I think I'm in over my head, I have literally no idea what you're talking about. I was saying that you can hear what death waltz would sound like with a program?
Ah. There's a lot of notation that would at least be a pain to input, as well as notation that simply cannot be input, such as "bring in the penguins" or "tune the uke". The notes themselves may be able to be input, but it would not be accurate to the score.
Oh I see. I said so because I think I remember seeing a simulation of it on some music program on youtube, but obviously they can't really add in cannon fire or things to it
If you did hear one, it would be naught but loud gibberish, with no discernable chorus or melody. The one you heard was likely a remix of U.N. Owen Was Her, which was mislabelled as Death Waltz.