You make it sound as if I actually watched all 3 abominations. Or that I actually finished 1. Between that shit and school days.... I'll watch school days
It seems more likely that bisexuals (coincidentally) get the haircut.
· 8 years ago
I'm a heterosexual person and I've had this haircut for over a year. And I'm quite positive that I will continue to be straight for the rest of my life. Of course, I've always been that one weird case. Every time I go to a doctor their face drops and they mumble "what now...". So I'm just the weirdo with the bi haircut that is not bi.
(Trigger warning: Boku no Pico)
It made perfect sense when I thought about it though
Okay, I'm bi and no lie, I wanted to get this haircut even before I saw the post.