It may happen if you reach for someplace where a weapon could be concealed, or if you don't show the officer your hands.
Officers get gunned down during traffic stops all the time.
First of all, maybe dude had a gun? Socond of all, if you reach into your glovebox on a dark night, the officer has no way to know what you're grabbing, could be your registration, could be a .38, they don't know. Also, more often it goes like this:
"Hello, do you know why I've pulled you ov-" BLAM BLAM!
And the car peals off, and the cop is lucky that he wore his vest today and they weren't aiming for his head. Or he isn't.
banana, in the video the girl released you can see the gun in the guys lap. the cops pulled the guy over because he matched the bolo of the guy who robed a gas station in that aria, the day before. you can't take the word of the girl, when there is so much evidence that proved otherwise. weather the guy was the robber is not the point, it was the reason he was pulled over. though in facebook photos, he also had the same style glasses as the robber, and the guy claimed to be a crip. not to mention his girls, best friends, baby daddy, looks a lot like the other suspect in the robbery... just a little facts so i can get downvoted for paying more attention than the media's spin.
"He got shot because of a broken taillight" is in the level of ridiculousness of ANYTHING Trump has ever said. The facts of the case have not even been fully collected yet, but some guy from the internet knows why he was shot? Did you hear the fear in the cops voice?? That's not the voice of a cop thats hunting people! WTF?! Think before following "movements" like drones!
Having privilege doesn't prevent bad things from happening to you. It doesn't mean you get everything on a platter. It means you have a generally easier time of things compared to those who don't have the same privilege. Failing to acknowledge that just makes you an asshole.
he used a racial slur, guys! Oof, oh, gee, arg! My ego, so bruised! Cant... Carry... On... Except I can. White privilege is a lie, and black oppression is dead.
And why would it hurt your ego to be called a cracker? I mean, you're still white, so you got that going for you...
White privilege is so common and can be take for granted, so many whites don't even know what it is. No problem, if you cannot loose it, right?
I agree, it's comparable, though it's far away from being the same. How we see ourselves and how he we feel is always influenced by our history and our ancestors. White culture is based on the collective experience of being boss, black culture is based on the collective experience of being treated as inferior. It will take a few more generations for society to deal with it, same as it took families of Holocaust victims generations to cope with happened in their family. Denial will only make this longer and more complicated. Acceptance is the only way in the end. When people interpret the suggestion to accept heritage as an accusation of personal guilt, it's not helpful. I get how white people want to deny it, and also why some black people do. It's part of the process and I think none of us will live to experience the final outcome. I'm not even sure it can be done at all. when I see all the backlash, compared to 30/40 years ago.
It is exactly the same.
White, black, brown, red, or yellow, we're all human, as none of us want to be held accountable for injustices we played no part in.
When 'accepting heritage' means paying more taxes, giving aid and bonuses based off race alone, and being expected to take racist insults without getting upset, all for crimes none of us took part in, then it's the people claiming those things are just that have problems.
Oh, Mr. Spokesman for all non-whites has spoken. Case is closed, right? Wrong. Nobody is holding anyone accountable as an individual. The problem is there. And it's not solved by ignoring it or attributing it to the wrong basic cause. You don't feel discriminated or oppressed? That's great. You're telling people to suck it up and ignore it just like you do? Fuck you. Easy as that.
That's because you're thick as a brick and just want to be offended and hate to think on your own. You enjoy being a part of "it" and subconsciously hate the idea there may be people who don't think you are.
I freely admit that people of other ethnicities... and literally dark skin run into challenges I don't, but I am sick of it being call "white guilt" and "white privilege". It's not like this is some secret plot our generation came up with. Can we speak on the issues without point fingers.
White privilege is a complex and sticky topic that DOES NOT MEAN "white people get handed things." It means that, for better or worse, a white person inherently has an advantage in most situations that a person of color would not. You may not have visibly seen this or consciously been a part of it, but it does exist, often times in the unseen fringes and interactions that most people don't even think about.
Yet when it comes to dismantling this privilege, people who want to correct it seem to think that the only way to do it is by stripping the white populace of their voice on the matter.
Yea, this thread shows how the white populace is stripped of their voice to raise concern over the real victims of society: the whites. Nobody would dare saying the white privilege is extinct, not online, not in the real world. It must be so hard to be a white male in todays USA.
I don't believe white voices are being silenced. Rather, POC voices and experiences are taking their place in some arenas, displacing those voices. There will always be a place for traditional (and non-traditional) white American experiences. We're now just becoming more aware of more than that.
