I think it's the fact that when you do anything like masturbate or have sex (although sex is a lot more physically demanding so you get tired after) your brain release specific hormones like dopamine and adrenalin. Adrenaline increases your heart rate and therefore makes your body pump more O2 arou d your body, leading to you feeling more awake. You can feel tired but you're more mentally awake.
When I was in the army I fell asleep on my legs. While walking. When the time comes for you to sleep, your brain will put you to sleep even if it kills itself, that's how you die on the highway, the whole point of staying late is that deadlines are deadlines they don't ask you if it's day or night. You either don't sleep or you sleep. And get fired. I'm not not sleeping out of caprice. If brain somehow makes a habit not to sleep before 3am (after a month when I needed to stay late, for work or something)don't rape it, go do something, use your time, don't loose it on training it back to 11pm sleeping time. You'll have to clean your kitchen tomorrow 8-9pm do it now and sleep tomorrow. Don't waste insomnia. If you eat 3h before sleep and eat the apple in the morning, that's 14h without food, and 3 meals on every 3 hours later. That's not healthy. At all.
You're assuming everyone falls asleep at 3 am... also, you're advising everyone to delay sleeping, which is even unhealthier. Also also, if you get to sleep for 11 hours according to your math, then you should be thankful, that's a lot of sleep.
On a serious note tho, masturbation isn't supposed to help sleep better ?
Like you're done
You're tired
And you pass out
Hi, we haven't met before. I'm Dr. Ew, pleased to meet you!
*tries to shake your hand*
"But do not Masturbate!" - wtf? Hell naw, go heck yourself