We produce less intrinsic factor as we age, and this protein is required to absorb B12 from our food. That's why. But this is very different from being deficient bcuz you choose foods that are nutritionally incomplete and don't contain enough or any B12.
· 9 years ago
I'm fine with you being an omnivore as long as you're cool with me being vegan. Evolutionarily it's not our natural diet, but I can get by without needing to consume animal products and for me it's an ethical choice. You do you, I'll do me, we won't do each other, and there shouldn't be a problem.
Have a nice day!
As long as you don't sprout bullshit (or breastfeed while on a purely vegan diet) we should be fine. And as long as you don't force veganism on your pets and/or other family.
· 9 years ago
I'm not going to force anyone to-do anything. It's my choice for how I want to live my life. My girlfriend still eats meat, and my family, and that's fine. It's their life and their choice. I just choose to abstain for ethical reasons. In the future, when I am ready to have kids, I'll talk to my doctor and I'll do what's best for my kid.
Eh. It's a rocky relationship sometimes, but they raised me and take care of me even if we don't always see eye to eye, and I understand and respect them.
If you know how to eat you don't have to actually. I am trying to be vegetarian but still eating eggs and sometimes fish :/ i do think we are natural carnivores but if i can. I rather not eat animals :(
Well I have entirely flat teeth and I eat chicken but am trying to stop because they put them in cages even cage free they are just not in all the time
I know I commented it somewhere but I can't find it so I'll try and type out some semblance of what I said before.
I am under the impression that we eat too much meat and too much "bad" meat (fast food ect). Not eating meat at all is stupid. That's what humans are designed to do. Giving up meat for a time (Lent or other periodic but not 24/7/365 lengths) is fine. But I don't think it would be at all a bad thing to reduce meat and eat better meat choices.
Er, i have been vegan for years, take no supplements whatsoever, never have a cold, rarely ill, never been fitter or healthier. I run half marathons and 10k races faster than I did before I changed my diet.
So there....
Alright guys, listen here. I'm not a vegan, nowhere near it actually, just had a big fat bacon wrapped sausage yesterday but there are vegans who are actually better off staying vegans. We have all evolved, some people's bodies are respond better to different diets. Just cuz you or someone you know doesn't look good as a vegan doesn't mean everyone else is like that. There are people who are better off staying carnivores, there are people who's bodies are better off with meat AND veggies or just veggies. It depends on the persons body. We're all different right? If a diet doesn't work for you, try another. Your body will tell you if it's working or not. I'm no expert but it's just what I noticed.
· 9 years ago
^This user, I like them. Diversity is a thing that we should recognize.
I started to turn vegetarian more for the animals but one day i really felt disgusted by chicken and beef. I have also read it is good to cut back on meat so it was a combination.... as the guest said it depends but to me it did wonders for my energy and digestive system i even ran my first marathon! So the energy is there. People just really need to be educated on nutrients to do it the right way. You can be eating badly (poor nutrients) while eating meat too. I was..
Have a nice day!
I am under the impression that we eat too much meat and too much "bad" meat (fast food ect). Not eating meat at all is stupid. That's what humans are designed to do. Giving up meat for a time (Lent or other periodic but not 24/7/365 lengths) is fine. But I don't think it would be at all a bad thing to reduce meat and eat better meat choices.
So there....