I personally think it's hilarious that anyone is trying to push legislation on this--because quite frankly, how does anyone plan on enforcing it? Are there going to be guards outside of all bathrooms now where this law would apply?
I'm not saying I even disagree with it, I just don't think implementation is going to be practical, or possible, at all.
· 8 years ago
Checking the ID cards...at least in some places. Of you're in a bathroom that contradicts the sex on your Id are then they escort you out. This usually happens if you "don't look the part", otherwise why question it? It's flawed. In so many ways. People found out something has been a way all along and never hurt anyone and just refused to leave it alone.
Because gender separate rooms are a social mandatory. This, you can't have more than one room per bathroom. Therefore you need multiple rooms each with their own plumbing, electric, and all other sorts of whatnots and gadgetry to function. A normal restroom has about three compact stalls and three compact sinks for the space that about two unisex bathrooms would take.
All you need is one room with multiple stalls. The only true difference between male and female bathrooms are the presence of urinals and small trashcans in "female" stalls. Just put the trashcans in all stalls and put the urinals in a stall or don't put any at all. We had a bathroom like this in my old high school. It was efficient, no one complained, it was not offensive, weird or anything else along those lines. If anything, unisex bathrooms would be more efficient. They'd take up less room and there would probably be less of a line up in busy locations since there might be more stalls available.
No. Because social norms cannot handle that. It won't change for a while and unless someone's rights are being trampled (holocaust, jap internment, Hebrew enslavement, ect) you should never make the people change to fit the system. Make the system fit the people.
I think it depends on which social majority your talking about. Also, I'm not saying there should be a law passed that says bathrooms should all be unisex, but rather that it's a possibility and many people don't actually mind it (again, depends on who your social majority is).
I meant according to location. The social majority in Sweden, for example, has completely different social norms than the social majority in America. And even than, the social majority can be reduced to states, or cities. Even the outskirts of cities have different social values than the ones in the city. Each population will react differently to something.
The wording on the image says, (this isn't verbatim, I'm paraphrasing), "which girl should be allowed into the girl's bathroom?". The long comment says that they should use a transgender person in the image if that's what they're trying to make a point about, and the person that responds says that her transgender niece IS in the picture. First person to comment replies and says "oh, never mind". Basically.
Go to whichever the fuck you feel most comfortable in. Why do others got a say in which room you pee in? It's not like you have to be a part of their peeing or hold their hand while their doing it so why even give a shit?
All this people arguing about gender and equality. But as a guy I wouldn't care if a girl or transgender used the male bathroom with me.
Why do we even need separate bathroom? It's just people peeing and shitting in there.
So the one on the right has a slightly stronger jaw, thicker brows and a less-sloped forehead. But the one on the left has an adams apple. I'm so confused! (Ps, The right has a smaller skull, slender wrists, hips and a higher crotch. Boys ARE different from girls. Just take a fucking shit in the room fucking built for you and stop making a place for excrement a politically correct podium!)
Hahahaha are you still rattling on against trans people? Lmao that's hilarious
· 8 years ago
The one with balls. If you have them removed then by all means use the bathroom, otherwise use the other. Or just don't go to the bathroom. This is so stupid. I fully support people doing WHATEVER the hell they want but come on. Have a penis go to the males, have a vagina or vagina like hole go to the females.
I think the point of the ad is that you can't tell with a lot of trans people, and if one of those girls did go in the mens room there'd probably be a fit about that too.
Personally, I just want to know how you tell an employee one of their new duties is to check dudes going into the bathroom to make sure they have balls. "Jeremy, congratulations. To comply with law, you're the new penis inspector. No, there is no raise, and we can't make Kevin do it. It needs to be a straight dude or we'll face a sexual harrassment lawsuit."
Ilke2surf, my brother is Transgender and has had top surgery but doesn't have a penis because there is no good surgery for that yet. Do you think he should be using women's bathrooms?
· 8 years ago
@the_gayming_singer I meant as their choice to pick gender or feel a certain gender or sexuality. Guest sure because there is no good surgery.
· 8 years ago
So I can just walk into a woman's bathroom and claim I'm a woman?
You're on the wrong side of history, my friend. I don't really give a shit because all the Trans people I know have been using the bathrooms of their chosen gender for years now and none of you guys have noticed. Because they don't bother anyone. But, ilke2surf, if you want to start pulling down people's pants in the bathroom to make sure they have the correct genitalia, go ahead. Just ask yourself who really needs to be afraid of who in the bathroom.
· 8 years ago
If they've been using it all along then why do we need to invest a lot of money and time into passing a bill for it? All it does is open loop holes for creepy people.
Nobody was bothering to pass laws to make it allowed until some states randomly started passing laws to make it not allowed. If they'd left it alone it wouldn't be an issue.
If a woman wants to come in the men's Kool, it's the creeps going into the girls that the issue. Keep supporting it ladies pretty soon your bathroom will be full of creepers, men we can handle ourselves
Given that we're more likely to be raped by guys we think are our friends than we are to have a "creeper" come into the ladies room, we'd really, really, really, REALLY appreciate it if men would start cracking down on the stuff that's ACTUALLY dangerous to us instead of ignoring it because it might mean admitting somebody who seems like a nice guy isn't.
