Scorpions are cooool! I went to a reptile show last year and held a King Scorpion(?) The big fat black kind...the guy put a black light on it and this big white skull looking pattern popped up.
Spiders are great, unless they're very Australian and about to bite you. I love spiders, but carry a respectful fear of those native to my country and comparably deadly ones.
Spiders are the spawn of the devil's most ugly son and should burn in hell where they belong, suffering in agony.
But, you like what you like, I guess.
from a distance.
1) fangs
2) nuclear reactions
But, you like what you like, I guess.
BUT as I said, you do you
Also, Ross, No.
...way to get killed
but you must have known already as his username
Although I will forgive Ross in a few moments
*hugs* No I don't
Forgive me back?
I dont hate you