You're literally allowed to vote for whoever you want. There is a little blank space at the bottom of the voting form where you can write in a name. I'm probably gonna vote for my dad.
Not in all states, actually, all the ballots are different and some don't allow write ins. And while I think Gary Johnson is on all state ballots this election Jill Stein isn't, so for some people the choice of "whoever you want" isn't available.
I would support an independant candidate, but that would just split the vote and allow Hillary to win, because most dems wouldn't vote independent. Of course, this election might change that, but I doubt it.
Ladies and gentlemen don't throw your vote away vote ButtsCarleton for president in 2016. ButtsCarleton understands your frustration.
ButtsCarleton Esq. approves this comment.
Well good citizen Ken Griffey will understand when you write a letter to your local congressman asking him to direct all votes for mr Griffey to be filed as votes for mr. ButtsCarleton DDS.
I cannot talk about the Buffalo Wild Wings massacre due to pending litigation. I can however tell you about the greatness coming to a town that resembles your own if you vote correctly this November. Vote with your hearts America vote for Butts. Dr.ButtsCarleton
· 8 years ago
No, I don't think I can vote for a monster that hates buffalo wings.
For those of you who have never vote, the president is not the only thing on the ballot. You have other important things to vote for. Do your research.
I know this is an old post (ive been browsing for a LONG time after taking a break) but i think its important to point out a flaw in the comics logic. If you dont vote, somebody is still going to become president. Its not like if you dont vote nobody wins. For the killing the baby scenario, choosing nothing actually results in nothing
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