get out (as much as possible) of the middle east and all the wars we're involved in
6) on taxes, if you make <250,00$/year you won't see any tax increase, with the exception of the health care plan (which remember, saves you money)
7) He wants to make income inequality less of issue, not so that no one can become rich but rather so we don't the top 1% owning more in the economy than the bottom 90%,
And an example that I think he honestly needs to talk about more, the Walton family (6 people) owning more than the BOTTOM 40% COMBINED.
Again, if you make it and become a CEO, great. You can make a fuckton of money. But you aren't going to be making 300x your workers. Something like 50x would be more likely
8) he wants to raise the minimum wage to a...
...living wage. How he's proposed this has come under a bit of scrutiny, but the idea behind it, that min wage workers should be able to survive and not need to work 60+ hours a week and still need food stamps,
9) Increase social security so that old people don't have to find a way to live off of 10,000 dollars a year, but rather be able to live a comfortable (not lush) life after they've contributed to society
10) he wants public college to be tuition free, so that everyone has a chance to get an education without being burdened with student loans for the rest of their life
Forced the political spectrum to the right??? Are you fucking insane? The problem with this country is that both sides are so far left that they're sacrificing all our freedoms for their perfect big government.
And a tax payer funded health care system is a terrible terrible idea. It's forcing more of a bad system on people who don't want it. You're sacrificing my freedom because you think you know what's best for everyone. The last thing I want is more money taken out of my paycheck for something I don't want being forced upon me. Not to mention the fact that the reason healthcare costs are so high to begin with is because the government got involved and drove prices up. More government is always a bad thing and fucking morons like you are the reason this country is so fucked up. I hope you just drop fucking dead.
"more government is ALWAYS a bad thing"
Okay never call 911 if your house is on fire. Those people work for the government. I'm sorry you have to pay taxes for those people to save lives.
Oh I'm sorry you wanted you wanted to make sure that the over the counter drugs your taking are actually what they say they are? And not possibly deadly? Oh I'm sorry but you can't do that, that's a government job.
You like free k-12 schools that you probably went to? Oh I'm sorry but your children won't have that as an option. That's a government run program :(
Sorry bro. Not to mention that the claim of rising prices as a result of Obama is utter horse shit. Nextly,I want to ask you, if you wanted to move to any country besides the US, you'd probably mention a European country, correct? That or canada? Those places are so ridiculously more liberal than the US that they don't even fit onto our traditional political spectrum. The US right is more comparable to a dictatorship than even Canada...
Far us right* ( as in tea party) also, on freedoms, not only are none of your freedoms being violated by paying taxes, but Bernie sanders is probably the most libertarian (completely different from liberal or conservative) and has repeatedly been against
•The patriot act
•The NSA spying
•The current issue on college campuses with freedom of speech
And honestly by this point I'm arguing with you for the soul purpose of persuading others since you obviously won't change your mind. You saying "I hope you just drop fucking dead." Shows that your ideas about this person aren't based in reality, logic, and reasons, but it was probably instilled in you from an early age, by your parents and surrounding community, and is blasé for you that it is impossible for you to open your mind to the idea, let alone rationally think about it. It's sad to see that. I was raised in right leaning house so I was able to break away from that belief and start to realize just how bullshit most of it was. I was eventually able to convince my mother of the policies, and my father (a life long traditional Republican, meaning he believed the states should be more powerful) is on the fence about the man. I have to give props to the right for being so good at politics, despite their terrible policies.
No. I'm just on my phone and it's not worth putting in time trying to argue with someone who is obviously so brainwashed into thinking your enemy is your savior. Bernie isn't even close to Libertarian. Only an idiot would think so. I am a Libertarian. Ron Paul is a Libertarian. Rand Paul is close to being a Libertarian. Just look up their opinions of Sanders. I'm done talking to you. You represent everything I hate about this country. Just be ready for a civil war if you elect that moron. Because that's what you'll get.
I'm sorry, I'll admit that I misspoke. I meant libertarian on social issues, as in weed or things like the states repeatedly trying to ban anal and oral sex. You got me there. But I'd also like to point out to everyone watching (or reading I guess) that you didn't seriously reflect any of my major points.
You can dig through my comment history and see my arguments. Like I said. I'm on my phone. I can't even read your comments while typing and I don't consider you to be worth the effort.
Unfollowing this thread now.
I'll concede that I shouldn't have called him a "fucktard" but that doesn't necessarily make my points any less valid, same logic applies to pacifist. That notion is a slippery slope to me, and any argument should be considered that: An argument for or against something. Using that statement as a way to debunk either of our arguments as right or wrong simply defeats the purpose of an argument by saying that as soon as someone becomes agitated or passionate about their argument, they no longer can be respected. Humans aren't emotionless, and it should be expected to bleed into arguments. Again, I admit calling him a fucktard was wrong on my part. But that doesn't make any of my points invalid. If you can show me with facts what's wrong with my argument, then I'll change my mind. But from my point of view, pacifist didn't have any arguments that had any concrete bases.
