Not all towns have clinics. My town doesn't. To get free condoms one would have to drive 1 1/2 hours to the city. It's cheaper amd easier to steal
So it's okay to commit a crime as long as it's the easier route? I know this may sound like a foreign concept but wouldn't it be easier and cheaper and more legal to just not have sex?
@lucky11 I wasn't saying it's ok because it's easier. I wasn't really saying it's ok at all. Some people don't have the means to travel that far such as young teens who let's face it are probably going to have sex. So is it better for a teen (who isn't abstinent) to steal some condoms because they can't afford them or it it better for them to say "f*ck it", have unprotected sex and risk pregnancy?
I would say it's better for their parents to step and be parents who teach their kids how things work and to keep control of their kids. Many if not most teens manage to make it through their teen years without siring kids. If we held the parents as accountable for their kids actions a lot of things would change. Instead we try to get teenagers who don't know crap and couldn't make responsible choices if paid them too, to make a responsible choices. There will always be exceptions to the rule but lets face facts, we've become a society that likes to pander to people unwilling to be responsible for their own actions or the actions of those under their care. It's so much easier to point the blame elsewhere, so we do and we allow others to too. So really neither action is acceptable, not that I don't understand what you're saying, but we as a whole society need to step up so it doesn't come down to that choice.
I somewhat agree about the parenting although it can be very difficult to control a child especially a teen..some teens. I think it would be better for parents to guide their children rather than try to control them. Trying to control can lead to rebellion. Instead they need to form a trusting bond with their teen and educate them so when the time comes that teen can feel comfortable going to their parents and saying I'm thinking about having sex but I want to be responsible. I need condoms. Are you saying society needs to step up and make sure no teens are having sex?
The ideal answer is yes, realistically I know that's never going to happen. Most, if not all teenagers out there are really unprepared, too immature, and unwilling or unable to accept the full responsibility of what having sex entails. Most college kids fall into the same boat, but hopefully by then they've reached a point in their physical development to allow more rational thinking. Adolescents by definition are in a transformation period and their brains while filled with hormones are not capable of being rational and this is something even most courts agree with. The thing with parenting a teen though is that it doesn't start when they're a teen it starts from when they're born. Raising a child is tough, no question there, but with proper parenting that bond you spoke of will form naturally. It won't be all sunshine and roses but the majority of issues will be much more controllable. No, what society needs to do is stop letting parents off the hook for not being parents.
Once we do that the rest will follow along much more easily. They say most abusers out there were abused themselves. I see no reason why we can't flip that around and have parents parenting their children which will in turn have the children parenting their children and so forth. Will it stop all underage sex, which has it's own host of problems? No, but hopefully it would curtail it and allow for more healthy and legal outlets for our teenagers.
If you don't use contraceptives then you are using abstinence as the only form of birth control and nost of those girls on 16 and pregnant came from places where they were supposed to practice that so ...
Abstinence is so named because to practice it, you abstain from sex, not abstain from using birth control. If you practice abstinence, and abstain from sex, you will not get pregnant.
· 8 years ago
I know some people who feel embarrassed when buying condoms so they prefer to just shoplift them. It's not that they can't afford them but that they feel like they're being judged. It doesn't mean it isn't wrong though.
You obviously don't get it. Poor people = no job... No job = nothing to do... Blow job and you do your wife... No job = no money for abortions and condoms... But also no money for child support. All I wanna say poor people = a looot of sex.
So the simple most economical way to make sure everyone obeys the law is to just have mandatory enforced sterilizations. That way the people in your statement, which is filled with logical fallacies, would be able to maintain their current nonoccupational sex without violating the law.
Just ask MTV