"But the more people realize it, the better" - you are way too late for the party I'm afraid. Cause I'm pretty, pretty sure there's a lot more "awoke" straight white people to spot the evil SJWs as there had ever been SJWs.
Don't worry about fs user. He's allowed to day whatever stupid shit he wants and the admins will never ban his ass. FSuser sits all day at home punishing himself for being part of the patriarchy.
"What does being straight and white have to do with anything?" - I know, right? What is it that makes them so butthurt and afraid something might get taken away from them?
fsuser. You don't get it do you. We are being held responsible for actions we have never commited and privilege we never asked to have. Giving things away to people has never helped anyone. Most policies brought out by SJW groupsbare to lower white males to the level of privilege minority groups claim they hardly have , instead of wanting them to be raised to that of white males.
Nobody really interested in social equity would want to take anything away from anyone, it's about sharing. Something you share is still yours, but not ONLY yours. And that's what todays' awoken white live matter folks don't get. It's not about justice for what has been done, not because it doesn't concern people today (which it does) but because things in the past cannot be undone. It's for MY better to live with less class/social/wealth gap, so I'd rather share than point my gun at the entrance door.
@rwby_rose aren't you a prissy little bigot. I surely don't suffer, but you seem to have a problem with not being in control of what to be offended by. You feel so comfortable in your little gender-go-round world but refuse to accept any social responsibility or reflect your position in society. That's really lame. And insinuating white guilt cause I give a shit is so much lamer even.
I know. I haven't seen anything like this since the "white people are the superior race" comment a year ago. I'm glad I got another chance to write a 1200 character rant.
"social equity"
This term has no solid definition without context.
"Something you share is still yours, but not ONLY yours."
Give an example of what your talking about.
- As opposed to what, Social Justice?
- Basically all cooperatives. High taxes on high incomes/profits would also come to mind. Seeing yourself as part of a society would be more abstract but still the same.
;-) you tried a little harder this time, I acknowledge that.
"As opposed to what, Social Justice?"
There is no opposition, it just makes what you said nebulous.
"High taxes on high incomes/profits"
Why not the same tax rate regardless?
"you tried a little harder this time"
Not really.
I have deleted my rant as it was written at 4 AM while dead asleep, and it was rather poorly written. As I am now fully awake, I have to say, it was poorly written, but you're still as dumb as I originally thought.
But the more people realize it, the better, so welcome to the club.
@rwby_rose aren't you a prissy little bigot. I surely don't suffer, but you seem to have a problem with not being in control of what to be offended by. You feel so comfortable in your little gender-go-round world but refuse to accept any social responsibility or reflect your position in society. That's really lame. And insinuating white guilt cause I give a shit is so much lamer even.
I'm like, through my 3rd or 4th bag popcorn.
"social equity"
This term has no solid definition without context.
"Something you share is still yours, but not ONLY yours."
Give an example of what your talking about.
- Basically all cooperatives. High taxes on high incomes/profits would also come to mind. Seeing yourself as part of a society would be more abstract but still the same.
;-) you tried a little harder this time, I acknowledge that.
There is no opposition, it just makes what you said nebulous.
"High taxes on high incomes/profits"
Why not the same tax rate regardless?
"you tried a little harder this time"
Not really.
Damn straight.