^^absolutely. It just seems hard for some people to realize that it's for their own personal benefit to encourage and empower minorities and victims of oppression. Some people need the feeling to stand on a higher step on the ladder and feel threatened by people who only want a fair opportunity.
Man you are quick to jump on whatever valid points others make and construe them for your own ends. White voices are not being silenced, and all power to people making names for themselves and their ethnicities, but when a part of those groups want to censor those who don't agree, that's where I draw the line. I don't like when people take the side of one group, and automatically start finding ways to make the supposed opposition detestable enemies. Those are the least helpful people trying to make change in the world, and even detrimental to such movements. Imagine if people had gone the way of violent protest in the days of Martin Luther King Jr. Hell, we'd still be trying to handle the issue of race and segregation if that was the case
· 8 years ago
I'm not (fully) white nor a male but I totally agree with this.
You don't get my down vote for telling the truth.
Actually my dad was white and worked offshore for 36 years...he didn't get his full education because he had 13 siblings blah blah but he still went out and made a living for us and we had the best of everything
He had cancer and a brain tumor, he was at work a month before he passed away...that's dedication
I miss him
I am white and I will have to work for everything I will ever have, my parents refuse to pay for my collage when I go. They don't give me money and will make me work. I am not a white man but a 3rd gen immigrant.
In Australia, if you have ANY Aboriginal or TS Islander heritage, you can do TAFE (technical education) for free. (Privileged whites usually start at $500).
My girlfriend has a full ride scholarship to a college because shes mexican. She also can get another scholarship because her dad was deported. I'm white and I struggled to get a 500$ scholarship. :///
Forda, the thing is, a black man can be just as well off as you are, so it isn't 'white' privilege, it's 'rich' privilege. I'm white, and I don't think to travel among wealthy circles even in my wildest dreams. White people can be poor just as easily as black people. The only color that matters is green.
Not trying to say that you can't be wealthy, just pointing that out.
Yeah its a joke toothpaste, I do it on all kinds of posts, plus if you look at the guests comments hes doing exactly what he claims I'm doing, except he isn't joking.
I totally agree with this white privilege is non existent part of the issue is on average white people work harder on average giving more opportunities and benefits to their children. Not that other races don't work it's just on average white people tend to work harder.
Not true. It's not really "white privelage". It's more "rich peivelage." On average, black people are poorer, so their children don't get more oppurtunities
The idea that someone can not move up in the American economy is stupid. Do you really believe that it is impossible If the kid and parents try hard enough to make a better living and to get their kids a better education? All that matters is how much you want it and are willing to go for it anyone can do anything and if you don't believe in that you obviously don't believe the American Dream something many have died trying to keep
Are you serious? There is NO DOUBT that public schools in richer communities get more funding and better teachers than those in poor comminities. Then with a poor education, and little to no money for college, they can only get minimum wage jobs. Conpre that to a rich kid who goes to a renowned private school, has the education, money, and resources to go to college, and gets a more respectable job. They both try hard, but who ends up more successful?
· 8 years ago
The rich kid in the private school is more successful.
But he could also be black too, no matter the race...the rich are favored more unless you get a considerate person who wants to see that other person progress and see that they're trying
That's true, but black communities tend to be poorer and have poorer schools
· 8 years ago
You're right, I've seen it.
I went to a private school and they would make us get on the bus as 2nd graders every Friday after church to bring boxes of food to struggling schools, I thought it was a noble cause but it was sad watching it
And to prove that what you're saying is right so no one can contradict you: They were all predominantly black schools in poor black neighborhoods
I'm happy I could send my son to a great school
Now that's a definition of being privileged if they all want to compare the situations
I'm mixed white and Native American and my sons dad is white so he's not full blown Caucasian if you think about it...but he's privileged enough for me to be able to send him to a great school to get a great education in one of the best neighborhoods in the city
It's not always racism. Even if their parents were lazy and didn't work hard, who says the kids and future generations should have to suffer. This is why I think public schools need more funding.
· 8 years ago
My son doesn't even go to a private school, it's actually a charter school and it's the same as a private school it's just free (without the religion I guess) but the school is awesome and he's getting a great education.
I think all schools should be like that, really no child deserves to be in poverty...I know people who grew up in the worst situations and turned out 100 times better than I did and I'm not ashamed to say it because I'm proud of them.
What did you mean when you said "it isn't always racism"?
