More like let's not open up the "comparing men's and women's difficulties because it's spawns endless arguments over whose right and wrong and ultimately just ends in fruitless discussion that gets us nowhere in society" can
· 9 years ago
There are calls to abolish the draft since women provide more voluntary forces, or require women to register. Male lawmakers have publically scoffed at this. There is a movement to stop circumcision and leave it a choice for the man later, doctors continue to push it. Male police and law officers deride men who complain about abuse, and when it comes to a male victim the abuser is often also male (females do abuse, however), and there is a push to get domestic violence information and contacts out to men who need them. Men are also often derided-by male lawmakers and majority male courts-for claiming rape. And a good number DO care about being objectified, but there's no unified front because it's not manly to talk about. If this poster doesn't know any of that or contribute to these efforts, they are part of the problem.
For the circumcision part,you should add "except for medical purposes". Because if they had waited for me to be able to decide,i'd be pretty much fucked right now.
· 9 years ago
Yes, I should have added that. There will always be the occasional medical necessity, but for most boys it just isn't needed. I don't think a lot of doctors make that clear to parents, and a lot don't realize it.
Even thought you agree with it, it's a shame to compare this kind of speech with the message of Martin Luther King.
And people should stop those reasoning. Women all over the world are fighting to have equal rights because since the beginning of civilization til now, in most societies, men are the ones making the law.
I am friends with two guys that won custody of their children, but they had to wade through hell to do it, and they should never have had to! The one was abused by his child's mother to the extent of permanent physical/emotional scars and the other one was allowing her 'boyfriend' to sexually abuse her daughter while the husband/father was at work. I myself dealt with an abusive female as well. Its far more common than anyone believes!
Do men realize all of these things are results of men traditionally assigning women the role of the house people think men can't be abused by women because they think women are inherently weaker, women should always get custody of the child because women are meant to be moms and nothing more, etc...
This is based on fact from the 1900's. Most of this doesn't happen in the western world anymore, and when it does happen, its based on a stereotype. This brings up issues with society, with certain thing like censorship. Imagine a world without censorship of the body. Less rape cases would exist because the male and female sex organs wouldn't be associated with sex anymore than a finger would be. But this couldn't happen in todays world because of peoples views of those as 'arrousing' or 'sexual'.
Like with breastfeeding. We're free to have these scantily clad photos of large chested women posted all in front of Victoria's Secret, or whatever, but having someone use their breast for what they were actually made for? No one should be harassed or looked down upon for taking care of their baby.
Why can't we just agree that gender doesn't matter? Everyone is capable of doing everything everyone else is capable of doing. And if they aren't, it's not because of their gender.
Except for some things,man. I mean,women,and that's biological,are often less strong than men,thus leading to some jobs hard to do. But yeah,you're right. Appart from force problems,equality should rule the world no matter the gender.
Biologically, yeah, there may be situations where someone might not be able to do something. But this is why we have interviews, why people volunteer for jobs, rather being given one by the government. If the woman can do it, no problem. If she can't, she won't get the job, but no problem there either. The only problem is when people immediately assume that a person can't do a job just because of their biological features.
I'm sorry if I sound insensitive but, Let it be known then! Even if no one listens to you keep telling the truth. We all have to work together to achieve equality. I'll show this to as many people as possible at school today, we will have this issue solved!
I completely agree that these thing happen and people dont seem to care. But the difference is these acts happen to SOME men while it happens to MOST women. And they do have some other things more than women like the gender pay gap. But not arguing with what ur saying just pit it into perspective
We can't discredit the problems of one gender just because another gender also has problems. We need to tackle both these problems with what we can give.
While this goes on, feminists still claim that women are the ones being oppressed by "rape culture" and if you try to tell them otherwise your apparently "mansplaining"
· 9 years ago
You do realize that rape culture includes the fact that men get raped (by women or other men) and it's reported even less because it's considered more "shameful" right?
No women only want the same rights men have such as equal pay, this is bloody ridiculous! As a girl I don't want to wear my underwear in public I want equal pay! Get your facts right!
It's actually not. The only way you get a wage gap is if you solely look at the average lifetime income of men vs women. This fails to account for things like experience, hours worked, salary negotiations, overtime, the fact that more men work in higher danger and hence higher paying fields, etc. Account for things like that and your wage gap disappears. In fact women in the 20s actually make more than their male counterparts.
and its only if you compare female teachers to male doctors. those studies didn't compare female doctors to male doctors or male teachers to female teachers. It's literally the most stupid way to compare the numbers.
Gender roles are a problem for everyone. There's no need for people to assign people into roles based on their gender in today's society, as it causes these sorts of problems for everyone.
My dad easily won custody for me and my three sisters maybe becuz my mom was somewhat incompetent... But still he won... I am truly sorry that there is a social stigma when it comes to mothers having to be with there children but it is somewhat legitimate since females in nearly every species of mammals are the primary caregivers for their kids... Anyways what this guy is complaining about are social stigmas that man have put on themselves.... Traditions that we are just now trying to break.... But if you look at the list and compare it to the list of women its pretty short and the issues aren't being addressed since not a lot of man are going out screaming about it.... And also do you remember the pain of a circumsion? Anyways yeah...
Alright, ladies you heard him. Go cover your entire body, and submit to your husband's. If he wants to, let him spank you.
And people should stop those reasoning. Women all over the world are fighting to have equal rights because since the beginning of civilization til now, in most societies, men are the ones making the law.