im just saying why do people come on this website to create stuff like this. I come on here to watch memes and laugh their original purpose and he uses it to create an argument.
like you cant pretend people are not gonna come here and argue this I am a christian and I personally don't agree with this i just dont care because if i argue everyone is just gonna write triggered below it but i definitely know people who are gonna come on here just to argue.
Alright well let me just say starting off you sentence like I'm a history graduate adds nothing especially in an opinion because if you really did know something about it it would be that you can't prove history even with written documents the only way you could prove it is to take someone back in time and show to their face that this is what happened
Are you gonna down vote all my comments because I disagree with you? And so what is the relation with the original post because as far as I can understand they have a similar religion and banded together but the post says that religion was created for the only reason of bonding two different income classes
I don't touch the downvote button unless it's blatant bullying and even then I really don't touch it because I like seeing drama
My UAE example was in response to your query regarding under_fire's statement
Good for you, history graduate. Truly there are none more woke than you.
· 8 years ago
Yeah totally. Let's just deny that the three major religions in the world just happen to have shared the same stories and deity by coincedince to control regions. Totally. Mhm. Yep.
They didn't develop independently. Christianity was a direct offshoot of Judaism and Islam came about through the introduction of Christianity through trade.
Which is why Mormonism is so amazing if it wasn't for the fact that archaeological and genetic finds directly contradict it. They're not even claiming miracles like Jesus and the Wine, they're just sprouting wrong fact.
Mormons relieve that native Americans are descendant from Jews correct? There is literally no way that is possible. All geographic, genetic, and anthropological knowledge says that's false. Jesus and the Wine is different in the sense that that story invokes the power of miracles. The Jew story doesn't do that, it's passing off a false statement as a fact.
ok we do believe that some native americans are from the middle east particularly Jerusalem we did not say that all of them are there is also no evidence to go against this the only supposed evidence against this originaally was the fact that they have Joseph smith claimed he found gold metal plates in north america which described this story of the book of mormon. even though they later discovered similar plates in meso america. also you say that because the jewish story does not agree then we are false? The reality is that you took one side and called it fact there is obviously no evidence to support either side as it really is just the different ways they interpreted the scriptures.
Granted each religion has their wtf points but my point in pointing this out was that Mormanism would be a perfect example of an independently developed Christian religion except the premise of this is false. It came from Christianity, not a religion that so closely mimics it that it might as well be it.
Alright I can agree that we have different opinions and ideas im OK with that I really just wanted to argue because I think it's fun and it passes the time. The only thing I wanna know is who keeps down voting everything I say just because they don't agree
My UAE example was in response to your query regarding under_fire's statement
You're doing it wrong