thats a great point. ive always considered education to be the literature of scientific fact, based on research. but youre right. education is simply the teaching of subjects that a student base is meant to know. who determines the subject matter taught is going to be the one to determine the general outcome of that student body.
We worry an awful lot about education in the US and the rest of the west where we might not adequately respect a transgendered person's right to use any restroom he/she prefers, buit we ignore the "education" in Muslim countries (and in Muslim communities within the US!) where they teach that jihad is right, it's OK to rape and commit pedophilia with non-Muslims, etc.
This idea makes sense the first time you hear it. But after a while you notice that the violent always trample the people who *want* peace but aren't willing or prepared to fight the violent ones when there's no more alternative. All those strongly worded letters didn't deter Hitler, Pol Pot or the genocide in Rwanda and Sierra Leone.
RExactly! Depending on education. I'm not even from middle east or near east or whatever you call them, Yugoslavia basically wasn't in the eastern block, they "were neutral" and yet while you had sex ed with all those beautiful vaginas (we learned only that frivolous behavior can bring you aids, drugs, decadence... )we had military ed, with guns, and live ammo in7th grade. Imagine sth like that in your country 13 year old girls taught how to drop hand grenades (wackyyy).We had obligatory pioneers youth "club" 7 years olds (pioneer meaning not exploring the west or cosmos but being prepared like Bosko Buha child hero). I can only imagine how stuff works in near middle east. Stop with this "children are innocent snuggle bunnies". And "education will make things better".Our history books basically said death to West (and Turks)also our literature books. And geography. "All is ours, we have divine right to historio-geographical regions". Art class, somehow even P.E. (Koreanish"we're best")
This idea makes sense the first time you hear it. But after a while you notice that the violent always trample the people who *want* peace but aren't willing or prepared to fight the violent ones when there's no more alternative. All those strongly worded letters didn't deter Hitler, Pol Pot or the genocide in Rwanda and Sierra Leone.