pfft, kill them? i put them through horrible situations, build them a rough past
watch them suffer then i feel like an awful mother
but then i watch them rise from the dust
death is way too easy
· 9 years ago
Some authors cry. Some authors do it and laugh like a spawn of the devil. Some authors (like J. K. Rowling) have a list of people who live and die so when it comes down to it, it's not so hard on them because they already had a good idea of whats to come. My mom hates killing her characters because you get emotionally attached to them but she says it's necessary often so the storyline can keep going
The thing is, the ability to make the reader fall in love with the person, a fake-nonexistent- 2d character, render that character 3d with as much realism as a person, and then dash that characters life in such a way that the reader is left broken, is a rare and beautiful ability indeed.
She doesn't try to bargain me into selling my mortal soul.
watch them suffer then i feel like an awful mother
but then i watch them rise from the dust
death is way too easy