It's fine. Why does this make you angry? A guy pretended to be a jerk, while a woman pretended to be his victim, and people jumped to her defense. This should make you happy.
It's that people say racist things specifically to see how people react. That's inappropriate in my opinion. That's like having a black friend and calling him the N word and saying you'd make him pick his cotton but saying it's okay to do all of this because it's a "social experiment" so it doesn't count.
Honest question here,not trying to pick up a fight: why is it okay for black people to call other black people the n word (at least from what i've been able to gather) but not for a muslim to say these things to another muslim when he doesn't even mean them and it's all a setup?
I've always said, I don't give a fuck what you do or what you believe, as long as you give me the same courtesy. If you don't, well then we have a problem. Anyone willing to stand with me in the defence of Liberty is welcome, regardless of race, religion, or whatever.
Exactly! Isn't america supposed to be freedom of religion, race, and stuff like that? Where humans can be humans? All of the stuff going on right now in 2016 are completely changing America. I guess a place where people can just be people and everyone are friends would just be too good to be true. There will always be racism and discrimination, and just jerks.
On the flip side, many Muslims, and I mean many, like, more than you would think, want to change America. They don't understand that we're free to not follow their religious tenets. If we want to draw the prophet Muhammad, we can draw him. There was an actual "draw Muhammad" contest a few years back that got shot up because some Muslims didn't appreciate what they were doing. I can't remember, but I want to say that nobody was injured, thank God. Now, if you want to say, "Oh, I'm sorry, I can't do that. It's against my religion", that is more than acceptable, that is absolutely fine, and I won't press the issue, but if you say, "Hey! You can't do that, it's against my religion!"... Well, now we have a problem.
@chakun I understand and appreciate what you are saying and I hope that this does not offend you in anyway, but if there are muslims that are uneasy with the fact that people are drawing Prophet Muhammad it is because no one has ever seen his face properly (because he's so beautiful that he glows) and some people take that to advantage and disrespect him. All I'm saying is that the good muslims respect the prophets, respect other religions and beliefs too. They respect that people believe in science and they want the best for this world. Muslims do not want to harm anyone, and I know there are bad ones. Really bad ones that commit crimes in God's name and that's terrible and my thoughts and prayers are with the people are affected by the people who blame their disgusting crimes on a religion. If I offended you in any way, I apologize.
No, that's not offensive at all. I'm saying that there are good Muslims, and I'm not worried about them, and anyone who is, is an idiot. I'm worried about the ones who would force their religion on me and my eventuall children, either through threat of violence, or political maneuvering. I'm worried about Muslims who Would shoot up a "draw Muhammad" contest, a contest which was, from what I understand, a protest against Islamic terrorism. And, like, I'm not trying to offend anybody either. I'm not saying all Muslims are bad, I'm just trying to offer my own opinions and observations on the matter.
I'm not trying to start a gender debate here but... what would happen if the gender of the 2 actors swapped?
I ask because it's known that people would protect a girl from a guy but not the other way round. Would people still care?
You are assuming people would protect this woman from an intolerant man because she is a woman.... Then you shouldn't watch the video, if you think a lot of people are going to help then you are going to be disappointed
@denizoken I was thinking the same thing. Like if it was a guy in a turban with a beard and someone was telling him not to do it, people would feel the same as the woman here feels, but I doubt that even 10% of people would have actively defended him.
· 8 years ago
In islam women wear hijab as a submission to God not men.
Ah, I didn't know that! And what's the submission of men to God?
· 8 years ago
To be good. To treat people with respect. To protect, cherish and love women and children as well as other people. To never harm or hurt an innocent person. To be the best you can be and to practice their religion peacefully.
That sounds beautiful. But why wouldn't that be enough for the women to do so? Why do they have to cover themselves? (Please stop me if I'm being too critical or offending)
· 8 years ago
No, you're not being offensive you're only curious and that's fine. Women cover themselves as a symbol of modesty and privacy. Muslim women believe that if the hijab and modest clothing are worn, it frees them from being thought of as sexual objects of desire or from being valued for their looks, or body shape rather then their minds and intellect.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
Really? My muslim friends told me the husbands tell their wives to wear hijabs.
