So... what's the problem? Does he need a logo? I can get that done. A marketing plan? I can do that too. Oh snap, first things first, he needs a costume.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
Somewhere to put the bodies? I got you.
· 8 years ago
I think Germany has put enough bodies in the ground.
· 8 years ago
I love how you ignore the fact that I'm Satan and just focus on the German. Not sarcasm, that amused me.
Yup. Ofcourse they gonna lock him up to protect the pedos! To us he is deff doin a great thing. Hell I'd help out on his bail/lawyer money. But the so called justice system, dont like we the people to take matters into our own hands, so they lock up people like him or people who take out someone who molested/ rape an elderly/ handycap person. Because the justice system suppose to say who is guilty or not. Not people with common sence to just get rid of the shitheads who cause grave bodily/ mental harm to someone who can't defend themselves. Cause I'd sooo do the same thing as him but I'd be sentence to life, where the pedos will just get a slap on the wrist even if it's their 1 or 5 time doin harm to defenseless people. Cause $1-5 bullet or hammer is way cheaper than lettin the shitheads sit in solitary confinement or us pay the $500 an Hr for them to "get help" with their "problem" from a councilor. So I'll be the "bad guy" an get rid of them the cheapest/ fastest way possible.