I'm sorry for asking this on someone else's post...I hope you don't mind, but I'm wondering what guys think. Would you mind dating a Transgender girl, born a man but went through all the changes. If you knew her past would you be ok with it? Honest answers.
· 9 years ago
Absolutely not. I'd be way too weirded out. I only date XX chromosomes. Just my preference
i wouldn't mind. it's the "she was a man" instead of "she is a woman" mentality that the LGBT+ movement is still working to break through, so no, i wouldnt mind dating a woman
I myself wouldn't want to date a man who was born a female either. I have no problem recognizing your sexual preferences, but I wouldn't want to date someone who wasn't born a man. Do you believe that someone should have an obligation to tell someone who they might be dating /marrying that you are Transgender?
The transgender people I know have to walk this weird line between "not telling the people they're dating soon enough" and "trying to know someone well enough to know they're not going to, like, beat you when you tell them." I live in a state where anti-LGBT violence is potentially a thing, so it's weird for them to have to decide where that line falls.
I want to be clear, no one should be hurt because of who they are and the way they love. I ONLY believe it's important to tell someone because if you are planning to have a family and children one day. I personally think it would be selfish to not tell someone and taking that option away from them isn't fair if they don't know the truth.
In case anyone was wondering, the way to tell if she was born a women ask them to stretch their arm out, palm up. Men's arms are straight were as women's will bend upwards at the elbow. Perverted Snapple fact of the day
*Pulls out umbrella*