Well you know why people are rich? It's cause they worked there a off for there money so them and their families could have a good life something I'm sure all of us want they had to work for every penny you think Steve jobs or mark zuckerberg were just rich from birth no. And you can't be saying that someone in a ghetto school can't work there a off and get into a good school and job. Cause trust me if they got good grades and a good gpa do you think the school would turn them down because of the school. If you work hard then you can be rich nothing is stopping you that is the great thing about America. And yeah it's true the richer you are the better odds you have that is life though none of us are born equal but taking advantage of that depends on the person and how hard you work.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
Hey trashman...some people are born rich because they are the offspring of rich people who were ALSO offsprings of rich people wtf
Not all people but some so what can you say about them?
Do they work in the womb for their money or what?
How do they keep that money they just sit all day drinking? cause my guess is they work for it and they are taking advantage of their situation which tbh if I was born in the same I would too
People want their family to be taken care of for as long as possible.
You can't blame them for it, and there's no reason to blame the people born into it.
Money doesn't spring up out of the air, someone worked damn hard for it, and no one should have the right to take that away.
· 8 years ago
My point is that nobody can say that EVERYBODY has worked for the money that they initially have, and yeah there are people with investments who sit on their asses and make people do their work for them
Nobody's blaming anybody for anything, we were talking about the typical situations that we have seen with our own eyes. They say that Louisiana is one of the poorest states (or is it the poorest state?) idk but anyway I don't let that stop me because the way other people live shouldn't effect what I want to do
It's just the way things are and nobody can change it through speech
and how would you fix that? the kid automatically gets someone's hard earned cash. Im sorry but that is the lottery of life the best you can do is to not make the same mistakes and try harder than others to get what you want.
A white male in america who doesn't see he's privileged must be quite oblivious or some poor ass mountain dweller. And yet, despite the pretended fear of getting downvoted, he's actually (and foreseeably) getting upvoted as fuck. Mainly by other super oblivious lard-assed white cracker boys who just can't deal with the fact, that they don't rule the place as unquestionably as their grandfathers did, when beating up rebellious coons and vixens was the common way to deal with social imbalances. Anybody who would have stated shit like that some 20 years ago would have even pissed off most white male people, but this society is heading straight back to the fucking fifties.
Your argument becomes invalid when you say things like lard-assed white cracker and coons and vixens. If you want your argument to be taken seriously, stop being an irgnorant, child and grow up and speak adult. Immature words Like that do more harm than good.
Mainly because people do not like being called ignorant when that is the picture they portray. I think the whole White Privilege thing is not existent anymore because our country has taken great strides in providing opportunities for people of all races and genders. The thing that is holding anyone in our country back is themselves. If you look at people who does not get very far in life, look at their education and attitude. (Just to clarify I am not saying that all white males are this way and would like to set the understand here that any example I use is in no way me stereotyping a race). I've seen too many young people walk around with the pants around their ankles, ripped pants and shirt, and speaking in slang and with disgusting grammar. That's black, white, yellow or green. If you want people to take you serious and you want to open doors for yourself, pull you pants up, speak clearly and completely, and show some damn respect for who you are talking to and who you are around.
· 8 years ago
You know what?
You've earned my respect, I don't know you but seriously, and in all're right in all aspects
Thank you, no one can argue with you after this
At least I hope not
Thank you bellestjulian. And don't think I'm saying some people don't have it easier than others. Most definitely that happens. But I don't believe it is a racial privilege. It usually comes from wealth and parental standing. That's it from me though. Good day interwebs.
"Your argument becomes invalid when you say things like lard-assed white cracker and coons and vixens." - I don't know what to say, that's so super ridiculous... look,, you even said them yourself, and, technically, you used these words exactly like I did. You're an idiot not to get that. And you're an even bigger idiot for saying: "White Privilege thing is not existent anymore because our country has taken great strides in providing opportunities for people of all races and genders." Wealth inequality? Imprisonment rate? Granted, the white privilege is not what it used to be, but to actually believe it's "not existent anymore" takes a level of denial, even Bill Cosby's wife couldn't top.
I never said anything similar to lard-assed white cracker or coons and vixens, except when quoting you. When I say it makes your argument invalid it's because when you use derogatory words like that, you lose your credibility. Again, as I started before in a later comment, "show some damn respect for who you are talking to and who you are around." And wealth inequality is not because of "white privilege". I will not argue that the percentage of wealth is in the "white area" of the graph. But ypu have to remember that the largest amount of people making money are already rich. So the graph is skewed towards the families who already have money. Now, coming from a family who had one working father and a mother who stayed home with the kids, we were not wealthy. But we weren't poor either. That's not because of race. That's because my father worked hard and earned his way up. You calling that a "privilege" is a disgrace to my father's hard work. The imprisonment rate is skrewed because...
