The problem with banning it is, that there sure enough will still be (illegal) abortions. Which makes the whole thing possibly more unhygienic and dangerous. I think it's a choice everyone should make for themselves and not something your government tells you to do.
Yeah, especially in cases of rape/gang rape studies show that most women would reportedly opt for an abortion if impregnated. Not quite sure why any government should have the ability to ban the right of any woman to said procedure for a scenario like that.
· 8 years ago
please just let women have control over their body.
they could be getting an abortion because the baby won't make it, or because the woman herself will die, among other important and possibly like threatening reasons.
Did you know that if that's the case, it's not technically defined as an abortion? In those cases the baby would likely die anyway, so the case is defined by saving the life of he mother rather than killing the baby.
That's the issue though...the Polish government want to ban those abortions too. Yes...even if it means by not doing so the mother or child will surely die. Hence the protest.
Do you take The same stand against slavery? That is if you don't like slavery you don't have to own any but don't infringe on other people's right to own slaves? How about murder? Does the government step in to do something about murder? If you truly believe that abortion is murder how can you just come down and say it's a woman's right to choose? I understand that this is not an easy issue and we're going to disagree on things . But it's not as simple as saying just let a woman decide what to do with her body.
First of all, I do not believe a fetus is alive in the same way slaves were. Slavery was the mass genocide of a race. Abortion is a controlled termination of a sack of cells without sensation of pain or suffering. Comparing the two is racist and insensitive. Everything depends on whether or not you believe an abortion is murder.
they could be getting an abortion because the baby won't make it, or because the woman herself will die, among other important and possibly like threatening reasons.