Oh God here comes the rape train .get the fuck off it no 1 wants your stank,stank & I'm not saying you're going to get raped in the bathroom you dumb c*** I'm stating that there are these weird dudes that go in there and just stare at you and you're voting for The transgenders to be able to use the bathroom wherever they want why should we protect you when you're wanting to allow them creeps to come into your bathroom just because that's what they identify as you create the problems and then want us to solve them. We're more likely to get raped by one of our friends WTF.
Transgenders have been using bathrooms pertaining to their gender for as long as transitioning has been a thing. There haven't been any cases of transgenders attacking/peeping women. It's just regular men, who are going to sneak into bathrooms no matter what the law and who aren't going to be stopped by it. Your reply makes it pretty clear you don't actually care about what happens to women, you just want to "stick it to 'em queers and weirdos."
Who are you to say if they are regular dudes or if they are " transitioning" I guess I'm talking with the offical spokesperson.. it was less than 48 hours of them passing that bill in North Carolina that they caught a transgender the mall bathroom taking pictures of a little girl hence why Pat McCrory did what he did it happened in Charlotte and that's where he's from , why would I care what happens to you when this is what you voted for you obviously are not understanding the actions for your consequences you will learn the hard way, you're the type that think you can play with fire and not get burned,... you'll see
· 8 years ago
Since when does allowing people to go to the bathroom discredit proper restroom etiquette? By that logic, allowing lesbians in the women's restroom is just as hazardous as allowing someone who is transgendered, if not more. If a woman is in the women's restroom and went to take a picture or make other women feel uncomfortable they will be escorted out. Same with men. Same with transgendered individuals. There is a fine way to tell the creeps from those who just want to pee, and if there is a creeper, correct restroom or not, they will be escorted out and likely banned from the place.
Good point. I'm a lesbian and literally have never tried to do something creepy in a woman's bathroom. A Trans person is even less likely to considering they typically like the opposite sex.
· 8 years ago
I like how we got down voted and no one is even arguing it. "Well yea, a creeper is a creeper but I don't like the fact I can't come up with an argument to justify my ignorance and need to feel superior so imma down vote you".
I love how some people claim if we don't have laws restricting people to the bathroom of their own sex then perverted men will creep on women in the bathroom, when men have been legally allowed to use the women's bathroom this whole damn time and it hasn't been an issue. Why would it suddenly be a problem now?
Oh wait, it's because this law isn't actually about bathroom safety and it's just a thinly veiled excuse to be shitty to trans people.
Claim!! listen to.the news, https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/north-carolina-man-arrested-for-indecent-exposure-in-womens-restroom .... there are more , like I said I dont give a fuck if a woman wants to come in she is more than welcome,.. its a female issue you dumb bitchs, dude like the one in that article are coming for ya when he gets ya shut the fuck up and take it you deserve it muhahahaha you will learn 1 way or the other
@ guest 1
Here's a structure I thought of using my stupidity and laziness.
Are you comfortable in your gender? Use the same room that is dictated.
If not, would your non genital appearance lead others to refer to you by a specific pronoun? Use the room the majority would call you.
If you look androgenous (which is perfectly fine, I've seen several people which I still don't know what's between their legs) use whatever restroom your current genitals dictate.
Under no circumstances use the room that you want to. Only what the physical appearance of you tells, starting with he immediately apparent without flashing the whole world.
Yeah, transtupidity what part of this is natural, you cannot have it both ways, either you believe in evolution or you don't! If tranny, gay, bi, stuff is natural then explain how the process of natural selection has given us tran, gay, bi, genetics after 3 billion years. The math is quantifiably definitive.
Sick of bullshit where people are all, 'there's no evolutionary reason for LGBT+'! It's likely a mutation, and as a transman I consider transsexuality an illness since I need medical intervention. So it's like saying cancer doesn't exist because there is no evolutionary reason
And just for the record I also believe that trans is an "illness" in the sense that it's not supposed to happen. But it's not "bad" the way cancer or allergies or an amputation are.
Because if you look at my comments from a year ago you'll see that I've written some rather stupid things that doesn't completely encompass what I meant.
I'm not saying I even disagree with it, I just don't think implementation is going to be practical, or possible, at all.
Why do we even need separate bathroom? It's just people peeing and shitting in there.
Oh wait, it's because this law isn't actually about bathroom safety and it's just a thinly veiled excuse to be shitty to trans people.
Here's a structure I thought of using my stupidity and laziness.
Are you comfortable in your gender? Use the same room that is dictated.
If not, would your non genital appearance lead others to refer to you by a specific pronoun? Use the room the majority would call you.
If you look androgenous (which is perfectly fine, I've seen several people which I still don't know what's between their legs) use whatever restroom your current genitals dictate.
Under no circumstances use the room that you want to. Only what the physical appearance of you tells, starting with he immediately apparent without flashing the whole world.
No that's not gonna happen .I try to live in the present always looking to the future.