I support gun rights, if we took away the right for a normal US citizen to own a handgun then we would only be helping the criminals. They are going to have guns not matter what, we should have the right to protect ourselves. Furthermore everyone I know that owns a gun is a lot more careful with them then those who don't becuase they know how to properly use them
but walking around with guns would be much harder as identifying a criminal would be much harder (sure last time i was in america i only saw one or two guns being carried around but that is beside the point - i have a different view on pistols, because although they're easy to hide it would be difficult to preform a mass shooting). however the issue lays with the larger more powerful guns
now here comes the biggest issue "who is good and who is bad" - here is the scene 20 people walk into a supermarket 5 of them have guns (whatever kind) now a criminal comes in and pulls out a gun and shoots the air. these five people pull out their guns to help, the guards come mass confusion who is good who is bad are one of the five in league with the Robber, who knows?
Note i myself am torn on the subject of guns, just as many downsides to having them to getting ride of them - the whole criminals will keep their guns however is bull cause guns require a license in most states so easily found.
Easy, Criminal comes in and shoots in the air. Good guys with guns shoot bad guy, he falls down dead. The guards (I assume you mean police officer) come in with guns drawn and say drop your weapon. At this point it can get tricky for some people, but simply follow directions and put the gun down. Police control the scene and no more people die. Good guys all are asked questions and find out good guys all legally own their guns and bad guys gun was reported stolen months/years ago and is also tied to other crimes. Good guys are also identified through security footage at said grocery store. Good guys are also identified through multiple witnesses. Good guys get their guns back and everyone goes home happy knowing good guys and innocents are alive and there is one less stupid criminal in their city.
The main argument from US (aside from 'right') seems to be that if the good people have guns, they'll shoot the bad guys 'protect themselves' - yet time & time again there is a mass shooting in the US and it ends with the shooter killing himself or the police end it, I don't see lives being saved by all the 'good' guys with guns. Maybe just maybe not having high powered weapons so that the shooter can't go on a spree would be beneficial
Nope I'm not ok with them. I think gun-free zones are dumb (with a few possible exceptions like court rooms and prisons) and should be gotten rid of. As to the type of weapon I assume you mean what people call "assault" weapons? With that I have to say you'd be surprised what a 'normal' gun can do compared to a gun that has the word "assault" in it.
Maybe blissfully surprised, living in Australia this is not something that I have to be aware of/worried about - I watched live the reports from our one and only mass shooting, and I still hold that inside (something that changed me & our society). I'm not sure how in the US you handle watching the continual news reports of yet another mass shooting.
It's very frustrated and infuriating, especially since I truly believe a good guy with a gun can make all the difference and I believe taking away guns will not help our situation, but actually make it worse.
U misunderstand our government. Senators and representatives do not exist to pass the laws they think will do good. Our country is by definition a representative republic. They are only supposed to represent the majority. If the majority thinks gun control should exist then it shall its representation not what you think is right. He went against the people.
You're praising people for betraying their constituents.
Thankfully, there's enough politicians in America willing to stand by some principles that we won't be stripped of our rights so easily.
[edited because ad hominem, with apologies] Our elected officials always walk a line between representing us and leading us. If it were a matter of betraying constituents, your officials would have acquiesced not to the money in the gun lobby, but to the more than half of US citizens who have historically preferred tighter control over gun purchasing - but that's not the point; our politicians are supposed to act in our best interests, not do whatever we tell them to. Read your Federalist papers and tell me your hallowed founding fathers didn't know that people can succumb all too easily to the whims of a moment, and that the responsibility for a firm hand to guide them back to safe territory doesn't rest squarely with their politicians.
now here comes the biggest issue "who is good and who is bad" - here is the scene 20 people walk into a supermarket 5 of them have guns (whatever kind) now a criminal comes in and pulls out a gun and shoots the air. these five people pull out their guns to help, the guards come mass confusion who is good who is bad are one of the five in league with the Robber, who knows?
Note i myself am torn on the subject of guns, just as many downsides to having them to getting ride of them - the whole criminals will keep their guns however is bull cause guns require a license in most states so easily found.
Soft targets seem to attract bad guys a lot more than other places.
Also there are databases of all the stats and details of mass shootings, but there really aren’t any databases of good guys with gun shooting bad guy with gun before lots of innocent people got shot.
Here are 2 articles that both have several examples of good guys stopping bad guys
Thankfully, there's enough politicians in America willing to stand by some principles that we won't be stripped of our rights so easily.