lol truth. reminds me when a liberal at a protest wanted a rebellion. You gonna rebel against the states with the highest gun to person ration in the U.S.
Shit, plenty of us would probably sign up before the draft could get to us.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
Or how about the people who didn't vote who had a fucking chance and still bitch and whine?
Could've done shit but you didn't, and you have the pure audacity, the gold plated balls to to fucking cry about it!? Smh
You can't win this war. Because once we wipe isis off the map a shiny brand new terrorist group is going to crop up. Remember when we fought the Talib an? Yeah...they're still around.
We win the war when we let our soldiers off the leash.
As it is, they have to call a lawyer to find out whether the rules of engagement will let them take a step in any given direction.
Yet again, ask someone who has experience with stuff. Like draft. You really don't get it. How war works. They draft right from the streets, us intellectuals, faggots, pussies, liberals, protesters against war right to the front lines to die first, even if it doesn't do them any good. Cannon meat. But don't think trumpists are prepared. How do you even draft for war. I've been in army. It was mandatory. We all were. Shooting cans isn't military training trumpists.
Why the fuck do you think I'm not intellectual? Do elaborate sassy @thesassiestllama. And it's TrustNothingMulder. @trashmanrevival I was referring to myself. My brother was drafted from the middle of the street. I was dragged to a military. Have you bosos ever heard of forceful draft, no consent. They tell you This is the trigger you change your rounds like this if it jams slit throats. It's not like we didn't fire a gun or two since we were 7. My bro even had curriculum in school. Class called Defence and counterattack. I suppose OP was referring to a war with China. That means state draft. All of you. Two hours training and front lines.
That ain't how it's done in the states.
Soldiers are trained for months or at least weeks, and draftees are usually stationed elsewhere while reserves and base personal (volunteers) are sent to fight with the guys already on the front.
I know that you have what we call professional army, I'm not dumb, but the post said Better start recruiting those who voted for trump and I thought they think of idk if I'll get the expression right, I'm obviously not from US, state draft,, opšta mobilizacija, statewide recruitment all men from 18-55. How else would you know if those 5% (of 100% people)army officers from idk Missouri , did vote for trump? I thought they think Let's draft half a Missouri, they voted for him.
Even if that were the case, most soldiers I know preferred Trump over the alternative, and draftees would still be well trained before being shipped out.
But thanks for making yourself clear, I can see how there could be a misunderstanding.
I don't wanna explain OP's mistakes. The post says Draft states that voted Trump. I thought that means draft the entire fucking state of Missouri (and you're gonna need to do so if you go to the war (he said start the war, so no existing ones, the new one, who with, China, Korea, Russia with million soldiers) big as international) and not army officers from Missouri, of which you have 5% from total Missourians. That you even don't know voted for the bastard or not. Why draft them?
And @famousone I know you have what we call professional army, I'm not dumb, we had training, 6 months in regular (but obligatory) army. But when shit broke out, they took my brother's friends "pussies that deliberately postpone college and study for 6y instead of manning up and taking guns in their faggot hands to defend the fatherland" right from the streets into the van (civilian kidnapping)and right to the front lines. Who're you gonna complain to? They died 3 days after. Military training phahahaha.. I'm afraid for me I don't give a fcuk about you dimwits . If I'm explaining this this much I know you're gonna die within days. I don't wanna be forcibly drafted to the Croatian border to fight NATO.
Your country is fucked, and I think that's making it difficult for us to understand each other.
If you want to improve your own chances, I'd advise bugging out of your country as soon as possible.
Assuming you can't do that for some reason, you should know that NATO adheres to the Geneva conventions, and while some nations haven't ratified the newer drafts, all member states will take prisoners and treat them well. So if war does break out and you can't dodge your nation's draft, you can play along or hide until you have a chance to leave the country and/or surrender.
You obviously dont understand how the draft in America works. The last draft we had was in vietnam and what happens is your name is put in a lottery and if it is drawn then you are drafted. You go through the SAME training and then are put on the frontlines. Sorry to say but unless we were losing so badly that within a couple weeks we were gonna be gone i doubt they would throw us on the front lines
@trashmanrevival I know everything about it, of course I know about the lottery. I just point out there's no difference between conscripted AND drafted. You get conscripted (basically put on the list)and when war breaks off then you get drafted (and they lose 6 months in training you rookies while the officers and professionals fight). We had continuous army (of rookies)every 6months about 50000 draftees of that generation (no lottery) so if war breaks out in June we have January class already ready. But that's just in case... Just for the first wave of "attack".
