I have an often reocurring dream about pets I forgot about. Like, I'm cleaning my apartment and find an old cage with a hamster which starved to death because I forgot about it. Or sometimes the pets I forgot about are only half dead and half alive. Those nightmares are the worst. Along with the ones where I slowly lose all my teeth. And because I already know those are only dreams, they get more and more realistic. Like, I think to myself: "Okay, I'll check the date on this newspaper, or go to sleep and wake up again or I'll just look for the smallest details, like dust particles, nothing I'd make up in a dream" But they're super detailed and realistic.
Sorry, I got lost while writing.
A dog is not just a pet like a rabbit or a hamster. It's probably the closest relation a human can have with an animal, with real mutual benefits. Many dogs prefer the company of humans to other dogs.
Sorry, I got lost while writing.