That book is amazing. 'Skin' was something else entirely...
· 8 years ago
Kinda surprised me how different it was compared to a lot of his other books cuz it was like so morbid and I thought Roald Dahl only wrote children's books
You are correct harmony. I first read it years ago and that's exactly how it ended. It never said a thing about the police finding out. Also, have you seen the TV show based on Roald Dahl's horrors?
Clearly we've read them, but it's cool to see it in more forms of media. That's like saying Harry Potter only should be read. What about audio books or the movies? It's worth looking into more forms of it
Aother one is making it look like a suicide, and (I got this idea from veronica mars) leave a note in their hand writing with a cliche like goodbye cruel world
but you need to have a very good forgery of their handwriting
and (if they had no discernible reason to kill themselves), the circumstances may be treated with great suspicion
In high school?? I read Lamb To The Slaughter in primary school and I swear the entire class was messed up for like two weeks. I remember a few of us also came up with ideas on how Mary could have improved her plan..
from what I can remember us 9 year olds just thought of making it look like he killed himself, or just pretend she never saw Patrick that evening because she was out when he came home from work (like telling Sam the grocer that her husband hasn't come home yet and she wanted to cook him dinner) or because they usually eat out on Thursdays(?) she could meet up with a friend and pretend to ask for good places then when she returned home she can act all shocked
As the saying goes, you find the weapon and you find the killer. But if you eat the weapon you can't necessarily prove to the cops that it even existed in the first place
and (if they had no discernible reason to kill themselves), the circumstances may be treated with great suspicion