There was soon disbalance of power. The first ones having all the soldiers so the other ones draft national guards, territorials, militias with thousands of "volunteers"(war volunteers). So the first ones look up the list and volunteer "us",the opposition, and we were not in barracks 6months training, we got out of symphony orchestra straight to the lines to be the cannon meat. If China volunteers millions (militia,regulars and fanatical civilians) Trump who started it will have to draft with no fucking lottery. Not saying it's gonna be rigged but it's gonna be rigged. Who do you think canon meat will be? That answers why they drafted "us" with no training when they have "them". They're putting us first, to tire the enemy, or just kill us so we don't protest like your hippies when things go wrong.
There was soon disbalance of power. The first ones having all the soldiers so the other ones draft national guards, territorials, militias with thousands of "volunteers"(war volunteers). So the first ones look up the list and volunteer "us",the opposition, and we were not in barracks 6months training, we got out of symphony orchestra straight to the lines to be the cannon meat. If China volunteers millions (militia,regulars and fanatical civilians) Trump who started it will have to draft with no fucking lottery. Not saying it's gonna be rigged but it's gonna be rigged. Who do you think canon meat will be? That answers why they drafted "us" with no training when they have "them". They're putting us first, to tire the enemy, or just kill us so we don't protest like your hippies when things go wrong.
i dont think you understand how it works these days do you. In a country like china it would not be large numbers of soldiers fighting on a battlefield. Im pretty sure it would be more of a navy and air force fight due to the positioning of the country.
That's correct we have drones, but didn't we have napalm bombers in 'Nam? And yet we had to send thousands to be the live power to stop the VC. And if war starts in Poland you'd definitely have foot soldiers and militias and civilians. You conquer by foot. You only destroy by planes.
You do realize country where I live was bombed. By NATO. The man you're speaking to right now, avoided being blown to kingdom come by a merely 7 minutes (I got kicked out of the bus which was shred to pieces),not complaining, if it were even more I wouldn't be still in the butthole of the world. Aand country was burning and president Milosevic convinced millions that Serbs are winning ! Until they threatened the motherfucka they'll invade his butt. You really don't understand Serbias, Chinas and Tajikistans. They need boot!
your story is sad and all but i fail to see how it relates to politics in two different countries. The US and China in all out war would not even be close to what your war is. You act as if you have war and the politics of war figured out but you dont.
Whoahohoa. Do you consider Detroit, or Quebec, I don't know where you are from ,close to NYC, and did you shit your pants when terrorists attacked. I'm that close to terrorist attacks that happen weekly and easy as fuck can overflow to me AND waging war, the last one in Europe, I thought we fought last wars, very similar to our bloody Serbian wars (and as distant from something you could probably imagine in your worst nightmare lulled there not seeing it first hand, people playing football with babyheads and stuff) wanting to do something about it but be totally unable to. And knowing it needs one wrong move and it could start all over again. Or come right from Syria through disarrayed Turkey,when Puta Putin tries to reconquer Constantinople and I'm sent even there to help brothers Russians and Greeks right from my bed.
Yet again I feel bad for you situation and you have my empathy but yet again this has no relevance to conversation we are having. The U.S. is not serbia and if it fought another country would not fight like a civil war.
Thanks. I just think you will have to take sides in the upcoming Turkey Cyprus EU Poland Russia Republic of Srpska (not Serbia) Bosnia war. Putin is jerking the dogs. Hope I'll see you on the other side @trashmanrevival I'll defect of course so we can invade by foot cause it's the only way for these people(serbia lost 49billion $ in bombing damage but they still "won"and didn't raise the white flag) so I can tell you I told you so. Greetings from the heart of my bottom :)
Hillary would've started shit for no good reason, Trump is applying pressure where it needs to be applied.
If Russia wants to fight us for Assad, then we should fight them.
Beeeeecause he's not going to start ww3. You're only seeing the surface of what's going on, that the media shows, which is always always bullshit.
Trump likes Putin, and he wants to work with Putin to fuck up ISIS, but he can't partner up with Putin right now, because half the country thinks he is in with Putin due to the whole hacking bullshit, and this same half of the country thinks Assad is a bad guy (he's not). So, this "sarin" attack (it wasn't sarin, if it was real at all) happens, conveniently right after trump just said he won't attack Syria, and just a few days after he personally called Putin to give his condolences over the St. Petersburg bombing. So Trump, to prove that he's not a bitch and not fucking around, bombs the airfield this "sarin" attack supposedly originated from.