@isuck479 I guess the basic idea of the hijab is indeed what @thelittlemermaid described. But (as it is with many religious traditions) many people probably forgot about the origins
Isn't it mandatory in some countries to wear the hijabs though? I had always felt that women who wore them were doing it because they were forced too and I hated the notion that if I said the hijab was forced onto them to keep my mouth shut. Because I didn't know what I was talking about. If it's their choice then fine by me no problem.
· 8 years ago
Our prophet told us to treat our women like pearls sadly in many arab countries they tend to make their own interpretation of the shaaria law.
What's funny is that I get the same reactions from these "open minded" liberals when I wear my Trump shirt. He can go fuck himself because he doesn't like her head covering, but I can go fuck myself because you don't like my shirt! Fuck that.
@guestwho There's just a huge difference between the stigma surrounding Trump supporters and the stigma surrounding Muslims. Trump supporters are just disliked by people who don't like Trump. Muslims victims of systematic racism in America. They are sometimes afraid to leave the house. Are you afraid to leave the house because you support Trump? It's just not a fair comparison
And @thehappywhovian I don't understand how that works. I don't like something, so I can't have an opinion on it? It's just rude to say "eff you" because of it. You can dislike something and have an opinion on it. Your opinion is that you don't like it. You just need to discuss it respectfully, and in the correct setting.
i wanna ask a question too all you liberals, why is it ok for you to bash Christianity but you get mad if anyone criticizes Islam?
im not being rhetorical or a bigot or cynical i legitimately want to know its something that if i was answered would change my view on liberal people
i want to clarify i don't care what religion others are but its very offensive to me when people only respect minorities everyone should be friends and stuff everyone says trumps building a wall but it seems we have built a wall between each other once a kid told me Im evil for being catholic to my face but later in the school year he did a report on how wonderful Islam is
again i have no problem with them im just wondering
· 8 years ago
This^ I get shit on by my teachers for being catholic. So much shit given to me.
I haven't personally experienced this, but my best guess is because some of the things we want to fix come from Christianity (Anti-gay, for example). Also, Christianity gets a lot of support? And Islams don't really (at least in America). So it's like how kicking a standing person is rude, and kicking a person while they're down is cruel?
I don't personally believe in this, I think we should treat everyone with respect regardless. But I've had some people try to justify it this way, so here.
· 8 years ago
one this was a social experiment. two it isn't necessarily her choice. ya, here it is, but in the country of origin it is law, and not her choice.
Because I'm pointing out his hypocrisy?
Why don't YOU Fuck off?
When you get there, Fuck off some more.
Keep fucking off until you get back here, then Fuck off again.
kingswitcherii, you didn't point out anything. you just made an unrelated comment then proceeded to make yourself look uneducated and angry.
i was talking about how this series of pictures wasn't a random happening. it was a staged social experiment to see how the people reacted. it was failed because it was using a false premise to prove a nonexistent point. secondly i was saying that when the girl butting-in said "yeah, it's her choice". i was pointing out how it is in civilized societies, but not in the country where it originated from. these "islamics" are nothing more than modern day goths, they act out a character to get attention without understanding what they are doing. there is a reason that Syrian women burned their burkas after they were freed from shira law.
If you take a look, you'll notice that I didn't actually reply to you, nor was I addressing you at all.
I think you'll find that YOU are the one making an unrelated comment.
What a comment that was though!
"Islamics" are modern day Goths?
What the fuck kind of logic is that?
Staged or not, my point still stands.
He said she "looked like a terrorist" because she was wearing a Hijab, so I pointed out that Terrorists also wear Backpacks -filled with explosives-(Which is what he is wearing, although probably not filled with explosives), such as the suicide bombers involved in the
7/7 bombings.
