How, though? It's a zip tie and a shopping cart, especially a plastic one, isn't gonna do harm unless you slam it into the car. It's just really, really annoying.... for people who aren't constantly attached to a multitool.
Thankfully for three things I will never have that problem, firstly I don't park like a moron, secondly I carry a box cutter with me and thirdly my car doesn't have door handles like that.
Someone does something mildly rude and careless, so you do something that's intentionally rude and invasive? May all your minor mistakes be met with a disproportionately rude response.
I have to disagree on this one. I don't consider parking in two spots a minor mistake. In fact, I can't imagine anyone in their right mind doing that unless it's intentional.
As long as you don't actually damage someone's car, I don't see anything wrong with giving karma a little push.
You don't know this person or what their day has been. They could have lost a loved one, been distracted by a child, they are angry because they were cheated on and just when their day couldn't get worse and they are in a hurry to get the hospital, to see a loved one/ day care to get their child / to the job they desperately need, they can't leave because some asshole with no life who thinks he / she is the karma fairy has now made them late.
As long as you don't actually damage someone's car, I don't see anything wrong with giving karma a little push.