This shuts up the leftists right quick, because they didn't think he'd do anything, and now they have to praise him for it or they're the bad guys. He also is about to talk to china about....
north korea and now china knows he's not fucking around either. Thing is, he warned Putin beforehand, and Putin warned Assad, so the airfield was deserted before the bombing happened, and he only bombed the runway and one empty hanger anyway, doing far less damage than 50 tomahawks would actually do.
Now everybody is scared shitless of ww3 (and people have to drop the whole "he's in with putin!" stuff), so now he can set up a meeting with Putin and Assad where he'll give those "evil dictators" a "tough talking to" (aka, start working on how to fuck up the rebels and ISIS [who are one and the same]).
It was a brilliant move all around. There won't be a WW3, and if it does happen, it won't be us against russia, and probably won't be us against china.
honestly trumps a stupid choice for president and all, but liberals these days are really becoming filth. theyre teaching 3 year olds that they can choose their gender, teaching young males about some bullshit called toxic masculinity, and basically teaching the strong people of the next generation to become weaklings because some women get jealous. eventually, liberals are going to devolved into a society closely resembling hyenas, in which the females grow pseudo-penises and the men are treated like slave trash.
Right because a war with China will be a ground war fought with AR 15s, and not a thermo nuclear exchange. I know you rednecks are hearing it thinking about fighting the Commies, but if he pushes China, there won't be ground troops, just irradiated corpses.
this. China can't do anything right; I bet not a single missile of theirs would get through to us. Not that they'd actually start a nuclear war with us in the first place; there's a reason there hasn't been a nuclear war yet.
Unfortunately, that won't happen. Demografically, Trump voters are more likely to be old (retired) people rather than other candidate voters/non-voters. So yes, that war WOULD be fought by "fruit cakes" (I'm guessing that's a slur for gay people?), because Trump voters would be sitting at home in front of their TV, proudly waving the flag while sipping beer bought with state money while the "stupid libtard fruit cakes" would be fighting for a ruler they oppose.
Don't get me wrong though, the situation would be equally bad if Clinton won, only it'd be Trumpets rioting/crying and Hillary supporters laughing at them, the exact opposite of what it is now.
Could've done shit but you didn't, and you have the pure audacity, the gold plated balls to to fucking cry about it!? Smh
As it is, they have to call a lawyer to find out whether the rules of engagement will let them take a step in any given direction.
you don't sound like an intellectual
Soldiers are trained for months or at least weeks, and draftees are usually stationed elsewhere while reserves and base personal (volunteers) are sent to fight with the guys already on the front.
But thanks for making yourself clear, I can see how there could be a misunderstanding.
If you want to improve your own chances, I'd advise bugging out of your country as soon as possible.
Assuming you can't do that for some reason, you should know that NATO adheres to the Geneva conventions, and while some nations haven't ratified the newer drafts, all member states will take prisoners and treat them well. So if war does break out and you can't dodge your nation's draft, you can play along or hide until you have a chance to leave the country and/or surrender.
If Russia wants to fight us for Assad, then we should fight them.
Trump likes Putin, and he wants to work with Putin to fuck up ISIS, but he can't partner up with Putin right now, because half the country thinks he is in with Putin due to the whole hacking bullshit, and this same half of the country thinks Assad is a bad guy (he's not). So, this "sarin" attack (it wasn't sarin, if it was real at all) happens, conveniently right after trump just said he won't attack Syria, and just a few days after he personally called Putin to give his condolences over the St. Petersburg bombing. So Trump, to prove that he's not a bitch and not fucking around, bombs the airfield this "sarin" attack supposedly originated from.
This shuts up the leftists right quick, because they didn't think he'd do anything, and now they have to praise him for it or they're the bad guys. He also is about to talk to china about....
Now everybody is scared shitless of ww3 (and people have to drop the whole "he's in with putin!" stuff), so now he can set up a meeting with Putin and Assad where he'll give those "evil dictators" a "tough talking to" (aka, start working on how to fuck up the rebels and ISIS [who are one and the same]).
It was a brilliant move all around. There won't be a WW3, and if it does happen, it won't be us against russia, and probably won't be us against china.
Don't get me wrong though, the situation would be equally bad if Clinton won, only it'd be Trumpets rioting/crying and Hillary supporters laughing at them, the exact opposite of what it is now.