I think you'll also find, that there are people that choose to wear the Hijab, just as there are those that are forced by law, one of my ex girlfriend's being one that chose to...
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
oops, i'm the jerk i was tired. i only visit right before i turn in for the night. i am really sorry about that. i would have swarn you were right below my comment.
my point still stands. it is all about attention seeking. very few actually understand the religion and most just want the attention from it. despite my initial anger in the beginning i stand by my statement. the hijab is based on the culture, unlike the backpack simply being an item it is like saying all terrorists have legs so people with legs may be terrorists. where a hijab is a direct link to one of the countries with shira law that also has high terrorist acts.. that is a big difference. i find it odd that people would wear it in civilized society. that is like if jews wearing stars on their sleeves in america during WWII because people in germany are forced to wear them. yes, i know it is a stretch, but not a big one.
Look, you're wrong. All religions have extremists. The KKK is based on Christianity. Do we say that MLK Jr is a perpetrator of a hate crime because he's Christian? No. Don't judge religions based on the radicals sects. People who are Islam are just Islamic. Part of a religion. They don't want attention, they just want to practice their religion the way they want to, and if it involves wearing a hijab, an abaya, or a dupatta, it's still not our business.
And that was mine.
I ask because it's known that people would protect a girl from a guy but not the other way round. Would people still care?
it makes me so angry
And @thehappywhovian I don't understand how that works. I don't like something, so I can't have an opinion on it? It's just rude to say "eff you" because of it. You can dislike something and have an opinion on it. Your opinion is that you don't like it. You just need to discuss it respectfully, and in the correct setting.
im not being rhetorical or a bigot or cynical i legitimately want to know its something that if i was answered would change my view on liberal people
i want to clarify i don't care what religion others are but its very offensive to me when people only respect minorities everyone should be friends and stuff everyone says trumps building a wall but it seems we have built a wall between each other once a kid told me Im evil for being catholic to my face but later in the school year he did a report on how wonderful Islam is
again i have no problem with them im just wondering
I had to read it non-stop
i know right the media portrays us so poorly and gives everyone the idea were evil and everyone believes it
I don't personally believe in this, I think we should treat everyone with respect regardless. But I've had some people try to justify it this way, so here.
Because I'm pointing out his hypocrisy?
Why don't YOU Fuck off?
When you get there, Fuck off some more.
Keep fucking off until you get back here, then Fuck off again.
i was talking about how this series of pictures wasn't a random happening. it was a staged social experiment to see how the people reacted. it was failed because it was using a false premise to prove a nonexistent point. secondly i was saying that when the girl butting-in said "yeah, it's her choice". i was pointing out how it is in civilized societies, but not in the country where it originated from. these "islamics" are nothing more than modern day goths, they act out a character to get attention without understanding what they are doing. there is a reason that Syrian women burned their burkas after they were freed from shira law.
I think you'll find that YOU are the one making an unrelated comment.
What a comment that was though!
"Islamics" are modern day Goths?
What the fuck kind of logic is that?
Staged or not, my point still stands.
He said she "looked like a terrorist" because she was wearing a Hijab, so I pointed out that Terrorists also wear Backpacks -filled with explosives-(Which is what he is wearing, although probably not filled with explosives), such as the suicide bombers involved in the
7/7 bombings.
I think you'll also find, that there are people that choose to wear the Hijab, just as there are those that are forced by law, one of my ex girlfriend's being one that chose to...
my point still stands. it is all about attention seeking. very few actually understand the religion and most just want the attention from it. despite my initial anger in the beginning i stand by my statement. the hijab is based on the culture, unlike the backpack simply being an item it is like saying all terrorists have legs so people with legs may be terrorists. where a hijab is a direct link to one of the countries with shira law that also has high terrorist acts.. that is a big difference. i find it odd that people would wear it in civilized society. that is like if jews wearing stars on their sleeves in america during WWII because people in germany are forced to wear them. yes, i know it is a stretch, but not a big one.