My 6yr old has been begging for homework. I finally bought her a workbook and assign her pages to do everyday. Just wait until you get older little girl.
I do think they give kids more homework than they did my generation, at least. I totally get that you want some time to be a kid and have a social life. I am not going to point out that your generation - on the average - spends too much time staring at a smaller version of the idiotbox than I used to have. That's where a lot of your free time goes.
There's a program that you can probably find at the library called, "Where There's a Will, There's An A". It is probably a little old school, but it made my academic life a LOT easier. Maybe it can help you, too.
My last words on the subject: when I was at school, I was mainly competing with other Americans for a place at uni or in the work force; that's no longer true. Because of the internet, we live in a global marketplace. Some accept it and others don't, but the latter group failing to recognize this is going to have a hard life as a wage slave. Think of school as if you were building a fortress of knowledge to face the challenge
Yeah my school has 4 longer classes a day, alternating between whatever 4 classes on "a days" and whatever 4 classes on "b days." Gives you an extra day to do homework, more time with teacher help, and you can save Thursday and Friday homework for the weekend. Best system ever
Archbishop Murphy in Everett wa. Great school, great teachers. Not like public school where they can't give a rats ass because they're overstuffed with 2.5x their designed student capacity.
Ye i go to a private school as well, in kansas. The smaller student body really does help in the classroom because the teach we can actually help out people individually
It's great that teachers actually have the time to care.
· 8 years ago
Your homework as an adult is pretty much just bills, taxes, and the occasional paperwork if you want to get an apartment or a house. If you ask me, it's a lot better than homework. After working my ass off all day, I get to come home, peel my clothes off and go right to bed if I want to. I don't miss school work.
>incorrect usage of "you're"
There's a program that you can probably find at the library called, "Where There's a Will, There's An A". It is probably a little old school, but it made my academic life a LOT easier. Maybe it can help you, too.
My last words on the subject: when I was at school, I was mainly competing with other Americans for a place at uni or in the work force; that's no longer true. Because of the internet, we live in a global marketplace. Some accept it and others don't, but the latter group failing to recognize this is going to have a hard life as a wage slave. Think of school as if you were building a fortress of knowledge to face the challenge