You clearly had thought out points and understood Bernie's platform very well. Instead of replying with useless opinions you actually stated facts. Good job the_gayming_singer, clearly the better debater.
YAY! As someone who is a massive political junky and someone who would like to become a career politician (taking a basic highschool poly Sci, basic economics, and advance civics class rn) that means a lot
Cool! I really like discussing politics too and like to see other peoples views and opinions of things. Does your school have a Model U.N. club or class?
Yes but
A) I don't like those types of clubs because they are unrealistic as none of the people actually are from those countries, thereof can very rarely represent those countries well if at all, and also none of the decisions have legitimate repercussions.
B) I don't concern myself with international affairs too much, I'm much more focused on domestic problems, which is why I plan on having someone I respect a lot (and who has come to be a good friend if mine) be my foreign affairs adviser.
C) I would still join the club just so I can get better at debates, however I missed the deadline for sign up.
Yes I was just about to mention the third thing you said. I too am more concerned with domestic affairs than international. It does help you debate better and learn to collaborate with other people and their ideas though like you said. It's a pretty cool thing to do. Debating anyway is fun. (did it last year)
*speaks into radio* "...U-Unready those planes, for me, Jim."
"Why? The pilots already said goodbye to their families and they're all fueled--"
"Jim. Jim. Jim. Unready the planes."
*turns off radio, clears throat*
So, gaym..h-how are you?
Worrying about those primaries...
(That response is gold.)
B) regardless of that, in that speech your referring too, THE MAN AGREED WITH BERNIE
That is the exact opposite of what Sanders wants. Sanders doesn't want a mix of capitalism and socialism. He wants to punish the people who work hard, increase taxes, regulate business, make it impossible to get rich, force his ideas of what's good on others, and run this country into even deeper debt than it already is. The man will fucking destroy freedom here. The best thing he could do for this country is have a heart attack and drop dead.
1) Eliminate money in politics by overturning citizens united and other court rulings like it and replace the corrupt system we have with a public finance system (something that is almost universal in other modern countries)
2) Replace private insurance with a tax payer funded health care system, so that instead of paying (as an example) 10,000 dollars/year on a private, price gouged health care plan, you pay 5,000 dollars...
3) Rebuild our infrastructure, creating MILLIONS of public sector jobs
4) Bring back common-sense banking regulation, specifically glass steagle
5) Get out (as much as possible) of the middle east and all the wars we're involved in
6) on taxes, if you make <250,00$/year you won't see any tax increase, with the exception of the health care plan (which remember, saves you money)
7) He wants to make income inequality less of issue, not so that no one can become rich but rather so we don't the top 1% owning more in the economy than the bottom 90%,
And an example that I think he honestly needs to talk about more, the Walton family (6 people) owning more than the BOTTOM 40% COMBINED.
Again, if you make it and become a CEO, great. You can make a fuckton of money. But you aren't going to be making 300x your workers. Something like 50x would be more likely
8) he wants to raise the minimum wage to a...
9) Increase social security so that old people don't have to find a way to live off of 10,000 dollars a year, but rather be able to live a comfortable (not lush) life after they've contributed to society
10) he wants public college to be tuition free, so that everyone has a chance to get an education without being burdened with student loans for the rest of their life
And a tax payer funded health care system is a terrible terrible idea. It's forcing more of a bad system on people who don't want it. You're sacrificing my freedom because you think you know what's best for everyone. The last thing I want is more money taken out of my paycheck for something I don't want being forced upon me. Not to mention the fact that the reason healthcare costs are so high to begin with is because the government got involved and drove prices up. More government is always a bad thing and fucking morons like you are the reason this country is so fucked up. I hope you just drop fucking dead.
Okay never call 911 if your house is on fire. Those people work for the government. I'm sorry you have to pay taxes for those people to save lives.
Oh I'm sorry you wanted you wanted to make sure that the over the counter drugs your taking are actually what they say they are? And not possibly deadly? Oh I'm sorry but you can't do that, that's a government job.
You like free k-12 schools that you probably went to? Oh I'm sorry but your children won't have that as an option. That's a government run program :(
Sorry bro. Not to mention that the claim of rising prices as a result of Obama is utter horse shit. Nextly,I want to ask you, if you wanted to move to any country besides the US, you'd probably mention a European country, correct? That or canada? Those places are so ridiculously more liberal than the US that they don't even fit onto our traditional political spectrum. The US right is more comparable to a dictatorship than even Canada...
•The patriot act
•The NSA spying
•The current issue on college campuses with freedom of speech
Unfollowing this thread now.
A) I don't like those types of clubs because they are unrealistic as none of the people actually are from those countries, thereof can very rarely represent those countries well if at all, and also none of the decisions have legitimate repercussions.
B) I don't concern myself with international affairs too much, I'm much more focused on domestic problems, which is why I plan on having someone I respect a lot (and who has come to be a good friend if mine) be my foreign affairs adviser.
C) I would still join the club just so I can get better at debates, however I missed the deadline for sign up.
Your attention please!
That is all.