If you compare the rates at which "white" or "minorities" commit the crimes, a larger percentage of the minorities commit crimes, thus skewing the imprisonment rate. Now, I am going to leave this conversations with that. If you have further regards or comments, continue please. Our difference in opinion will not change so I fail to see the point in arguing. I agree to disagree. And I would like to point out that the reason every time I use a race I put it in quotes, is because we are all human and I don't like labeling us as anything but that. Humans. Good night, finsubstanceuser and all of funsubstance. I love you all, you are all beautiful human beings and I wish you all a great life. Good night all.
When you read my postings, do I come across as someone who calls black people "coons" and women "vixen"? So I did what you did: I quoted. Also I don't say your father didn't work hard for what your family got. But are you really denying he would have had to struggle at least a little harder if he was black?
As it seems my agreement to disagree did not follow through to you, I will respond only to your questions and not try to cause anymore disagreements between us. Yes you do seem like someone who calls people "coons" and "vixens". You did not use quotes in your initial comment so it appears as though you did mean that. If you did not, say so and we can move past it. But from your other comments on this thread, calling people crackers and other slang, it appears as though you use that slang a lot. As I had posted previous I will quote again "... speak clearly and completely, and show some damn respect for who you are talking to and who you are around." Secondlg, you implied my father did not work hard and only got where is he because of "white privilege". sinc stout said you didn't mean it I forgive you and we can move past it. But I do not think it would have been harder for him if he was black. Because my grandfather raised him to work hard and use his head. That's what he did. that's..
What got him where he is today. Black, white, yellow, green, purple. Doesn't matter his hard work and education go t him to where he is. Period. With that my comment is done. Feel free to ask away more questions or refute my side. But as stated before I'm extending an agreement to disagree and stop fighting over something so stupid. This is only further forcing the racial diversity that so many, including myself, wish could just end and we could all enjoy this planet together as one race. Human.
First: Fuck you. I use slang a lot but it should be obvious that I am on the side of minorities and I blame chauvinistic members of majorities at least partly for the problems. So obviously when I call black and/or female persons by names like that, I'm mimicking cracker boys. Who should have the broad back to be able to live with it.
Second: I didn't imply anything about your father, how do you get that? Just read the fuck what I wrote. Here it is again: "are you really denying he would have had to struggle at least a little harder if he was black?" - thats totally not what your brain made out of it.
Third: your wishing something will do jack shit. Accepting facts and responsibilities is the only thing that can help. That means our world is fucked. And your idea that calling inequality is adding to the problem is a typical argument of someone really privileged, missing empathy and the ability to reflect.
First of all, an epithet is not really what you think it is, a fancy name for slur. It's used that way, but that's wrong and kind of wannabe..
To answer your question and meet your expectation: anything uphill and on level I'd say.
First, when I clearly stated that the comment before that implied you were diminishing my father's hard work and that if that is not what you meant then okay I'll move past it. Meaning it was a misunderstanding. Second, my wishing is that we can all move past it and all be humans instead of labeling one another as "black" "white" or any other race. That is not a wish that I am saying will happen. I'm more realistic to know that. And I'm going to make it a little personal right now with the first statement you made. You calling people "coons" and "vixens" and "crackers" further adds to the racial division. Whether our mean it in a serious way or not. It adds to it. Other people read that and say t must be okay to say that. You are the problem. By saying that whites are racists and have privileges you are adding to the problem by increasing racial division and is in fact racist to say those names. Jokingly, mockingly, or seriously. By saying it in any context shows that it is okay to ...
Say those words. Now again as I stated before. If you are not actually calling people those names then it was again a MISUNDERSTANDING and we can move past it. But for the last time, learn to show some DAMN RESPECT for others and talk properly and refrain from using words like fuck you and racial slurs. Now. I have tried to be civilized during this whole thing and saying that our opinions differ and we can go our separate ways without any further argument but civility has failed in your case. You are not only being rude and clearly not reading what I am saying but you are speaking the way a racist person would and showing others that side of a human being so for the last time, I agree to disagree and I am leaving this chat because i will no longer waste my time on someone who shows no respect for other human beings. I wish you a long and happy life FSuser
I've got half a mind to get you to announce your retreat and this agree to disagree bullshit for a third time, I know you've got it in you, but you're so forrestgumpy, you're not really fair game. Fuck you too.
