Well this was when I was much younger but the dream went like this.
I woke up in the dream but I was like 6 inches tall and all the sudden this huge ass toilet with teeth and angry eyes comes out of no where and starts chasing me around our apartment at the time. We go everywhere from my room to the kitchen to my moms room to finally the living room where there was this little vanity all young girls had (even though I didn't...o-0) where the rabid toilet finally caught up to me and flushed me down.
This isn't even close to how strange my requiring Santa nightmare is though.
My husband lol he did this. He is 31 years old and he woke me up one night and asked ME if I just wet the bed. I look and only 1leg is wet. At first I think did I? Till I notice it is only wet on the left side of my left leg. The side my husband sleeps on. The fuck wet the bed and in his mind he ASSUMED I must of done it. But once I tell him that his side is the only wet side, it just clicked lol he ran off and took a shower leaving me my leg covered in pee and had to clean up his mess.
He comes back and explains he was asleep laying face down. In his dream he kept seeing a toliet so he thought I'll just go use it. And in the dream he said it was weird cause the pee kept going straight up and everywhere. And that is when he woke up in a puddle.
And it was a huge fucking puddle. Lol
That was the day he learned toliet in dream means wake the fuck up.
I woke up in the dream but I was like 6 inches tall and all the sudden this huge ass toilet with teeth and angry eyes comes out of no where and starts chasing me around our apartment at the time. We go everywhere from my room to the kitchen to my moms room to finally the living room where there was this little vanity all young girls had (even though I didn't...o-0) where the rabid toilet finally caught up to me and flushed me down.
This isn't even close to how strange my requiring Santa nightmare is though.
He comes back and explains he was asleep laying face down. In his dream he kept seeing a toliet so he thought I'll just go use it. And in the dream he said it was weird cause the pee kept going straight up and everywhere. And that is when he woke up in a puddle.
And it was a huge fucking puddle. Lol
That was the day he learned toliet in dream means wake the fuck up.