Since I was 18 I've had them. They stopped about 6 years ago when I moved from SF to the East Bay but sadly they started coming back about 2 years ago.
I don't think its as bad as sleep paralysis but if you have it when you fall asleep all the neurons fire at the same time in your head and you can hear it and its so damn loud. It sounds like a gunshot right next to your ear
I have it too! From what I hear about sleep paralysis, that's much worse, but it's definitely still unsettling when you're just drifting off to sleep and suddenly your brain short-circuits. It's weirdly not painful, but the shock and sound can sort of be interpreted as pain. At any rate, it always feels like my brain just ran a marathon immediately afterwards.
· 8 years ago
Ooh I've never seen anyone else with it, its scary
I experienced something similar. Dad woke me up at three am to clean a floor FULL of dog diarrhea. When I went back to bed, I heard a voice threatening me, trying to convert me to satanism. I legit shit my pants.