I know man, it sucks that a black man who got a perfect SAT score, will get passed over in favor of a white man with a lower score, because colleges and universities want more white people... Oh, wait, I got that one backwards again.
"Wow,did Funsubstanceuser sign out and leave this comment?" - This says nothting about me, but a lot about this Rwby_Dope chica. Really, sounds like something a coward little bitch would do, who always plays the cute little Miss Sunshine in Rainbow Fairy Land, until someone really pisses her off, so she logs out and spit some hate. If I'm planning on pissing off people, they know it's coming from me, like always, so thats a super dumb idea OR it shines a little light on what she does.
Oh its as if I can input my opinion anyways? Oh you dont like my opinion? OH MAN! As it turns out your opinions can be offensive to some and there are better ways to handle it than what you do.
Wow, absolutely no attempt at damage control, and zero concern about burning bridges. Not to mention being very vulgar and incredibly rude to what I think off as a very unoffending and thoughtful member of the community. I really wonder what's caused you to go off the deep end, was it the light-hearted jokes, or just a hair triggered knee-jerk reaction?
How do you go from "broken taillight" to "he's got a gun, kill him"
Officers get gunned down during traffic stops all the time.
"Hello, do you know why I've pulled you ov-" BLAM BLAM!
And the car peals off, and the cop is lucky that he wore his vest today and they weren't aiming for his head. Or he isn't.
White privilege is so common and can be take for granted, so many whites don't even know what it is. No problem, if you cannot loose it, right?
White, black, brown, red, or yellow, we're all human, as none of us want to be held accountable for injustices we played no part in.
When 'accepting heritage' means paying more taxes, giving aid and bonuses based off race alone, and being expected to take racist insults without getting upset, all for crimes none of us took part in, then it's the people claiming those things are just that have problems.
I think you're projecting yourself onto me, hombre.
You don't get my down vote for telling the truth.
Actually my dad was white and worked offshore for 36 years...he didn't get his full education because he had 13 siblings blah blah but he still went out and made a living for us and we had the best of everything
He had cancer and a brain tumor, he was at work a month before he passed away...that's dedication
I miss him
*account power*
Not trying to say that you can't be wealthy, just pointing that out.
But he could also be black too, no matter the race...the rich are favored more unless you get a considerate person who wants to see that other person progress and see that they're trying
I went to a private school and they would make us get on the bus as 2nd graders every Friday after church to bring boxes of food to struggling schools, I thought it was a noble cause but it was sad watching it
And to prove that what you're saying is right so no one can contradict you: They were all predominantly black schools in poor black neighborhoods
I'm happy I could send my son to a great school
Now that's a definition of being privileged if they all want to compare the situations
I'm mixed white and Native American and my sons dad is white so he's not full blown Caucasian if you think about it...but he's privileged enough for me to be able to send him to a great school to get a great education in one of the best neighborhoods in the city
It's not always racism. Even if their parents were lazy and didn't work hard, who says the kids and future generations should have to suffer. This is why I think public schools need more funding.
I think all schools should be like that, really no child deserves to be in poverty...I know people who grew up in the worst situations and turned out 100 times better than I did and I'm not ashamed to say it because I'm proud of them.
What did you mean when you said "it isn't always racism"?
Not all people but some so what can you say about them?
Do they work in the womb for their money or what?
You can't blame them for it, and there's no reason to blame the people born into it.
Money doesn't spring up out of the air, someone worked damn hard for it, and no one should have the right to take that away.
Nobody's blaming anybody for anything, we were talking about the typical situations that we have seen with our own eyes. They say that Louisiana is one of the poorest states (or is it the poorest state?) idk but anyway I don't let that stop me because the way other people live shouldn't effect what I want to do
It's just the way things are and nobody can change it through speech
You've earned my respect, I don't know you but seriously, and in all're right in all aspects
Thank you, no one can argue with you after this
At least I hope not
Second: I didn't imply anything about your father, how do you get that? Just read the fuck what I wrote. Here it is again: "are you really denying he would have had to struggle at least a little harder if he was black?" - thats totally not what your brain made out of it.
Third: your wishing something will do jack shit. Accepting facts and responsibilities is the only thing that can help. That means our world is fucked. And your idea that calling inequality is adding to the problem is a typical argument of someone really privileged, missing empathy and the ability to reflect.
To answer your question and meet your expectation: anything uphill and on level I'd say.